Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 464: Naughty kids should be punished!

"What are you looking at? You idiot!"

After turning off Chen Feng's computer, Deng Dachun not only had no regrets, but even said smugly.

"If you don't let me play, you can't play either!"

"And my dad told me that your family is a bunch of idiots. You don't listen to me, so you deserve it!"


Deng Dachun made a face while picking up the toy water gun in his hand, aiming at Chen Feng and pulling the trigger!

"You idiot, go to hell!"


The water in the water gun wet Chen Feng's shirt.

"My passionate horse! You're still pushing me, right?"

Chen Feng's face was covered with black lines. He couldn't bear it anymore and directly snatched the water gun from the naughty kid.

Break it!

"You idiot! What are you doing!"

Deng Dachun was immediately furious: "You have to compensate me for the water gun!"


Chen Feng laughed instead of getting angry: "Since your parents didn't teach you how to be a good person, let me teach you!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

Chen Feng directly pulled open the crotch of the naughty child, found his little earthworm, stretched it, and then played it like playing the piano.

Even though he usually has a good temper, he couldn't stand it anymore!

It's fine that he harassed himself again and again, but he even turned off the computer!

Just turn it off, but now he's scolding himself!

He can tolerate scolding himself, but he can't tolerate scolding his whole family!

"Ahhh! What are you doing!"

"You idiot!"

"Believe it or not, I'll let my dad kill you!"

Chen Feng was not afraid of the threat of the naughty child, and kept playing with his little earthworm.

Until he played it a hundred times, Chen Feng let him go.

"You idiot, wait for me!"

Deng Dachun looked at Chen Feng with hatred, but because he couldn't beat him, he could only run out of the room crying.


"Brothers, I'm sorry, the naughty kid just now was ignorant."

After the naughty kid left.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, reorganized his mentality, and then turned on the computer to live broadcast.

As expected.

The qualifying match was lost.

[I knew it! ]

[Brother Feng's promotion match, no surprise, 100% unexpected! ]

[Alas, it's a pity, another round of the King's promotion match fell. ]

[If it were me, I would definitely slap him! ]

[A slap? In my opinion, a slap is considered light. ]

[The naughty kid now should be treated! ]


Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Chen Feng also expressed helplessness.

Just when preparing for the next game.


The door was pushed open again.

This time, a woman came in, and next to her was Deng Dachun, who was hit by Chen Feng a hundred times.

"You did it?"

The cousin pointed at Deng Dachun and asked Chen Feng in a cold tone.

Chen Feng was just about to speak.

Deng Dachun cried, "Grandma, it's him, he bullied me!"

"Woo woo woo, I... I just asked my brother if I could play his computer, but he hit me."

"Woo woo woo!!!"

The naughty child burst into tears as soon as he came up.

[You are the first to complain? ]

[Do you really think our eyes are just for show? You caused trouble yourself and you still throw dirty water on others' faces? ]

[You were so barbaric when you were a child, what will happen when you grow up? ]

[Damn, my blood pressure has risen after seeing this. ]

[Hehe, fortunately I brought antihypertensive drugs with me. ]

[This naughty child must be treated! 】


"Be good, Dachun. Grandma will definitely take care of you today."

The cousin comforted Deng Dachun with a distressed look on her face, and then said to Chen Feng with a cold face: "Why did you hit him for no reason?"

Her tone was more like an order than a question. If Chen Feng couldn't give her a satisfactory reason today, she would never give up!

"He disturbed me."

Chen Feng said lightly.

Just now, his blood pressure was a little high, and he couldn't control it.

As for why the naughty child screamed and acted pitiful, it was probably a play directed and acted by himself.

After all, Chen Feng's strength in flicking the little earthworm was not very strong, at most it would teach the naughty child a lesson.

"Disturb you?"

The cousin became even colder.

"Then may I ask, what did he bother you with?"



My aunt laughed: "What is your job?"

"I said, live streaming."

"Live streaming? Do you do it at home in front of the computer?"



My aunt laughed: "Xiaofeng, how old are you? You actually call being addicted to the Internet a job?"

"I'm not the aunt to point it out to you, your so-called job is actually just being a vagrant!"

[? ? ? ]

[Vagrant? ]

[So that's it! It turns out that Feng Ge's profession is called a vagrant. ]

[Learn until old age, I have learned a lot today. ]

[Vagrant: I feel that I don't deserve these four words. ]

[Hahaha, how much assets does Feng Ge have now? I didn't expect that a vagrant could make so much money. ]

[I hate this kind of frog in the well who looks down on others the most! ]

[I am also convinced by having such relatives. 】


At the scene.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes.

I thought this matter could be solved by reasoning, but now it seems that he is still too young.

"Compared to you, my son is different!"

The cousin said proudly: "My son is now running a company in a foreign country, and he can make at least 100 million a year!"

"Originally, I was planning to let you go over to help my son, but your attitude disappointed me!"

"Of course, if your attitude is better, I can consider it again."

"Earn 100 million a year?"

Chen Feng's face was calm, and his tone was still calm: "That really doesn't make much money."

It's not that he brags, but the interest on his bank deposit alone exceeds 1 billion a year.


Hearing this,

The cousin's aunt was furious, but soon, she smiled again: "Xiaofeng, I know, you are envious, you envy my son for being better than you, right?"

"After all, my son is the company's boss, unlike you, who has been lazy for so many years."

Chen Feng smiled and responded in the same tone: "Envy? Yes, I envy him. He envied that he left his lonely, helpless and helpless parents alone during the New Year's Day and didn't care about them. I envied him so much that I cried to death."


After saying this.

The cousin's aunt was speechless instantly.

[Hahaha, he is ruthless and his words are ruthless, my brother Feng in the society! ]

[It is undeniable that earning 100 million a year is indeed excellent, but it is not even a fraction in front of Brother Feng. ]

[It's not that Brother Feng is bragging, but he has the ability! ]

[Although being low-key is a good thing, if someone rides on your head, you are still low-key, then you are a coward! ]

[I just don't know if she will still have this expression after knowing Brother Feng's true strength? 】

【Just smash her face! 】

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