Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 460: True Relief for the Poor Young Lady

"Black shop?"

As these two words fell.

Everyone instantly turned their eyes to the nightclub owner Kuanglong.

The slender woman continued:

"My name is Li Ting, and I am an employee of this shop. To be precise, I was forced to work here."


The robber leader was a little curious.

Li Ting nodded: "Yes, although this is a nightclub, it actually has another business, which is to lend money at high interest rates online."

"And this kind of loan sharking is aimed at young women..."

That's it.

Li Ting told the whole story of this shop.

And in her words, everyone also knew the general situation of the matter.

In addition to normal business, this nightclub also secretly engaged in a lot of activities, such as online lending.

This kind of online lending, to put it bluntly, is a kind of usury.

And it is specifically lent to some young and beautiful women.

The conditions for lending are also very simple, without any guarantee or qualifications, just use your ID card + take a photo of yourself naked.

Afterwards, if you don't pay back the money on time or can't pay it back, they will threaten you in this way: You don't want these photos to be seen by your relatives and friends, right?

The most important thing is that this usury is calculated according to the 90% return of 130% interest rate, and the interest rate is frighteningly high.

Once a normal person borrows, unless he pays it back immediately, it is easy to get stuck, and once you get stuck, your interest will continue to increase...

Therefore, once this unreliable black online loan is involved, it is enough to ruin the lives of many young people.

Cherish your life and stay away from loans, gambling and drugs!

The most humane thing about this store is that if you can't pay back the money you borrowed, they will arrange a job for you very considerately, that is, to work in their store.

You may do ordinary work at first, but under the temptation of money, you will get deeper and deeper.

For example, engaging in illegal transactions.

[This store is a criminal! ]

[More than a criminal? It's too criminal! ]

[Putting black online loans on the Internet to cheat people, and then forcing others to work, the capital can only shed tears when seeing it! 】

【In addition to lending money, I also earned a job. I have to say that this service is too considerate! 】

【By the way, is this job serious? 】

【What do you think? 】

The live broadcast room was hotly discussed.

I thought this matter would end here, but I didn’t expect that this suddenly led to another big melon. How could I not eat it?

At this time.

Li Ting did not stop, and continued to speak:

"In addition to lending money online, they will also post some high-paying jobs on certain local websites."

"At first they will ask you to pay money and do some ordinary work, but as you work, they will brainwash you."

"To put it bluntly, the so-called high-paying and simple jobs are actually designed to trick newbies to come here to be prostitutes."

【Fuck! I have really seen this! 】

【What local website is it? 】

【The monthly salary is tens of thousands, the work content is easy and simple, but the working hours are at night, you think about it carefully. 】

【I was lucky enough to go there once. I was paid hundreds of dollars a day. I started out as a waiter, but as I worked, I found myself getting weaker and weaker. 】M.

【What's that? I was thinking about getting a summer job to earn some living expenses during the summer vacation, so I went to the website to find a job with a daily salary of 8,000... I won't say anymore. The AK in my hand is a little hot, and I'm about to attack the enemy's headquarters. 】


After listening to Li Ting's story.

The robber leader frowned and turned his eyes to Kuanglong: "Sure! You've done a lot of illegal things."

Kuanglong immediately said: "Brother... Don't listen to women's nonsense. Our store is all serious. We never do those illegal things."


The robber leader pointed to the young ladies around who were forced to work and said: "You call this store serious?"

Except for Li Ting, most of the female employees around were free workers that Kuanglong got by borrowing money.

Kuang Long said weakly: "This is not a small business. Besides, they are also willing."

"It is only natural to pay back debts."

"When they pay off the debts, they can leave at any time."

"How much does she owe you?"

The robber leader pointed at Li Ting and said so.

"One million."

"What about borrowing?"

"One hundred thousand."

"I borrowed one hundred thousand from you, and you asked her to pay back one million?"

The robber leader was shocked and said: "You can roll the interest."

"Of course, we are very professional in this business."

Kuang Long smiled and said: "And when we borrowed the money, we signed a loan agreement, and the loan period is three days."

[Three days? ]

[Doesn't this mean that if you can't pay back the money within three days, the interest will roll over once, and the longer you delay, the more interest you will have, and it will be calculated according to the ratio of nine to thirteen. ]

[This profit rolling, even the capitalists will call it an expert. ]

[It's so black! ]

[In my opinion, just change the name to a black shop! 】


"How much do they all owe you in total?"

The robber leader pointed at the girls around him.

"Total...about 10 million."

"10 million, right?"

The robber leader turned around without changing his expression and said to the little robber: "Second brother, go and get our money."

"Boss... this."


Although the little robber didn't know what he wanted to do, he quickly took out the money he had robbed from the bank.

Without saying a word, the robber leader threw a whole bag of banknotes to Kuanglong: "The banknotes and property inside add up to more than 10 million. Do you think it's enough?"

"You... this?"

Kuanglong was a little confused.

"They owed you money, I paid it back for them."


"Don't you understand?!"

"I understand."

"From today on, they are even with you."

"Yes, yes, we are even."

Kuanglong responded with a smile to the robber leader's behavior, and was a little excited at the same time. He didn't expect that he would turn a disaster into a blessing and make more than 10 million!

"What are you all standing there for? Why don't you leave quickly?"

The robber leader looked at the young ladies around the nightclub and said, "Don't touch loan sharks anymore, understand?"

"I know! Robber brother! You are a good person!"

The female employee was very grateful.

Then, they left the nightclub together.

[Isn't this robber too kind? ]

[He used all the money he robbed to help the young lady who had fallen. ]

[He really helped the poor young lady. ]

[This robber, I am really crying! ]

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also moved by the robber.

And the next moment.

Kuanglong suddenly said.

"Brother, then... can I leave too?"

"Of course, please."

The robber leader waved his hand and said indifferently.

Hearing this, Kuanglong was ecstatic, then quickly turned around and dragged a sack of banknotes and ran out of the nightclub.

Just when he was about to run out of the nightclub.

The robber leader suddenly stopped Kuanglong and took out a pistol and pointed it at him: "Robbery! Hand over the money on you!"

Kuanglong: "???"

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