Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 483 We will definitely pay back the money!


"You said my son was arrested?"

Not long after Deng Daqiang was arrested.

The police station quickly notified his family.

After learning the news.

Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong were shocked!

Although their son had been in prison for fighting before, since he came out, Deng Daqiang has reformed and started a business.

How did he go to jail when he was living a good life?

Just when the two were puzzled.

The shadow of a person quickly emerged in their minds!

Chen Feng!

"It must be this bastard who did it!"

Li Rongrong gritted her teeth.

Before Deng Daqiang got into trouble, she was thinking about how to teach Chen Feng a lesson. She never thought that this man failed to teach him a lesson, but instead put her son in jail!

"Honey, it's Chen Feng! This guy must have used some despicable means to frame Daqiang behind his back!"

Deng Zuifu exhaled lightly: "Put this aside for now, we have to go to the police station now."

They don't know the details of the incident yet, and they can only guess whether it was done by Chen Feng, so they must go to the police station in person to find out.

That's it.

The couple hurried to the local police station.

"Are you Deng Daqiang's parents?"

Yang Cangyun had just finished recording his confession and came out of the interrogation room, and saw Deng Zuifu and his wife looking for him.

"Comrade police, what did my son do wrong? Why did you arrest him for no reason?"

"Yes, comrade police, my son has good character and has never done anything illegal. If you don't give me an explanation today, believe it or not, I will complain to you?"

Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong's tone was very sharp. Even if their son was arrested by the police, they still didn't think that their son was at fault.

Yang Cangyun raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"Good conduct? Did you misunderstand this word? Because using this word on your son is a complete insult to these four words."

"And your son's crime this time is not a small one!"

Speaking of this, Yang Cangyun's tone suddenly became a little stern: "Instigating others to commit crimes, possessing firearms, intimidating others, and evading taxes."

"And just now he attacked the police, broke through the checkpoint, and escaped!"

Listening to this series of charges.

Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong were inexplicably nervous.

Although they didn't understand, it seemed very serious.

"Comrade police, how long will my son be sentenced?"

Li Rongrong hurriedly said: "My son runs a company, you must not sentence him too long."

Deng Zuifu took out a pack of cigarettes, took out a cigarette, and then handed it to Yang Cangyun: "Comrade police, how about I give you 100,000 yuan, and you let my son go?"


Yang Cangyun said nothing and pushed the cigarette away directly.

"No smoking in the police station!"

"Also, please respect my profession!"

"As for how long the sentence will be, I don't know, because the result of the sentence needs to be handed over to the court to decide."

Yang Cangyun sorted out the crimes committed by Deng Daqiang: "What is certain is that he should be sentenced to life imprisonment."

It's not that he was exaggerating.

It's that Deng Daqiang's crime is indeed a bit serious.

Not only did he attack the police, he even planned to drive into the police officers. Fortunately, he was stopped in time and no casualties were caused, otherwise he might have been sentenced to death.

"Life imprisonment???"

Hearing these two words.

Li Rongrong's head was instantly dizzy.

Deng Zuifu supported his wife and swallowed hard: "Comrade police, life imprisonment... does it mean that my son will be in prison for the rest of his life?"

"That can't be said."

Yang Cangyun thought for a while and said: "If he behaves well during his sentence, he may be released early."

According to the law, if a life imprisonment prisoner repents or performs meritorious service during the execution period, he can also be commuted after serving two years.

But even if the sentence is reduced, according to Deng Daqiang's crime and attitude, he will probably have to serve at least 20 years in prison.


Deng Zuifu, Li Rongrong's face was dull.

Yang Cangyun's words were like a death sentence for the two.

Life imprisonment!

Doesn't this mean that his son is completely ruined?

At this time.

Chen Feng had just finished recording his confession and came out of the interrogation room.

"Okay! You little bastard!"

As soon as she saw Chen Feng.

Li Rongrong immediately opened her chicken-like voice and blamed Chen Feng for all the mistakes: "What did my son do to you? Why did you hurt him?"

Chen Feng said calmly: "Aunt, did you make a mistake? You first destroyed my account, and now you let your son do it to me. Rather than saying that I hurt you, it's better to say that you are asking for death."

He was not a fool. Deng Daqiang's purpose in finding him must not be simple. Fortunately, he was smart and took the lead in subduing Deng Daqiang.

Otherwise, the consequences are self-evident.

"Yes, we destroyed your game account."

Deng Zuifu said coldly: "But didn't we also apologize to you? Is it necessary to be so serious?"

Chen Feng laughed directly: "Apology? You mean a box of expired milk and a box of expired biscuits?"


Li Rongrong snorted coldly: "It's just a broken game account, why are you so proud? If you have the ability, let my son come out, I will make him pay you ten!"

"Sorry, I really don't have the ability to do this."

Chen Feng replied in the same tone: "Since it is illegal, it should be punished by law."

"In addition, I remind you again that I have handed the case of the game account to the court. If you do not return it on time, you will also bear legal responsibility."

After saying this.

Chen Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense and turned around and left.

After all, there was nothing to say to them.

Either pay money or go to jail.

Just walked out of the police station.

Suddenly, Chen Feng was surrounded by a group of people.

And these people were all villagers from Mang Village.

"Brother Feng, thank you so much this time!"

"You are simply the benefactor of our Mang Village!"

"Hahaha, little brother, you are still awesome! You actually know someone in the police station!"

"From today on, you are our big brother. If anyone dares to touch you, he is our enemy!"

The villagers thanked Chen Feng one after another. If Chen Feng hadn't shaken the police over, it would definitely be a high-end game, and there might even be casualties.

"You are polite."

Chen Feng smiled.

The reason why he was able to deal with Deng Daqiang was mainly because of the help of the villagers, which can be regarded as mutual help.

"First of all, I am not your eldest brother."

"Secondly, according to the law, you need to pay back the money you borrowed, so remember to pay it back when the time comes."

Hearing this.

Li Donglai smiled and said, "Brother Feng, don't worry about this, we will definitely pay him back, and when he comes out, we will pay him back without missing a penny!"

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