On the other side.

Chen Feng came to the police station, followed the procedures to make a record, and handed in the evidence of the case.

After all, Deng Dachun destroyed his account in front of everyone in the live broadcast room, so he was not afraid of him denying it.

And the police officer who received him this time was very familiar to Chen Feng. This person was Yang Canghai’s younger brother Yang Cangyun.

Facing Yang Cangyun.

Chen Feng said a little embarrassedly: "Officer Yang, I'm sorry to trouble you during the New Year."

This is the New Year.

Chen Feng was also helpless.

Originally, he just planned to return to his hometown to spend a peaceful New Year with his parents, but who would have thought that this would happen?

"No trouble, no trouble."

Yang Cangyun waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: "This is our duty, there is no trouble."

After putting away the documents in his hand, Yang Cangyun said again: "Since the case has been filed, don't worry, we will give priority to you in handling this case."

It is said to be a priority, but in fact Yang Cangyun is already handling it now. After all, he has Chen Feng's case on hand, so he plans to make a quick decision.

Yang Cangyun looked at the time. The suspect in this case is already on the way and should be here soon.

Just at this time, a middle-aged man walked into the police station with a step that did not recognize his relatives.

"Hello...comrade police, I am the guardian of Deng Dachun, my name is Deng Zuifu, what do you want to ask me to do this time?"

After entering the police station, Deng Zuifu immediately found the person in charge of this case, Yang Cangyun.

In addition to Yang Cangyun, there was also Chen Feng next to him.

"Since you all know each other, I won't introduce you."

Yang Cangyun went straight to the point and said to Deng Zuifu: "Mr. Deng, your grandson Deng Dachun cancelled Mr. Chen's game account without his permission. Do you know about this?"

"I don't know."

Deng Zuifu hesitated for two seconds.

Then he shook his head and pretended to be completely unaware.

"Well, have you been to Mr. Chen's house as a guest today?" Yang Cangyun sorted out the case.

"He went."

"Where's your grandson?"

"He went too."

"Did your grandson ever enter Mr. Chen's room?"

"Yes, my grandson went into his room to play, but I didn't know he had cancelled his game account."

Faced with Yang Cangyun's question, Deng Zuifu said calmly: "I have no idea about this!"

"And do you have any evidence? What evidence do you have that my grandson cancelled his account?"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. Call me here without evidence. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, believe it or not, I will hire a lawyer to sue you for defamation?"


Yang Cangyun narrowed his eyes. He also guessed that Deng Zuifu would quibble, so he had already made preparations.

The next moment, Yang Cangyun took out a mobile phone video recording and put it in front of Deng Zuifu and asked.

"Is this your grandson?"


Deng Zuifu didn't say anything, which was equivalent to acquiescence.

Then, Yang Canghai clicked the play button of the video.

The video started playing.

Deng Dachun moved his mouse and kept destroying the five-star equipment in front of the computer screen.

This scene.

Yang Cangyun felt distressed when he saw it.

When he got home from get off work, he would occasionally play games for entertainment. Because of this, he also had a certain understanding of the equipment in the game.

Take the five-star equipment in Genshin Impact, for example. One costs at least several thousand, and some even cost tens of thousands.

And this entire warehouse of five-star top-quality equipment was being melted by Deng Dachun without missing a single one.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel distressed.

In addition, for those games that cannot melt equipment, Deng Dachun directly cancelled his account.

It's simply crazy!

"Do you have anything else to explain?"

After the video ended.

Yang Cangyun looked at Deng Zuifu who was silent and asked: "Since the child in the video is your grandson, you should also know the consequences next, right?"

"Isn't it just paying money? Pay it!"

Deng Zuifu gritted his teeth and said very straightforwardly: "But before paying the money, I have something to say!"

"Say it."

"This kid blackmailed me!"


Hearing this, Chen Feng suddenly felt a little funny: "Uncle, when did I blackmail you?"


Deng Zuifu turned to Yang Cangyun and said everything: "Comrade police, you have to help me notarize this. I can pay the money for the game account, but this kid actually said that the account is worth tens of millions!"

"A broken game account is worth tens of millions?"

"Excuse me, what is this if this is not blackmail?"


Hearing this, Yang Cangyun didn't know what to say.

I can only say that ignorance is good.

He is also a person who has played games, and he knows more about the props in the game than anyone else.

Of course.

What he said doesn't count.

If you want to claim this compensation, you must provide real evidence to prove the value of the account.

"Officer Yang, these are my recharge records in the game. I hope you can check them carefully."

Chen Feng directly threw out a series of recharge records.

The things given by the system are all from regular channels, so there must be records.


Looking at this series of recharge records, Yang Cangyun couldn't help but take a breath of air, and then he ordered several colleagues on duty to work overtime together.

It took about an hour.

Finally, the money recharged in the account was settled.

Yang Cangyun was a little shocked and said: "The total value of this account... is a total of 99.9 million."


The words fell.

Deng Zuifu was completely stunned!

I even wondered if I heard it wrong.

99.99 million?

Even if it costs him his life, he can't afford it!

As for Chen Feng.

He couldn't help but get excited.

Ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand!

What a system!

He certainly didn't disappoint!

Actually, I just happened to be stuck with over ten million!

"Comrade police, did you make a mistake somewhere?"

Deng Zuifu's throat felt hot, and his face was full of disbelief. With more than 90 million game accounts, wouldn't this kill his whole family?

"These are the recharge records of the account."

Yang Cangyun swallowed hard. He knew very well how Deng Zuifu was feeling at this time. This was also the first time he had seen Deng Zuifu recharge his game account with so much money.

The reason why it is so expensive is mainly because every game on this account has a recharge record.

And they are all top-of-the-range!

Especially in the dungeon game, the whole body equipment increases by 31!

Quite literally.

One hundred million is considered conservative!

"And we have verified with the game company that these recharge records are indeed authentic."

Speaking of which.

Yang Cangyun suppressed his shock.


"Do you want to resolve it privately or do we intervene?"

It would be best if this kind of case could be settled privately.

But the premise is that Deng Zifu can afford the money!

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