After hanging up the phone.

Yang Cangyun couldn't help but get excited.


To be precise, it was on fire! m.

Seeing Yang Canghai's excited look, Yang Canghai asked doubtfully: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"There is a case!" Yang Cangyun sounded very excited and immediately finished the remaining dumplings.

Full of energy!

"What case?"

Yang Canghai frowned, feeling something was wrong.

"Don't be scared if you say it."

Yang Cangyun sold out a little.

Yang Canghai smiled: "Hey, what kind of storm have you never seen before? Tell me, what kind of case is it?"

Yang Cangyun said directly: "It's a property worth tens of millions!"

"Oh, that's all."

Yang Canghai took a light sip of water, but halfway through, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and his calm expression instantly changed to shock, and he stood up directly.


"A multi-million property case?!!"

No wonder he was so shocked.

Any case involving millions is considered a major case, let alone this one involving tens of millions!

Seeing Yang Canghai's shocked expression, Yang Cangyun smiled and said, "How is it? Are you excited too?"

Yang Canghai: "..."

Yang Cangyun suddenly remembered something: "By the way, brother, have you handled the game account case before?"

"game account?"

Yang Canghai touched his chin and thought quietly for a moment.

Speaking of game accounts, he did have some impressions, because he had dealt with them once before he met Chen Feng.

The content of the case is that Chen Feng's account worth millions was stolen, and Yang Canghai is also the person in charge of this case.

"Isn't this case also about game accounts?"


Yang Cangyun nodded heavily, and then told Yang Canghai exactly what he had just heard in the report.

After all, Yang Canghai has experience in this area, and communication between the two parties may save the speed of solving the case.

After listening, Yang Canghai was shocked again!

Game accounts worth tens of millions were destroyed!

This is even more outrageous than the million accounts last time!

After all, the gap between the two is more than ten times!

But the most outrageous thing is...

The person who reported the crime this time was actually Chen Feng!

at the same time.

Deng was the richest, Li Rongrong came home with an ugly face, and immediately took off his grandson Deng Dachun's crotch, pressed it on his thigh, and slapped his butt repeatedly: "You little bastard, I let you mess around! I’ll let you smash other people’s things!”

"Let's just throw away the worthless ones."

"You actually broke such a valuable thing!"

"Do you want to kill us?"

Thanks to Deng Dachun, they even lost their belongings.

Can you not be angry about this?

The burning pain came from my butt.

Deng Dachun burst into tears. He was spanked twice in a row and his buttocks were swollen.

"Okay, okay."

Deng Zuifu quickly stopped his wife: "Now that the money has been lost, it will not help if you blame the children."

Hear the words.

Li Rongrong stopped. At the same time, she also found that Deng Dachun's pants were wet and his shit was coming out again.

"What should we do now?"

Li Rongrong was very unwilling.

After all, this money is all their belongings.

It was impossible for her to swallow anything she said!

"What do you mean?"

"This little bastard has caused us so much misery, there's no way we can just let it go, right?"

"What do you want to do?"

Li Rongrong said coldly: "My cousin used to be a gangster. Maybe we can ask him to help."


Deng Zuifu was about to speak.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly his cell phone rang.

"Could it be that brat calling?"

"Probably not."

Deng Zuifu shook his head and clicked to answer.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

"Are you Deng Dachun's guardian?"


Deng Zifu paused: "I am, what can I do for you?"

"It's like this. We are at the police station here. There is a case that we need you to assist us in investigating. I hope you can come to the police station to cooperate."


Deng Zuifu was a little dazed: "No, comrade police, did you make a mistake? We have always abided by the law. Why did you ask me to go to the police station?"

"An hour ago, was your grandson Deng Dachun at someone else's house and damaging someone else's property?"


Hearing this, Deng Zuifu understood instantly.

Don't think about it, it must be Chen Feng's fault!

"This bitch really called the police!"

After secretly complaining, Deng Zuifu continued: "Comrade police, we have paid for all the damaged things. If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself!"

"Yes, you did pay."

On the phone, the operator took a deep breath and said, "But you only compensate part of it."

"Part of it?"

"That's right, what you are compensating for is only the damaged ordinary property. As for the other part, it is the Internet property."

Hearing this unfamiliar terminology, Deng Zuifu was puzzled: "Internet property? What is this?"

"In layman's terms, your grandson's damaged game account is considered Internet property."

The operator's simple and easy-to-understand explanation also made Deng Zuifu understand it immediately: "In other words, he asked me to compensate for the loss of the game account, right?"


"But I have already compensated!"

"Then how much did you compensate?"

"Two hundred."


This sentence.

The operator on the phone was silent instantly.

A few seconds passed.

The operator's mouth twitched: "Sir, the amount of compensation you paid is somewhat inconsistent with the value of this account."

"Not enough, right?"

Deng Zuifu said directly.

"Then tell me how much this account is worth?"

The operator replied: "It is not convenient for us to communicate on the phone about all property issues. You need to come to the police station to understand the details."



The phone was hung up.

Li Rongrong quickly came up and asked, "What's wrong? Husband? Did that guy make trouble again?"

"You really guessed it right."

Deng Zuifu put away the phone: "This guy called the police."

Li Rongrong was puzzled: "Call the police? Didn't we all pay the money? What's the point of him calling the police?"


Deng Zuifu took a deep breath.

Then he told Li Rongrong everything he had just said.

"Too much!"

"It's really too much!"

After listening to Deng Zuifu's story, Li Rongrong couldn't help it: "This damn little bastard, we have already paid the money, what else do you want us to do?"

"Let's put this aside for now."

Deng Zuifu quickly calmed down and slowly said: "The most important thing now is that the police station needs me to go there immediately, and I have to go out now."


Li Rongrong was a little worried.

"Don't worry, I will be fine."

Deng Zuifu smiled, not panicking at all.

"Wife, think about it, these so-called game accounts are, to put it bluntly, just a series of data."

"How could the police accept such unrealistic virtual data?"

"Besides, they have deleted it, so they have no evidence."

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