Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 474 What can I do? Pay the money


At this moment, Deng Zuifu was not feeling well.

Ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand!

Even if he sells his whole family, he can't afford the compensation.

"Comrade police, why don't you check again?" Deng Zuifu asked still unwilling to give up.

"We've verified it three times."

Yang Cangyun said this. He didn't believe it when he heard such a huge number at first, so there was no need for Deng Zuifu to tell him. They would verify it many times.

"And to be precise, the value of the account is ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine."

Just now he was afraid that Deng Zuifu wouldn't be able to accept it, so he forgot to mention the decimal point at the end. Now that it's all about this, he might as well just say it all.


Deng Zuifu paused for a moment, then looked at Chen Feng: "Xiao Feng... I don't know if you remember, but my cousin often bought you candies when you were a child, and even changed your diapers. Seeing as we are all For the sake of relatives and previous friendships, do you think we can just let this matter go?"

It was impossible to lose money, after all, he couldn't afford it.

So I just had to see if I could ask Chen Feng for forgiveness.

"Cousin, didn't you say before that your family is very rich?"

Chen Feng spread his hands.

"Since you are so rich, this mere nine million is probably just the tip of the iceberg for you, right?"

Of course, he kept his cousin's kindness to him in mind. The candy he bought for him when he was a child was an expired product that the merchant had cleared out of stock, and it almost made him lose his temper.

And every year when they come to visit their home for New Year greetings, they bring all the cheap expired New Year goods. On the contrary, they eat and take them, which is completely out of proportion.


Deng Zuifu showed an ugly expression and said with a stiff face: "You also know that your cousin is so talkative! Don't worry, I will definitely teach her a lesson tonight! I will help you vent your anger!"


Chen Feng nodded: "That's okay. After all, uncle and nephew have to give you some thin noodles. Let me give you a nine, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine." I will wipe out the last nine for you, you only need to pay me back nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety."


Deng Zuifu's mouth twitched.

Is your face worth nine dollars?

Deng Zuifu slammed the table and suddenly couldn't sit still. He stood up and said angrily: "You kid, don't go too far!"

Yang Cangyun frowned and quickly gave a warning: "Mr. Deng, this is the police station. Please pay attention to the attitude of your words."


Deng Zuifu had no choice but to sit down obediently.

Chen Feng smiled and responded in the same tone: "Excessive? Do you think your grandson is going too far when he poops and pees in my room? When your grandson destroys my things, do you think he is going too far?"

"Since you have done something wrong, you should pay the corresponding price, and I only asked you to compensate for the losses caused. I did not calculate the mental damages and lost work expenses with you. You actually think I am going too far?"


The words fell.

Deng Zuifu didn't know what to say for a while.

Chen Feng's meaning is obvious.

If you don’t lose money, it will be useless even if the King of Heaven comes. Tianlai Novel Network

Deng Zuifu rolled his eyes and said to Yang Cangyun: "Comrade police, this matter has nothing to do with me. It was the child who destroyed the things. If you want compensation, go to him to compensate!"

He is also very witty.

Because the law stipulates that minors under the age of twelve who commit crimes do not need to bear responsibility.

Let alone a game account, even if his child kills someone, he will not be held criminally responsible at all.

Yang Cangyun said directly: "As the child's guardian, you have an obligation to be responsible for his actions."


After some negotiation, Deng Zuifu finally left the police station on the pretext of going home to discuss compensation with his wife.

After Deng Zuifu left, Chen Feng also left the police station. Now that there are surveillance cameras everywhere, he doesn't have to worry about the other party running away.

[Brother Feng, how’s the discussion going? 】

[Did the other party agree to compensate? 】

【promise? It shouldn't be possible. With tens of millions of accounts, it's simply too much for a normal family to handle. 】

[And looking at their bad looks, they definitely can’t afford the compensation. 】

The police station is not allowed to broadcast live broadcasts, so Chen Feng blocked the live broadcast before entering the police station.

After coming out of the police station, Chen Feng started the live broadcast.

Facing the questions on the public screen, Chen Feng truthfully told everyone in the live broadcast room what had just happened.

After learning about the money charged to Chen Feng’s game account.

Everyone was shocked!

【Ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand? ? 】

[Didn’t I say before that Brother Feng’s account is worth tens of millions? How did it become 99.99 million? 】

[Brother, are you not very good at math? Ninety-nine and ninety-nine million is still tens of millions! 】

【90 million accounts! 】

【So scary! This account is absolutely terrifying! 】

[I took a deep breath! 】

[I bet on a pack of spicy strips, and the other party will definitely not be able to afford it. 】

【I raise the bet! 】

【+1! 】

【+10086! 】

At the same time, Deng Zuifu returned home with a dark face.

"Husband, how's it going?"

Li Rongrong immediately came up to ask about the situation.


Deng Zuifu didn't speak. He was lying on the sofa in the living room like a deflated rubber ball.

After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "We need to compensate for all losses on the account."

"How much compensation do you have to pay?"

"Ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this figure, Li Rongrong froze on the spot and was dumbfounded for several seconds: "You said we have to compensate more than 90 million?"

"That's right."

Deng Zuifu sighed.


Li Rongrong was still in disbelief: "A shabby game account actually asked us to pay more than 90 million yuan? Is this guy trying to blackmail us?"

Deng Zuifu immediately denied this possibility: "It's impossible, because there are police officers who can testify."


Li Rongrong took a deep breath, took off Deng Dachun's pants again, and pressed her legs hard.

But this time, both feces and urine were beaten out.

"Okay, okay."

Deng Zuifu couldn't stand it anymore: "If you keep beating me, the child will become incontinent."

Li Rongrong wiped the feces and urine on her hands and asked, "How about we buy some expensive gifts and come to apologize?"

"it's useless."

Deng Zuifu shook his head. He knew very well that Chen Feng was determined to make him compensate for all losses.

Li Rongrong snorted coldly: "This little brat is really a white-eyed wolf. It's a shame that I bought him candies when he was a child."

Deng Zuifu said angrily: "You still mean to say that every year when you go to their house to visit relatives, you buy some expired New Year's goods, and you also take a bunch of their things with you when you leave."

"Now what?"

"What can I do? Just pay for it."


Li Rongrong calmed down and thought for a while, then said: "Husband, how about we call our son for help?"

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