"What did you say?!"

Deng Daqiang stood up instantly.

His face looked as if he had eaten shit.

You know, these are all the properties of the lending company, but these properties were all lent out by him yesterday without missing a single one!

Deng Daqiang quickly calmed down: "So what you mean is that they don't plan to pay back the money, right?"

The other end of the phone said: "I don't know about this, I only know that they... have borrowed money from many black online lending companies before, and never paid it back."


His meaning is very clear.

They don't pay back the money they borrowed from other black online lending companies, and they will never pay back the money they borrowed from your company.

"Damn it!"

Deng Daqiang was so angry that he slammed the table directly.

I thought I could lie down and make money peacefully.

I didn't expect trouble to come so soon.

But he was not panicked.

As a lending company, there will always be some people who borrow money and don't pay it back, and people like this, just give them a little color to see, and they will be obedient.

"Who are they?"

"I don't know, I just know they are from the same village."

"What village?"

"Mang Village."

"Mang Village?"

Deng Daqiang laughed immediately.

"I don't care if he is from Mang Village or Mang Fu. If he dares to owe me money and doesn't pay it back, I will chop him up!"

"Call someone right now!"

"Follow me and kill him!"



Mang Village.

At this time, many villagers surrounded the entrance of the village.

Their faces were still filled with joy.

"Hahaha, I borrowed 200,000!"

"I borrowed 300,000!"

"I borrowed 500,000!!"

The villagers were very excited. All the money they had was borrowed from Deng Daqiang's company yesterday!

This kind of black online loan company lends money very quickly. As long as you provide your identity information and sign a contract, you can basically lend money immediately.

Although the money is borrowed.

But they have no intention of paying it back!

As we all know, once the interest rate of a loan is higher than a certain point, it is not protected by law.

Moreover, there are two types of online loans. One is through a formal platform, and the interest repaid is also in line with the legal provisions. This type has legal effect.

The other type is black online loans.

Normally, the interest of black online loans will generally exceed the legal provisions and is not protected by law.

It is precisely because of this point.

They will borrow money from some black online loan companies.

The person who came up with this idea is a college student.

His name is Li Donglai.

"Donglai, you are really a benefactor of our village!"

"Yes, yes, thanks to the method you came up with, we made so much money at once!"

"Hahaha, you can get hundreds of thousands in less than a day, what else do you need a bicycle for this?"

"You are worthy of being a college student! There are so many ways to make money!"

The surrounding villagers kept praising Li Donglai.

One person led the whole village to get rich by fleecing online loan companies!

This is also unique!

As the party involved, Li Donglai smiled and said to everyone: "Fellow villagers, according to the law, although usury is not protected by law, we still need to pay back the principal."

When he was in college, he also studied law for a period of time.

But what impressed him most was watching Chen Feng's live broadcast, which made him learn a lot of legal knowledge!

So he knew very well that the money lent by these black online loan companies was not protected by law.

Although it is not protected by law, the principal needs to be returned.

That's why.

These borrowed money can only be used for temporary investment.

Coincidentally, their village is building a tourism project recently, which requires a large amount of funds!

The villagers can't take out this amount of money at all. After all, they are all farmers, and even if they scrape together, they can't get much.

Just when they were worried about having no money.

The God of Wealth came to their door!

Li Donglai continued: "When our tourism project is completed, we will pay it back!"

"Of course, we only need to repay the principal. As for the interest, no matter how many times they compound the interest, we don't need to care about it!"

It can be said that it is completely taking the principal for free!

And this kind of black online loan company is a harmful thing. How many young people have been harmed these years?

Getting wool from them.

Li Donglai doesn't think there is anything wrong at all!

"Well, Donglai is right. When the village's tourism project is completed, the principal will be returned."

"The main reason is that this project has just started. It is estimated that it will not be completed in a year or two."

"Don't worry, don't rush, Donglai also said that we only need to pay the principal of this money, and the interest has nothing to do with us."

"Drag it, anyway, there is no interest, not to mention that these people's money is also used to harm others."

"How many young people have ruined their lives because of black online loans these days? We are also a sanction for them."

"This kind of people must be punished!"

Everyone said in unison.

Anyone can kill the black online loan!

Just at this moment, a villager suddenly said: "I heard that the company we borrowed money from this time is quite powerful, and it has many younger brothers under it."

"What are you afraid of?"

A young man with yellow hair and a crew cut came out: "Don't forget, we can rush to the village!"

"Our ancestors rushed out from the crowd!"

"Besides, there are hundreds of people in our village. How could we be afraid of a small company like them?"

As these words fell.

Everyone nodded.

"Well, I think he is right. If he dares to use violence, I will be the first to make him pay!"

"Count me in!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Several vans suddenly drove into the village.

The door opened.

A bunch of younger brothers quickly got out of the van.

They had machetes in their hands!

And the person standing in the middle of these people was Deng Daqiang!

"Mang Village, right?"

"Hurry up and call the people in charge of your village to come out!"

Deng Daqiang shouted loudly to the villagers around him.

Hearing this.

A middle-aged man with glasses and a gentle appearance walked out of the crowd: "I am the village chief. What do you want to see me for?"

"I heard that everyone in your village borrowed money from our company, and they don't plan to pay it back, right?"

Deng Daqiang frowned.

The village immediately said: "How is it possible? Isn't borrowing money illegal? Our village never does anything illegal."

"When do you plan to pay it back?"

"This... I don't know either, but don't worry, after our village's tourism project is completed, we will return the principal to you in full."

"Repay the principal?"

Deng Daqiang asked: "What about the interest on the loan?"


Faced with this question, the villagers were silent.

At this time.

Li Donglai came up and explained: "The loan of your company is usury, which is illegal in law, so we don't need to pay you the interest."

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