
Chen Feng smiled awkwardly but didn’t say anything.

His cousin was named Deng Zuifu, and as his name suggests, he liked to show off his wealth every time he visited relatives.

Deng Zuifu’s smile became more and more intense, and he said without disguising: “By the way, Xiaofeng, what do you do now?”


Chen Feng said lightly: “I do live streaming online.”

“Live streaming online?”

“What is this for?”

Deng Zuifu was a little confused, and then looked at his wife.

“Wife, have you heard of it?”


The cousin thought for a while and said: “It should be playing games.”

It’s no wonder they don’t know.

In the minds of the older generation, only working hard can be considered work. In their eyes, the Internet and the like are not doing their jobs properly.

“Playing games?”

Deng Zuifu couldn’t help it when he heard it.

"Xiaofeng, look at yourself. You are so old, but you are still addicted to games? What future can you have by playing games? Listen to your uncle's advice, go out and find a factory to work and make money to support your family."

Deng Zuifu's tone was very serious. He seemed to be educating Chen Feng, but in his heart, he was so proud!

His son is so outstanding!

And Chen Feng?

He is a useless person!

Compared with his son, there is a world of difference!

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you are afraid of your wealth.

How afraid is he that Chen Feng will do better than his son?

But now it seems that this worry is unnecessary.

Thinking of this.

Deng Zuifu coughed lightly and continued.

"Xiaofeng, your cousin opened a company abroad and just needs a helper. If you really can't find a job, you can tell me, and uncle may be able to help you."

Chen Feng said lightly: "Thank you, uncle, but no need."


The cousin was about to speak.

The next moment, Chen Aiguo had already brewed the tea.

"Come, everyone, have some tea."


Deng Zuifu took back what he was about to say, and then took out a red envelope: "Xiaofeng, this is the red envelope from your cousin."

"Thank you."

Chen Feng took the red envelope. Since he had finished greeting, he went back to his room to continue broadcasting the game.

"Old Chen, to be honest, I envy you."

Deng Zuifu took a sip of tea: "I have my son to accompany me during the New Year, unlike my son, who is busy with business every day."

Chen Aiguo asked subconsciously: "Where is your daughter?"

"Oh, don't mention it."

Deng Zuifu sighed lightly.

"She is now studying at Harvard School in a foreign country. I heard that it is one of the top schools in the country. She doesn't come back many times in 365 days a year."

"And I heard that those who graduated from this school will start with an annual salary of one million in the future!"

Chen Aiguo: "..."

Damn, he pretended again!

Deng Zuifu was a little proud: "Old Chen, I heard that your son stays at home every day, doing something on the Internet, right?"

"It should be...right."

Chen Aiguo was a little unsure.

To be honest, he didn't know what Chen Feng was doing.

He was a rough man who grew up in the countryside, with low knowledge and education. He didn't understand anything about the Internet.

Deng Zuifu asked: "Do you know what the Internet is?"

Chen Aiguo shook his head directly: "Not very clear."

At this time, the aunt who had been silent all the time suddenly spoke: "This Internet, to put it bluntly, is to be addicted to the Internet!"

"Old Chen, you should quickly persuade Xiaofeng. Being addicted to the Internet is like taking drugs. It is addictive. Once you get addicted, it is estimated that your next life will be over."

Deng Zuifu agreed very much: "Yes, yes, the son of a friend of mine is addicted to online games. Now he is in his forties. Not only is he penniless, but he also owes a lot of debts."

"I just told Xiaofeng that if he really can't find a job and has difficulties, he can tell his uncle. After all, we are all family, and I will definitely help."


Chen Aiguo scratched his head, not knowing what to say, so he could only perfunctorily say a few vague words.

He saw Chen Feng's achievements with his own eyes.

It's been less than a year, and he not only bought a house in a big city, but also a car.

The above two points alone are enough to prove that Chen Feng is definitely not simple.


On the other side.

Chen Feng returned to the room and opened the red envelope from his cousin.

As expected.

There was one dollar in it.

If it weren't for the fact that the red envelopes from his cousin's family were all one dollar every year, he would have suspected that he had taken the wrong one.

But Chen Feng didn't care too much, after all, the red envelope itself was for good luck.


Chen Feng sorted out his mood and sat back in front of the computer.

Click to start the ranking game directly!

"Brothers, this is my King's promotion game."

"By the way, open another game."


[It's over, it's the promotion game again. ]

[Familiar scene, familiar taste. ]

[Brother Feng's promotion game will definitely have an accident! ]

[No way? Is this some kind of metaphysics? ]

[You said it won't happen, you're new here, right? Brother Feng has been in the promotion game for several consecutive times, and there have been accidents as expected. 】

【Learn about Brother Feng's Law! 】


The game started not long ago.

Chen Feng made a lot of moves and killed a lot of enemies. In just five minutes, the opponent was defeated on three high grounds.

Just when he was about to push down the enemy crystal.

Chen Feng's door was suddenly kicked open.

The person who came in was a naughty kid of eight or nine years old.

As the saying goes, when visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, naughty kids are indispensable.

"Games! I want to play games!"

As soon as the naughty kid came in, he didn't care whether Chen Fengtong agreed or not, and he just pressed randomly on his keyboard.

【? ? ? 】

【Naughty kid? 】

【Here it comes! The accident I was talking about has come! 】

【In the promotion match, Brother Feng played it like a tribulation. 】

【To be honest, you must never let the naughty kid enter your room alone, otherwise you will definitely regret it! 】

【Brother, do you have a story? Tell it to me? 】

【Last time, I let a few naughty kids in to play for a while, and guess what? They destroyed all the figurines in my room! I was so angry that I didn't pay a penny! 】

【Brother, I feel sorry for you for a second. 】

【If anyone dares to touch my wife, I will break his legs directly! 】


Chen Feng frowned and said, "Let go, don't press randomly."

The naughty kid is the grandson of his uncle, named Deng Dachun.

At this time, he has seriously affected his operation.

And this game is a ranking game.

No matter what, no one can interfere!

"No! I want to play!"

Deng Dachun didn't listen to the advice at all, and continued to press the keyboard with both hands.

At the same time, the noise became louder and louder.

The naughty kid made a fuss.

Chen Feng gave away several heads in a row.

Even the situation changed from the original favorable wind to the unfavorable wind.

Seeing the screen turn black again, Chen Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore, and his tone instantly became serious.

"Go away!"


Deng Dachun stuck out his tongue, and then made a face at Chen Feng: "If you have the guts, bite me."


Chen Feng took a breath and tried to lower his blood pressure.

And the next moment.

Deng Dachun directly pressed the power button of the computer.

Shut down!

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