Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 477 The Routine of the Black Lending Company

"Three times higher interest than the bank?"

Chen Feng was slightly stunned.

Normally, the average daily interest rate of a bank loan is about 0.05%, which translates to an annual interest rate of 18%.

If Deng Daqiang said, the interest rate of this company is three times higher than that of the bank, which means that the annual interest rate is nearly 60%.

This has far exceeded the scope of protection allowed by the law.

That is, the so-called loan shark company.

Chen Feng thought for a moment and said, "How is the company's business? Are there many people who borrow money from you every day?"

"Of course!"

Deng Daqiang didn't even think about it and answered without hesitation: "You don't know, there are many people who borrow money now, let alone three times the interest, even if it's four or five times, they will come to borrow without hesitation! Especially those who like to show off but have no money and are vain, they are basically our regular customers!"

"Don't look at some people who usually carry the latest bags, the latest mobile phones, and the latest luxury goods, in fact, these are all bought with borrowed money."

"More importantly, our company's loan release speed is very fast. As long as the contract is signed, the money can be directly credited to the account in seconds. Compared with the complicated procedures of the bank, it is many times faster!"

In modern society, many people think that face is more important than anything else, and this also gives many black loan companies an opportunity to take advantage of people's vanity and squeeze more profits!

And now the interest rate of loan software is generally several points higher than that of banks. Although the interest rate is high, it is good that they release loans quickly.

Some even allow you to directly obtain a certain amount of credit as long as you bind your ID card.

For some people who are in urgent need of money, it is a lifesaver and the only choice.

Chen Feng suddenly asked: "Has your company ever lent money to people named Tang Xiaolong and Tang Xiaohu before?"

He asked casually.

I thought that my casual question would not produce any results, but who knew that Deng Daqiang gave a direct explanation.

"Tang Xiaolong, Tang Xiaohu?"

Deng Daqiang frowned, thought carefully for a long time, and soon formed an impression: "Well, they did borrow money from our company before. I heard that something happened in their family and they urgently need money to save their lives."

Chen Feng couldn't help asking: "How much did they borrow?"

Deng Daqiang said: "Not much, about 300,000."

Chen Feng said: "Why?"

Deng Daqiang said: "We only care whether he can pay back the money on time, and never ask why he borrowed money."

Chen Feng said: "How much is the interest?"

Deng Daqiang smiled and said: "The interest... is not much, the total is about more than 3 million."

Chen Feng: "..."

[More than 3 million? ]

[The principal of 300,000 has increased tenfold! ]

[Is this a loan? This is clearly robbing money! ]

[And it's robbing openly! ]

[300,000 principal and 3 million interest, I want to ask how many times the interest has rolled over? ]

[This kind of black online loan is a thing that harms people. Normal people can't grasp the water in it. 】

【Borrowing money is fun for a while, but the whole family will end up in the crematorium. 】


At this time.

Deng Daqiang said proudly: "If they can't pay back the money, then it's not our fault. We have already approached them several times, and they all said they had no money and asked us to give them more time, so we must charge a certain amount of interest!"

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and continued: "Don't you know that usury is illegal?"


Deng Daqiang laughed directly and didn't take it seriously at all: "What does this have to do with me? Our reasonable and legal deployment contract, they also signed voluntarily, you and I are willing, what law is violated?"

"What's more, it's only natural to pay back debts!"

"Let me tell you this, if they dare not pay back the money, we have plenty of ways to make them pay back!"

These days, there are many people who borrow money, and there are also many people who can't pay back the money they borrowed. Facing those who can't pay back, they will use special methods.

And this method is also very simple. If you have a family, then harass your family.

If you don't have a family, then you can teach your relatives around you. If that doesn't work, you can teach the person a lesson.

As for those who are worried about not paying back the money they borrowed and running away, there is no need to worry about this. If they dare to lend you money, they must have means to recover the money.

Otherwise, do you think the lending company is doing charity?

Let's just say it.

As long as you dare to lend, they will dare to lend!


Chen Feng nodded directly: "I can accept your proposal, but the premise is that I have a condition."

Deng Daqiang asked curiously: "Condition? What condition?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "I have invested so much money, shouldn't the company's major shareholder also be replaced?"

"Replace? Who do you want to replace?"



Deng Daqiang's face froze slightly.

The major shareholder symbolizes the identity of the company's decision-maker, but Chen Feng came up and directly asked for this position, which inevitably made him a little difficult.

The value of Chen Feng's game account, converted into money, is about more than 90 million. More than 90 million in the company has exceeded the shares he holds.

Thinking carefully about the money owed by his family, he could only choose to compromise temporarily and go along with Chen Feng.

When there is a chance in the future, he can get Chen Feng out of office at any time.

Besides, this is just a verbal promise. Strictly speaking, it can be ignored.

Chen Feng continued: "Since I am the major shareholder, shouldn't the whole company listen to me now?"


Deng Daqiang said with an ugly smile.

"In that case, I have a good proposal that can help the company get more profits."

Chen Feng said so.

"Good proposal? What proposal?"

Deng Daqiang couldn't figure out what Chen Feng wanted to do.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "How many customers can your lending company lend out on average per day?"

"Probably... a few to ten."

"Is it true that the more customers you lend out, the more interest the company earns?"

"Of course."


Chen Feng said with a smile: "I can increase the number of borrowers in your company immediately."


Deng Daqiang scratched his scalp, a little confused, and said: "How much?"

"Several dozen times."


A few simple words.

Deng Daqiang couldn't keep calm instantly.

As a company that makes money by lending money, the more people borrow money from them, the more money they will make.

After all, they only make money from high interest.

And Chen Feng actually said that he could increase the number of people who borrow money from his company by dozens of times! How could he not be tempted?

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