
At this moment.

Kuanglong was confused. ŴŴŴ.

Not only him, but everyone in the live broadcast room was also confused.

【what's the situation? 】

[I just gave away the money and got it back in the blink of an eye? 】

[Isn’t this operation too impressive? 】

[Haha, no wonder they gave away the money so quickly, almost forgetting that they were robbers! 】

[Robber: I gave you the money, it’s your problem whether you can keep it or not. 】

[With all due respect, no one knows robbery better than them! 】

【Kick away a 6! 】


Kuang Long was stunned for a long time before he said: "Brother... what do you mean?"

"What's the meaning?"

The robber leader didn't talk nonsense and said directly: "Have you forgotten that I am a robber? As a robber, robbing is normal, right?"



"Do it!"


After a friendly exchange.

The money in Kuanglong's hands soon fell into the hands of the robbers again.

"You...you are robbers!"

Kuanglong was furious.

He couldn't bear to let the duck in his mouth run away like this!

Moreover, the money owed by the female employees in the store was also written off, which was a huge loss for him!

"Yes, you are right, we are robbers."

The robber leader nodded noncommittally.

"Yeah, you have the ability to fight in a duel!"

"Single challenge?"

"Hmph! Aren't you just relying on the fact that you have guns in your hands? If you don't have a gun, I'll beat ten of you one by one!"

Faced with Kuanglong's request, the robber leader smiled and said, "Then how do you plan to fight in a duel?"

"1V1 father-son game, do you dare?"


The robber leader unexpectedly agreed.

Kuanglong smiled coldly.

Immediately, he took off his shirt, revealing his well-developed muscles and domineering tattoos. This aura made people know that he was a real social man at a glance!

One minute later...

Kuang Long was beaten and kneeled on the ground with his face covered in bruises.

Begging for mercy.

"Dad, I was wrong."

I thought I could win casually, but in fact, I was let go after just two blows.

【9! (Because 6 is turned over)】

[I thought he was very capable, but after working on it for a long time, it turned out that he was a weak-minded guy who didn’t think much of him. 】

[It’s really Cai. 】

[With these well-developed muscles, Spongebob even calls him an expert! 】

[The tattoos on my body are all faded. I’m afraid they weren’t put on? 】


After quickly bringing down the mad dragon.

The robber leader clapped his hands and said:

"Since you call me dad, so be it. As a dad, I won't take advantage of you."

"You...what do you want to do?"

Kuang Long covered the wound on his face, a little puzzled.

The robber leader threw the banknotes to Kuanglong again: "As long as you do me a favor, the money will be yours."


Kuanglong didn't say anything. After all, he was tricked once. Who knows if they will get the money back again.

"Don't worry, I won't steal it this time."

The robber leader guessed what he was thinking and said with a smile: "After the incident is completed, you can just take the money and leave."

"What...what's the business?"

"Help me take this guy out and hand him over to the police."

The robber leader pointed at the scumbag who was tied up not far away: "Feel free to add some additional evidence."


Kuanglong agreed without thinking.

Isn't it just handed over to the police? What's the point?

Moreover, he can also use this name to get money and leave the nightclub. It can be said that he kills two birds with one stone!

"Okay, let's go."

"Okay brother!"

Kuanglong happily ran out of the nightclub with the people and the money.

But I had just left the nightclub.

Kuanglong was quickly surrounded by several police members.

Kuang Long immediately said: "Comrade police, there are robbers making trouble in my store. Go and arrest the people inside!"

"Okay, Kuanglong, you are suspected of forcing others to labor and organizing illegal activities. Please come with us."

Not waiting for the mad dragon to react.

The police officers put handcuffs on his wrists.

"In addition, the money in your hand is stolen money and needs to be transferred to the court immediately for its judgment!"

And at this time.

There were only three people left in the entire nightclub.

These three people were the two robbers and Chen Feng.

"Boy, let's go too."

Finished speaking to Chen Feng.

The robber leader took a deep breath and exhaled it heavily.

At the same time, he was also ready to go out and surrender.


The little robber hesitated to speak.

He knew very well that he should go out and surrender next.

The robber leader took off his complicated face.

The little robber's eyes were red and he also took off his hood.

"why are you crying?"

"No, it's just...sand got into my eyes."

"Second brother, do you regret it?"

"No regrets!"

"Boss, we are here today because of these loan companies. Even if we don't rob the bank today, we will be killed by those loan companies."

The little robber wiped his tears and was very determined.

The reason why they robbed the bank was that they were tricked by the lending company and they chose to rob the bank when they had no other choice.

[I don’t know why, but I suddenly sympathized with them. 】

[Although this robber is a bit bad, his IQ is not enough. 】

[You're right, it's the 20th century now, and robbing a bank is the most egregious act. You wouldn't be able to do it unless you were desperate and red-eyed. 】

[Also...what the hell is this loan company? 】

[Foreshadowing? 】


"Second brother...that's the end of the matter, let's go."

The robber leader sighed.


The little robber nodded heavily.

Just when the two were about to walk out and surrender.


Chen Feng came over.

"Why don't you leave yet?"

The robber leader looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took out a business card and handed it to the two of them.

"This is my business card. If you need anything, feel free to contact me."

"Looking for you? Why are we looking for you?"

The two robbers looked confused. They were already in prison, so they didn't care who Chen Feng was.

"I can let you come out early."

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Of course, if you have other business needs, we can also take them."

After saying these words, Chen Feng turned and left.

"Chen Feng?"

Look at the two words on the business card.

The robber leader couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

He always felt that this name had stopped somewhere.

"Boss...he, he is Chen Feng!"

The little robber was a little incredulous and dumbfounded.


The robber leader scratched his head, but still couldn't remember.

The little robber said solemnly: "It's the game anchor who sent people in live online!"

The words "game anchor" came out.

The backs of the two robbers were instantly wet with cold sweat.

This feeling was like the god of death spinning around in front of me.

How could they have imagined that the hostage they kidnapped was actually a famous outlaw?

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