Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 468 It’s better not to have this relative

[Ding! The host's mood fluctuates violently! ]

[Options have been automatically generated for you! ]

[Option 1: Suffer in silence. After all, we are all relatives. Just apologize and admit your mistakes. ]

[Reward: Turtle shell (when encountering danger, retract into the shell to resist fatal attacks.)]

[Option 2: Destroy it, I'm tired. The system gives the host a nuclear warhead (which can be voice-controlled)]

[Reward: Random blind box. ]

[Option 3: Be serious to the end, never accept this bird's anger, and punish this group of idiots in your own way. ]

[Reward: The rewards of the first two options are all yours. ]

Looking at this series of prompts.

Chen Feng was slightly stunned.

Isn't it obvious that he was asked to choose option 3!

It can be seen.

Even the system couldn't stand it!


In reality.

The shouting of Deng Zuifu and his wife never stopped.

"Old Chen, your son has gone too far this time!"

"I've tolerated it twice before."

"Now he's bullying my grandson in public?"

"How did you teach your son as a father?"

"Bullying the weak with the strong, no manners at all!"

Deng Zuifu's face darkened, and he yelled directly: "I tell you, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, we won't even be relatives!"

He yelled as loud as he could.

His tone was more like an order!

And as his words fell.

Chen Aiguo also broke his defense.

"If there's nothing to do, then don't do it!"

"Who the hell cares!"


Speaking of tolerance, isn't he the same?

Deng Zuifu has been belittling his son without asking the reason. Which father can bear it?

Do you really think you have no temper?

If it weren't for the consideration that everyone is a relative, he would have kicked the Deng family of three in!

What's more, doesn't he know what kind of character Chen Feng has as a father? If it wasn't for the last resort, how could Chen Feng do it casually?


A sudden scene.

Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong were stunned.

They couldn't say a word for a while.

"Don't you know what kind of character your grandson has?"

Chen Aiguo was very excited and couldn't stop at all.

"He fights and makes troubles in school every day, bullies classmates, and I heard that he forced a female classmate to hide in the woods before. He was expelled from school after being found out by the school, right?"

"Another time, he scratched the girl's stockings on the street and was beaten half to death by her boyfriend."

"That's it, and you still have the nerve to talk about my son?"

"Do you deserve it!"

Since the other party didn't give him face, Chen Aiguo simply showed his cards, anyway, the matter could not be saved.


[Beautiful retort!!!]

[It's better not to have this relative!]

[If you can tolerate this anger, you are really a coward!]

[I thought this little beast was just a little naughty, but I didn't expect him to do such a thing in school! 】

【How dare he force a female classmate to run into the woods! 】

【If it were me, I would just give him a big slap and send him to the West to seek Buddhist scriptures! 】

【My suggestion is to delete the account and start over. 】


At this point, the relationship between the two sides was completely strained.

Deng Zuifu was stunned for several seconds before he spoke:

"What do you mean?"

"Your son started it first, so you are right, right?"

When things got to this point, both sides no longer had to care about face.

Go to war directly!

"You don't even ask what your precious grandson did?" Chen Aiguo pointed to Chen Feng's room.

He just went in.

Not only was the room messed up, but it was also pissed and peed on.

Even he, as a father, couldn't stand it.

At this time, Li Rongrong spoke up: "What can he do? He is just a child. Even if he did something wrong, shouldn't Chen Feng, as his brother, let him go?"

Chen Aiguo snorted coldly, and said unyieldingly: "Let him go? Excuse me, is my son your father?"

The tone of both sides was tit-for-tat.

And the next moment.

Chen Feng suddenly stood up. This matter was caused by him, and he didn't want his parents to clean up the mess for him.

"Everyone does his own thing and takes his own responsibility."

Chen Feng said expressionlessly: "I did it, so I will bear the consequences alone."

"You will bear it alone?"

Deng Zuifu sneered: "What did my grandson offend you? You want to bully him again and again!"

"Bullying is fine, but now you are actually hitting him!"

"Do you have a serious brain disease?"

"If so, do you need me to drop you off?"

"Oh, by the way, you are poor and have no money. How about this, uncle, I will pay for you to drop off the course?"


Hearing this, Chen Feng responded in the same tone.

"No need to bother."

"Just compensate me. After all, after you pay me, whether you can afford to eat is a problem."

"Compensate you?"

Deng Zuifu laughed at that time: "What should I compensate you for?"

Chen Feng pointed at Deng Dachun: "Just compensate me for the damage caused by this bastard."

Deng Zuifu took a deep breath, then turned back to look at Deng Dachun: "What did you break?"


Deng Dachun didn't say anything.

His eyes subconsciously looked towards Chen Feng's room.

Seeing this.

Deng Zuifu frowned and walked into Chen Feng's room.


An unpleasant stench came out!

This is Deng Dachun’s shit in Chen Feng’s room!

Moreover, there are many figurines of horses and corpses on the ground.

The scene was extremely tragic.

"Dachun, you did all this?"

Deng Zuifu pointed to the room in disbelief.


Deng Dachun was silent.

And his silence was tantamount to acquiescence.

After all, he did this to take revenge on Chen Feng.

"Computer, figurine, game account."

Chen Feng said directly: "Compensate according to the price."

"Just compensate."

Deng Zuifu sneered, not taking it seriously at all: "Isn't it just a pile of scrap metal? How much is it worth?"

Although the grandson was a bit too much, things had reached this point and he certainly couldn't give in.

"Is one thousand enough?"

Deng Zuifu took out ten hundred-dollar bills directly from his wallet and threw them on the ground, as if giving alms.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone couldn't bear it at that time.

【one thousand? 】

[With all due respect, this is probably not even enough, right? 】

[Nonsense, a game account alone is worth tens of millions, and this one thousand yuan is not even enough for interest. 】

[Sometimes, ignorance is also a kind of happiness. 】

[Clicking the mouse casually, tens of millions are gone, but I don’t know what their true expressions will be like? 】

[Hey, I guess they will go bankrupt! 】


"one thousand?"

Chen Feng laughed directly without even looking at the banknotes on the ground.

"I'm sorry, your one thousand is not even enough."

"Let's just talk about my computer. ROG comes with a family bucket, so the price is probably less than 100,000 yuan."

"As for the adds up to about 100,000 yuan."

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