Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 475 The Little Prince of Performance

"Ask your son for help?"

Deng Zuifu frowned.

His son's name is Deng Daqiang, the boss of a company, and he always says that he has made hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is not certain whether he can take out this money.

Li Rongrong said very straightforwardly: "My son is the boss of the company now, and he can definitely solve this problem!"



The Deng couple agreed.

Then, they called their son Deng Daqiang directly.


"Brother Qiang!"

"I was wrong! Please give me a little more time, I will definitely pay you back with interest!"

In a loan company, a man with a bruised face and a swollen nose knelt on the ground and begged frantically.

Standing in front of him were

several non-mainstream young people with colorfully dyed hair.

This person was Deng Daqiang.

Deng Daqiang held a stick and said to the bruised man: "I will give you three more days. If you can't pay back the money, you will die!"

"Brother Qiang, don't worry, I promise to pay you back in three days!" The beaten man exhaled lightly.

Deng Daqiang added: "By the way, let your wife accompany me for one more night tonight, and it will be regarded as the interest for these three days."


"What? Don't you want to?"

As soon as Deng Daqiang finished speaking, the younger brother beside him immediately said: "Think it over carefully. If you don't want to, the interest for these three days will be rolled over again. By then, you will have to pay more than this amount."

"What's more, it's your blessing that Brother Qiang likes your woman. Don't be ungrateful."


The beaten man hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "I... I know."

"Very good, let's go."

Deng Daqiang nodded with satisfaction.

Although he is married and has children, as an undecent man, who hasn't messed around?

"Hey, Brother Qiang, this idiot is too easy to cheat, isn't he?"

"The interest has increased from 100,000 to 2 million. Haha, I guess he won't be able to pay it off in his lifetime."

"Although he is a little stupid, his wife is really good at her job."

The younger brothers around him said one after another.

"By the way, Brother Qiang, will this be illegal?"

Suddenly, a younger brother asked.

Their lending company is a black company. After lending you money, they will double the interest for various reasons, so that your interest will continue to grow...

Compared to other industries, this is completely a huge profit!


Deng Daqiang laughed directly: "It is clearly written in our loan contract, and it is also voluntary to sign. How can it be illegal if we are willing?"

"That's right! Hahaha!"

"This trick is really amazing!"

"Brother Qiang, the brothers will follow you in the future!"

"As long as you follow Brother Qiang, you can have whatever you want in the future!"

The younger brothers around laughed continuously.

That smile, how cheap it could be.

Just at this time.


A phone rang.

Deng Daqiang took out his cell phone and saw that it was his mother.

"Hello, what's wrong, mom?"

"Son... something happened at our house."

After listening to Li Rongrong's story, Deng Daqiang's face, which was originally full of smiles, was instantly replaced by a pale face.

"What did you say!!!"



After leaving the police station, Chen Feng planned to go home and continue to live broadcast the game, but as soon as he walked out of the police station, he met a familiar figure.

"Officer Yang!"

Chen Feng was slightly surprised.

This person was Yang Canghai!

[Oh my god, why is Officer Yang here? ]

[Logically speaking, this place is a distance away from the city, it should not belong to Officer Yang's jurisdiction, right? ]

[I remember that this is the jurisdiction of Yang Canghai's younger brother Yang Cangyun, and I have met him several times before. ]

[Good guy, the two brothers take turns to deliver performance! ]

[Performance little prince, this is. 】


"Don't be nervous, I'm just here to deliver some dumplings."

Seeing Chen Feng's surprised look, Yang Canghai said so.

To put it bluntly, he was just passing by.

Although this encounter was an accident, he knew very well that if Chen Feng disappeared one day, as long as he waited at the door of the police station, he would definitely see this guy.

"Oh, what a coincidence."

Chen Feng smiled and greeted him.

The two met and chatted for a few words, but Yang Canghai did not ask about this case, just a simple chat. After all, this place did not belong to Yang Canghai's jurisdiction, so he had no right to ask or interfere.

As they chatted.

Yang Canghai suddenly said.

"By the way, do you still remember the two robbers before?"


Chen Feng nodded, and his mind quickly had an impression.

Aren't they talking about the robbers in the bank before?

Yang Canghai continued, "Their names are Tang Xiaolong and Tang Xiaohu."

"After our interrogation, they confessed everything they knew. The reason they robbed the bank was mainly because they owed a huge loan."

"They robbed the bank when they were desperate."


Chen Feng paused slightly.

This made sense.

Because how could a normal person think of robbing a bank?

Let’s not talk about the countless police pursuits after the robbery. Even if you get through this level and successfully get the money, because the banknotes are printed with unique codes.

As long as you spend the money, the police will know immediately and can still find you by following the clues.

It can be said that robbing a bank is the most stupid thing.

But if you are forced by debt, it’s different. After all, when people are in a hurry, they can do anything.

[No wonder they robbed the bank, it turned out that they were forced by debt. ]

[To be honest, the success rate of robbing a bank was not high. They actually met Brother Feng. I can only say... this luck is unmatched. ]

[Is there a possibility that they robbed the bank under some force majeure? ]

[Brother, your thinking is a bit beyond the scope! ]

[Quick! Drag him out and shoot him! ]


The live broadcast room was filled with barrages.

Yang Canghai continued: "According to the two, they borrowed hundreds of thousands of principal from this company, and the interest increased dozens of times in just a few months."

"Dozens of times??"

Chen Feng was shocked!

You know, normal private lending should be 24% of the bank interest rate during the same period to be legal and valid.

And this kind of behavior is completely usury!

And loan sharking generally does not constitute a crime, because now mortgage companies are very smart, they will ask you to sign a legal contract.

This is consensual, even the police find it difficult to intervene.

What's more, it is natural to pay back debts.

Yang Canghai finally added: "The reason I told you this is because didn't you tell them before that you could let them out earlier?"

"They said not to come out earlier, just hope you can help them get justice and let these black online loan companies get the sanctions they deserve."

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