Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 478 Borrow! Of course I will borrow!

"Are you telling the truth?"

At this moment, Deng Daqiang stared at Chen Feng.

If Chen Feng could really increase his company's loan customers dozens of times, let alone the company's major shareholder, he would be willing to call Chen Feng daddy himself.


Chen Feng nodded, his smile a little mysterious.

Deng Daqiang immediately said: "Then do you have any method to increase my company's customers dozens of times?"

Chen Feng said directly: "The way a company makes money is by lending money out and then generating interest, right?"


"In other words, the more people borrow money, the more they earn?"

"That's right."

"Then will you not get back the money you lent?"

"Don't worry, we have a special way. As long as you borrow money from us, you will definitely not be able to escape."

Deng Daqiang said resolutely.

He never worries that the money he borrowed will not be recovered. Unless he escapes abroad, they have many ways to recover the money as long as they are in the country.

"In that case, why not publicize it and let more people know how dark your loan company is... Bah, how good it is."

Chen Feng said this.


Deng Daqiang raised his eyebrows.

He has thought about this issue before. It's not that he doesn't want to publicize it, but that lending software can be found almost everywhere on the Internet.

To put it bluntly, even major lending software is involved now.

What about Paypay, prestige, Goudongbaitiao, rice dumplings, 360? In this era of proliferation of loan software, his online loan company can only drink the soup that others spill.

Even if he wants to win more customers for the company, the problem is that compared with other formal platforms, there is no comparison at all.

In addition, the advertising fees for publicity are also a large expense, and there is no experience in this area.

"Then what do you mean...?"

"I can give your company a good publicity."

"How to promote it?"

"Just leave this to me."

Chen Feng smiled and gave up a little.

In fact.

There is no need for him to promote it at all.

Driven by the popularity of the live broadcast room, Deng Daqiang's lending company quickly received many orders.

At this moment, a young man hurriedly broke into the office and said breathlessly to Deng Daqiang: "Boss! Outside... there are more than a dozen customers coming to the door, saying they want to borrow money from us!"

"A dozen customers came to the door??"

Deng Daqiang was stunned.

Before he could react.

Soon, another employee walked in.

"Boss... there are dozens of customers coming to the door again!"


Deng Daqiang was stunned.

In the blink of an eye, the number of customers had increased so much, which made him a little confused for a while.

Compared with usual, even if there are customers coming to borrow money, the time is basically staggered, and this is the first time for him to see so many customers at one time.

And then, another boy came in: "Boss... there are another group of people borrowing money from outside!"


Seeing Deng Daqiang standing in a daze without saying a word, several of the younger brothers looked at him and said in unison: "Boss... do you want to borrow this money or not?"

There were a lot of people borrowing money this time, and they were unsure about paying attention, so they could only ask their boss, Deng Daqiang.

"Borrow! Of course I borrow!"

After Deng Daqiang was stunned for a few seconds, he said ecstatically: "Quick! As long as the other party fills out the information in the contract, the money will be released directly!"

They run a lending company. The more money they borrow, the more interest they earn back.


Is there any reason not to borrow it?

Following his order.

More and more people are borrowing money from their company.

Seeing the company's business volume soaring, Deng Daqiang became extremely excited. Then he looked at Chen Feng: "Cousin Chen Feng, it was all my fault before. Don't worry, I will definitely take care of your losses after I make money." , I will give you full compensation without missing a thing!”

Although I don’t know what Chen Feng did, what is certain is that the reason why the company’s business volume has increased is mostly because of Chen Feng!


Chen Feng smiled and said nothing.

In just a few minutes, all the money from the lending company was loaned out, and there was still no penny left!

To this.

Deng Daqiang almost laughed like crazy.

I guess I will wake up laughing from my dream tonight.

If all this money, including principal and interest, is to be returned, the interest alone may be more than a small goal!


Time comes the next day.

Deng Daqiang was busy almost all night with the company's affairs, and returned home exhausted physically and mentally.

"Son, how's it going?"

When she saw her son coming back, Li Rongrong immediately asked: "Have you taught this little bastard a lesson?"

You know, Deng Daqiang personally promised her yesterday that he would teach Chen Feng a lesson!

"Teach a lesson? Teach who?"

Deng Daqiang yawned. He was still a little confused after working all night.

"Chen Feng!"

"Chen Feng? Why should I teach him a lesson?"

Deng Daqiang said with a smile: "He is my cash cow now, so I can't hurt him casually."


Li Rongrong was a little confused: "What do you mean?"

Deng Daqiang explained: "Mom, listen to me first. I don't know what tricks this kid used to increase my company's performance by dozens of times than usual, so we can't touch him now."

"Even if that's the case, we can't let him go!"

Li Rongrong was so angry: "This kid hurt Dachun so badly, and I just took Dachun to the hospital for a check-up, and the result was incontinence."

Chen Feng made their family lose face again and again, and because of him, he also made them drink a cup of urine alive! This breath can't be swallowed!

Deng Daqiang sneered: "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely help you with this breath, but not now, wait until his value is completely squeezed out, then I will definitely kill him with my own hands!"

He will definitely take revenge on Chen Feng, but before that, he must squeeze out all of Chen Feng's value.

If possible, he also hopes to get this publicity channel from Chen Feng!

Just the next moment.

His phone suddenly rang.

After answering the phone, a voice came out soon.

"Hello, Brother Qiang."

"What's wrong?"

"Something happened to the company!"


When Deng Daqiang heard that something happened to the company, he tensed up instantly, and at the same time he had a bad feeling.

"What's going on?"

"It seems that there is something wrong with the loan we...issued."

The other end of the phone continued: "It's like this, the people who borrowed money yesterday are from the same village."

"And this notorious for deadbeats. I heard that they specialize in fleecing black online loan companies!"

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