Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 469: Let’s just leave it at that?

"One hundred thousand???"

Deng Zuifu wondered if he had heard wrongly.

If what Chen Feng said is true, both the computer and the figure are worth 100,000, then the total would be 200,000.

You know, his Mercedes-Benz only costs about 200,000 yuan, and he was greedy for cheap and bought a second-hand accident car.

"Are you crazy about money?"

Li Rongrong couldn't help it anymore: "You want us to pay 200,000 yuan for a broken computer and some broken toys?"

Not only was Deng the richest, but she also felt outrageous!

Don’t blame them for finding it outrageous.

In their understanding, a computer only costs a few thousand yuan. Besides, given Chen Feng's family environment, how could he afford such an expensive computer?

"If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself."

Chen Feng spread his hands and didn't bother to explain to them.

"Husband, I remember you have a friend who works in computers, right?"

Li Rongrong said hurriedly: "Let him see it quickly!"


Deng Zuifu nodded and then dialed the phone.

"Hello, Lao Wang?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Well, I need your help with something."

"Help? What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to ask you some questions about computers."

"Oh, then you ask."

The words just fell.

Deng Zuifu immediately changed the phone call to a video call: "Please help me find out how much this computer is worth."

In order to facilitate understanding of the computer configuration.

He specifically moved the camera near the computer.

After a while.

The other party was shocked: "Damn it! 5090 graphics card!"

"Okay, Lao Deng! The latest graphics card is also installed!"


Deng Zuifu didn't understand anything about computer configurations. What he cared about was how much the computer was worth.

"Old much is this thing worth?"

Lao Wang thought for a while and said: "Lao Deng, let me tell you this. Not to mention other accessories, this graphics card alone is worth 30,000, and it is a dual graphics card. In other words, the graphics card alone is worth 60,000."

"Think about it, the graphics card alone costs 60,000, how can other accessories be lower?"

“And it’s a ROG family bucket.”

"Based on preliminary calculations, one hundred thousand people shouldn't be able to escape."


A few simple words made Deng Zuifu dumbfounded.

A computer is worth 100,000!

It’s worth half of his car!

[This guy knows his stuff! 】

[Hahaha, what a slap in the face! 】

[Brother Feng’s computer configurations are all the latest high-end models, and the price of 100,000 is considered very conservative. 】

[Is it okay now? You've shot yourself in the foot! 】

[This is just an appetizer. After all, all the things that were smashed are counted now, not the things in the game. 】


There was a burst of noise in the live broadcast room.

On the phone, Lao Wang continued: "And this is only the price of the computer host. The monitor, keyboard, mouse, headphones, etc. are all from the Alien family, and the total value is probably tens of thousands."

Speaking of which.

The person in the video narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: "Huh? Lao Deng, why are there so many figures next to you?"

Via video chat.

He could clearly see the figures that were smashed all over the floor.

"Figures? Do you still recognize these toys on the ground?"

Deng Zuifu was slightly surprised.

Lao Wang said seriously: "Lao Deng, this is not a toy, from a professional point of view it is a figure."

"To be honest, I am also a senior 2D person, and I also collect figurines and stuff."

Looking at the video, the figure was smashed everywhere and divided into pieces. Lao Wang felt a little distressed and said: "And... why did you smash the figure on the ground?"

"Do you have a mine at home?"


Deng Zuifu was stunned and asked cautiously.

"Is this thing... expensive?"


Lao Wang said without hesitation: "The homeboy has a wall and a suite in Beishen. As long as it is a genuine high-quality figure, the price is generally around a thousand yuan. If it is a limited edition, the price can reach tens of thousands."

"Tens of thousands?"

Deng Zuifu was a little in disbelief: "Old Wang, are you saying these broken toys can be worth tens of thousands?"

Lao Wang nodded and said: "Yes, just like the Rem with broken arms and legs next to you. If I read correctly, this should be a limited edition statue that was released not long ago. The total price... is tens of thousands. "

Hearing this, Deng Zuifu swallowed hard: "Then... how much do all the figures cost in total?"

"Added together, two to three hundred thousand will definitely not be able to escape."

In the video, Lao Wang took a glance at the figure that hit the ground and made a rough assessment.

"Two or three hundred thousand???"

Deng Zuifu took a deep breath instantly!

In addition to the hundreds of thousands for the computer, the total is four to five hundred thousand, which directly covers two cars!

"Old Wang...could you have seen it wrong?"

"Mistaken? Impossible. I may misread everything, but I really can't do this. After all, there is still a big gap between pirated craftsmanship and genuine products. I can tell at a glance whether it is genuine or not."


"Are you okay? If nothing happens, I'll hang up."


The phone was hung up.

Deng Zuifu put his phone away and was silent for a long time. Then he looked at Chen Feng and his tone became much weaker.

"Xiao Feng... Look, Dachun didn't do it on purpose. As for me, you hit me too, why don't you just forget about it?"

Li Rongrong was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled: "Yes, Xiaofeng, although Dachun is wrong, he is still young and not sensible, so it's almost okay."

"Besides, we are all relatives. Although it is superficial, blood is thicker than water. There is no need to be so serious."

Four to five hundred thousand is not a small amount of money.

What's more, it's still free cash.

If these 400,000 to 500,000 were put on the Internet where the per capita net worth is over 100 million, it might just be a matter of sprinkling water.

But if we put it in reality, this is not the case.

Let's put it this way, if you have a deposit of 500,000, congratulations, you are already ahead of 90% of the people.

【? ? ? 】

[Now you know blood is thicker than water? 】

[Hahaha, you made me laugh so hard. Wasn’t it hard just now? Keep up the hard work! Why did you get soft so quickly? 】

[But I remember that he just said that these scraps of copper and iron were not worth much, so he had the guts to lose the money! 】m.

[This kind of relative on the stall has been unlucky for eight lifetimes. 】

[Stop losses immediately when bad things happen, and get out of trouble when bad people happen. Such relatives must sever ties! 】


"Old Chen, misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Deng Zuifu rolled his eyes, patted Chen Aiguo on the shoulder with a smile, laughed and said: "We are all relatives, there is no need."

With that said, he turned to Li Rongrong and tried to smooth things over.

"Honey, why are you still standing there? Go to the trunk of my car and get something to apologize to Lao Chen and the others!"

"Oh yes, yes."

Upon hearing this, Li Rongrong immediately went to the trunk of the car to get a box of Wangwang milk and a pack of Wangwang snow cakes.

"Old Chen, these are our thoughts."

"There is no need for our own people to make it so ugly."

"Is this the end of the matter?"

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