Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 476 Isn’t this too much of a coincidence?

After learning that something happened at home.

Deng Daqiang rushed back from the company immediately.

Although Deng Zuifu usually boasts that his son is busy with business abroad, in fact Deng Daqiang just opened a loan company there.

As soon as Deng Daqiang returned home, he immediately found his son Deng Dachun. Even if he smashed other people's things, he actually destroyed his tens of millions of accounts.

If possible, he could not wait to delete his account and practice again!

Just when he opened his son's crotch and was about to give him a severe lesson, Deng Daqiang discovered that his son's pants were already stained with a smelly liquid.

Just like freshly made daddy.

In addition to feces, urine also came out.

"what happened?"

This is shit and piss.

Deng Daqiang didn't think much and asked his parents directly: "What happened? Why is Dachun like this?"

Deng Zuifu sighed softly: "Your mother beat you."

Because of the trouble Deng Dachun got into, he didn't know how many times he was taught a lesson in one day. The originally normal child was now unable to even take care of himself.


Deng Daqiang was stunned and looked at the urine and feces on his son's crotch. Could it be that he was beaten to the point of incontinence?

"It's all that kid's fault!"

Li Rongrong looked mournful: "He deliberately angered Dachun, so Dachun destroyed the game account."

"This kid is a hater of rich people and wants to harm us!"

"We were kind enough to find a job for him, and this is how he repays us! He's just a white-eyed wolf!"


When Deng Daqiang heard this, his blood pressure instantly rose!

He patted his chest and promised:

"Mom, don't worry, leave this matter to me!"

"How dare you bully our family!"

"I won't let him go!"

Li Rongrong wiped her tears: "Are you going to do this?"

Deng Daqiang sneered: "Mom, your son and I run a loan sharking company. When it comes to teaching people a lesson, no one in the world knows better than me!"

At the same time, after Chen Feng listened to Yang Canghai's story, he received a call saying that the Deng family asked him to go out to discuss the compensation issue of the case.

"Officer Yang, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Also, please tell the two robbers that if there is a chance, I will try my best to help."

Although the reason the two robbers robbed the bank was to borrow money, a crime was a crime.

Before they went in, Chen Feng did promise that if necessary, he could defend them and try to get their sentences reduced.

Although they broke the law, they are not particularly bad people, and because of them, they solved several cases, which can be regarded as meritorious services.

Unexpectedly, the two robbers did not want to come out early. Instead, they hoped that Chen Feng could get the black loan company that lent them money to be sanctioned.

Although Chen Feng wanted to help them with this request, he didn't have time to care about it now. After all, he still had a lot of chores to deal with.

Wait until these chores are taken care of.

After saying goodbye to Yang Canghai, Chen Feng followed the navigation position and quickly arrived at the location designated by the other party.

This is a company.

To be precise, this is a lending company.

Standing at the door, Chen Feng couldn't help but squint his eyes.

Can't it be such a coincidence?

Yang Canghai had just told him about the black online loan, and the next second it was delivered directly to his door?

In order to preserve evidence, Chen Feng made sure that the live broadcast camera was normal, and then stepped forward.

What's more, the fans in the live broadcast room are also very concerned about this game account worth tens of millions.

"Your name is Chen Feng, right?"

As soon as Chen Feng walked in, a young man asked.


Chen Feng said truthfully.

"Come with me."

The young man brought Chen Feng to the company's office.


Seeing Chen Feng come into his office, Deng Daqiang immediately smiled and asked Chen Feng to sit wherever he wanted.

As the saying goes, be polite first and then fight.

He still hoped to have a good talk with Chen Feng.

But the premise is that Chen Feng must accept his opinions.

"My name is Deng Daqiang. We met when we were children."

"Yeah, I've seen it before."

Chen Feng nodded.

Of course he had an impression of this cousin.

In his impression, Deng Daqiang was a gangster. He was kicked out of school for fighting when he was a child. When he grew up, he was sentenced to several months for indecently assaulting a woman.

No, I heard that he was just released not long ago.


Deng Daqiang smiled and said: "I'm looking for you today, mainly about Dachun. I hope you can take the initiative to go to the police station to resolve the case. After all, the child is still young, and your doing so may affect his future."


Chen Feng said directly: "Just lose the money."


Deng Daqiang's face was a little stiff, but he still kept a smile and said: "Xiao Feng, yes, I admit that my son did something wrong, but he is still young and not sensible. Why don't you give me some face, my cousin?"

【face? 】

[How much is this thing worth? 】

[Tens of millions of face, don’t talk about him, even if he, the King of Heaven, comes, it won’t work, I’m telling you! 】

[Brothers, take a closer look. This company's business seems to be specialized in lending. 】

[Loan? Could it be a company that engages in illegal lending? 】

At the same time, there was a heated discussion on the public screen in the live broadcast room.

"Of course, I won't let you lose money."

Deng Daqiang said with a smile, and then took out a bank card: "There are 300,000 in this card, which is a little gift from my cousin. I hope you can accept it. In addition, I can also give you some shares of the company, which can be regarded as compensation from my cousin."

"You don't have to rush to refuse me."

Before Chen Feng spoke, Deng Daqiang continued: "Our company's main business is lending, and the profit point is very high. Compared with the money you lost, I think you can seriously consider it."

That's what he said, but the shares of these companies are just for Chen Feng to draw a pie. After Chen Feng compromises, he will find a way to kick Chen Feng out!

"Lending business?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately became interested and said: "Tell me, how high is your profit point?"

Seeing Chen Feng's interest, Deng Daqiang smiled even more: "Compared with banks, our lending company has an interest rate three times that of theirs! Do you say it's profitable or not? And for customers who fail to pay the money beyond the loan period, the interest will be rolled over every day!"

As soon as this came out, everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help it.

[Interest rate three times higher than the bank? ]

[Isn't this usury? ]

[The most important thing is that you can't pay it back. The interest is compounded every day. Isn't this too shady? ]

[If this continues, won't I have to work for their company to pay the interest for the rest of my life? ]

[I can only say, it's too cruel! ]

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