【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing option three! 】

[Reward: A game account worth 10 million! 】

Seeing this series of prompts, Chen Feng couldn't help but get excited!

It’s so worth it!

You know, his dream has always been to be a game anchor.

With this game account, he feels one step closer to his dream!

"Brother Chen Feng, it's really thanks to you this time."

When Chen Feng came to his senses.

Yang Canghai was already standing in front of him.

As the two robbers surrendered.

Yang Canghai quickly brought people in and took control of the scene.

The biggest contributor to this operation was Chen Feng.

If it weren't for Chen Feng's live broadcast, they really wouldn't have solved the case so quickly.

The most important thing is that this operation also solved several cases!

For example, fraud, cheating, forcing others to work, etc...

"Officer Yang, you are too polite. It's just a little effort."

Chen Feng smiled and replied politely.

Strictly speaking, he didn't actually do anything.

After all, the robber surrendered on his own initiative, so he simply won.

What's more, this time I got a game account for nothing!


Yang Canghai sighed softly, not knowing what to say.

It was Chinese New Year, and he was supposed to have New Year's Eve dinner at home, but because of Chen Feng, he was forced to open his business.

Yang Canghai sighed softly: "What are your plans next?"

"No, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. I plan to go back to my hometown and stay for a few days."

Chen Feng said truthfully.

He came to the bank firstly to see if the money given by the system had arrived, and secondly he planned to withdraw some cash, but who would have thought that he would encounter such a thing?

"Yeah, pretty good."

Yang Canghai nodded with satisfaction and breathed a sigh of relief.

If he was going back to his hometown, he would be relieved.

In remote villages, the chances of crimes happening are very low.

In addition, Chen Feng's hometown falls under his jurisdiction.

In this way, he can have a good New Year!

Not long after.

Chen Feng drove the car back to his hometown.

It is worth mentioning that the house in my hometown has been renovated and is no longer the mud room it was before.

"Brothers, today's live broadcast ends here."

After returning to my hometown.

Chen Feng saw that the occasion was not suitable, so he stopped broadcasting.

"Xiao Feng is back?"

When Chen Feng came back, Chen's parents and Chen's mother immediately greeted him.

Chen Feng also briefly greeted his parents. M.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng suddenly noticed the dust on his body, as if he had been fighting with someone: "Xiao Feng, did something happen to you?"

Of course they didn't know that Chen Feng was kidnapped on his way home, so they asked subconsciously.

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head: "No, no."

"It's fine if you don't."

Chen Aiguo thought for a while and said.

"I heard that there was a robbery just now, and the location of the crime was not far away."


Mother Chen was in a daze.

Chen Aiguo said: "Yes, the robbers robbed the bank with guns and took a bunch of people as hostages."

"Armed robbery, isn't this too scary?"

Chen's mother was slightly surprised, but at the same time she was glad that she was lucky that Chen Feng didn't meet him, otherwise she would have been in trouble.

"Has anyone been caught?"

"We caught it. I heard that it was a young man who assisted the police in coordinating internal and external cooperation, and they arrested all the robbers."

"A young man assisted?"

"Yes, according to rumors, this young man is still from our village! Do you think it's a coincidence?"

"No? Then who is he?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Chen Feng suddenly coughed slightly and interrupted the two of them: "Mom and Dad, please don't get involved in other people's affairs."


"Then let's eat."

"Yes, yes, eat!"

Time comes the next day.

In order to be able to broadcast normally during the New Year, Chen Feng specially pulled a network cable and a computer.

By the way, let’s take a look at game accounts worth tens of millions!

that's all.

After Chen Feng started broadcasting, he hurriedly logged into his account.

This look.

He was stunned for a moment.

All games are fully equipped with the current versions!

Such as Genshin Impact.

All kinds of five-star equipment!

The king of pesticides, V10 for full skin!

Eat chicken, all skin!

【Fuck! Where did Brother Feng get the game account? 】

[Pesticide has all skins, the current version of Genshin Impact is fully equipped, Chicken Eating has all skins, Time Travel has all hero skins, Speeding cars have all skins... Isn't this too harsh? 】

[Is this the legendary krypton gold old sow? 】

[I was a prostitute for free and shed tears of envy! 】

[Tell me, if this account is stolen, how long will it last? 】

[Steal a hammer. I'm afraid you've forgotten the guy who used to be Brother Stealing Feng. He's probably still in jail now. 】

【That’s right. 】

[You dare to steal Brother Feng’s account unless you don’t want to live anymore. 】

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also refreshed crazily.

Just when Chen Feng was wondering what game to play during the live broadcast.

Mother Chen suddenly knocked on the door.

"Xiao Feng, your cousin's family is here. If you're okay, go out and say hello to them."

Now is the Chinese New Year period, and visits from relatives are definitely indispensable.

Out of courtesy.

Chen Feng needed to say hello to his relatives.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Chen Feng nodded, and then said to everyone in the live broadcast room: "Brothers, let the chair broadcast for a while. When I come back, I will live broadcast the game for you."

The words fell.

Chen Feng put on his slippers and walked out of the room quickly.

Once entering the living room.

He heard Chen Aiguo talking with his cousin.

Chen Aiguo said: "Hey, why did you arrive so early?"

My cousin smiled and said, "No, the car I just picked up is so powerful!"

Chen Aiguo: "Changed cars?"

"Isn't that right?"

My cousin's smile became even brighter and he patted the Mercedes key on his waist.

"really not bad."

Chen Aiguo nodded: "By the way, do you want to drink boiled water or..."

The words are not finished yet.

My cousin suddenly interrupted:

"The Mercedes-Benz C-Class, I just picked it up yesterday!"


Chen Aiguo looked a little embarrassed: "Oh, that's really good, but what I want to ask is, what do you want to drink..."

At this time, my cousin interrupted again: "It's more than 300,000 yuan, and it's much easier to drive than the old model!"

Chen Aiguo: "..."

I was just being polite, but I didn't expect it to turn on me.

After talking about the car, my cousin said with great satisfaction: "What kind of tea do you want? I'm very casual, just have some Tieguanyin, preferably aged."


Chen Aiguo picked up a teapot and turned to make tea.

And this time.

My cousin suddenly noticed Chen Feng coming out of the room.

"Hey, isn't this a little wind?"

"Hello, cousin."

"How many years have we not seen each other? How old are you now?"


"Hahaha, not bad, not bad."

My cousin laughed loudly: "My son is also the same age as you, but now he is running a company abroad. He doesn't take a break during the New Year. He said he has a business worth hundreds of millions, but it worries me to death."

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