the other side.

After Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong learned about the case, they also walked out of the police station.

But at this moment, their faces were full of unwillingness!

Most of the reasons why Deng Daqiang went in were caused by Chen Feng! How can this make them willing to do so?

What's more important is that based on the crimes his son has committed, he probably won't have the chance to come out in this life!

life imprisonment!

Isn't this equivalent to a white-haired person giving a black-haired person a gift?

at the same time.

They also received a court summons.

It’s just adding insult to injury!


"This thing can kill a thousand swords!"

Watch the court summons.

The expressions on the two people's faces were extremely ugly.

Because Chen Feng has officially filed a lawsuit with the court, and if nothing unexpected happens, the trial will begin in a few days.

If you lose.

They will face nearly hundreds of millions in compensation!

"What should I do, husband?"

Li Rongrong was a little at a loss.

In the entire family, Deng Daqiang is the richest.

Now that people have entered, what compensation will they get?

"Don't worry, I've arranged everything next."

Deng Zuifu took a deep breath, and after a few seconds, he said: "This kid has caused so much harm to our family, I will definitely not let him go!"

"You...what do you want to do?"

Li Rongrong asked subconsciously.

Deng Zuifu's face was gloomy: "Didn't he sue us? As long as I prevent him from going to the court, wouldn't it be over?"

"Then how are you going to keep him from going to court?"

"It's simple. Just find someone to cripple him and go to the hospital to lie down for a year and a half. Isn't that the end?"

"'s illegal to do this."

Li Rongrong's face showed a hint of worry.

Now that his son has gone in, if Deng Zuifu also commits the crime and goes in, then the family will be completely ruined.


Deng Daqiang disagreed.

"Then tell me, do we have any other options?"

They definitely couldn't afford hundreds of millions in compensation, and this was the only way he could think of.

Li Rongrong thought for a while and quickly thought of a way: "How about we ask Dad for help?"

"Looking for dad?"

Hearing this, Deng Zuifu's eyes suddenly lit up.

His father is the elder of the family.

As long as he is willing to speak up, he might actually have a chance!

Think of this.

Without saying a word, Deng Zuifu quickly paid a visit with the leftover tea at home and the fake cigarettes he just bought!


The two came to the old man's house.

And told him the whole story.

"That's unreasonable!"

"This is simply unreasonable!"

After listening to the couple's story.

The old man was so angry that he slammed the table: "Are what you two said true? Did Chen Feng deliberately stir up trouble and framed Da Qiang to get him into trouble?"

Deng Zuifu said resolutely: "It's absolutely true!"

Although I told the whole story.

But the process omits a lot.

For example, I didn’t mention a word about the mistakes I made.

on the contrary.

They used a lot of rhetorical techniques to describe Chen Feng's mistakes, and they only needed an eight-fold magnifying glass to magnify them!

Li Rongrong's face looked as pitiful as she cried.

"Dad, you don't know, this kid is so vicious! Fortunately, we were kind enough to find a job for him, but what about him? Dachun accidentally smashed something on him, and he actually asked us to compensate!"

"You can just pay if you want. After all, it's our fault. I'll pay the original price for everything that was smashed."

"And we also apologized to their family. We hope they can forgive us for the sake of their relatives."


"Not only did this kid push his limits, he asked us for compensation, and he even framed Da Qiang!" M.

"We came to you because we really had no choice."


As these words fell.

How can the old man endure it?

My blood pressure went up instantly!

"It's just too much!"

"Don't worry, Dad will definitely seek justice for you today!"


"Go find them to settle accounts now!"

Let’s talk about Chen Feng.

Farewell to the villagers of Mang Village after saying goodbye.

Chen Feng drove home.

Seeing Chen Feng come back from doing things, Chen's father and Chen's mother immediately asked about the situation: "Xiao Feng? How is the matter?"

"It's almost there."

Chen Feng responded casually. In order to avoid worrying his parents, he did not explain too much to the two of them.

"That's good."

Father Chen and Mother Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Um...Xiao Feng, you can just keep an eye on this matter. After all, you don't want to make things too ugly when you are a relative. Otherwise, if you don't look up when you go out in the future, it will be embarrassing."

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, I have a sense of responsibility for this."

Chen Feng nodded.

Considering the financial status of Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong, this amount of money is definitely not enough.

To be honest, if they had been more sincere and not seeking death, Chen Feng could still consider letting them go.

Opportunities were given to them, but they did not cherish them.

If they still seek death next.

Chen Feng doesn't mind having his family of three reunited.

Finish this matter.

Chen Aiguo added: "By the way, Xiaofeng, there will be many relatives at home today, please remember to restrain yourself."

It's still the Chinese New Year period.

Relatives will come to visit one after another.

In order to prevent the last incident from happening again, Chen's parents even locked Chen Feng's room.

"I know."

Chen Feng was not very interested in relatives, so he went back to his room to live broadcast the game.

To be on the safe side, he locked the door.

[How is Feng brother's case? ]

[I heard that Deng Daqiang drove a van all the way, the scene was more exciting than Fast and Furious! ]

[Tsk tsk, escaping in front of the police uncle, this is the most courageous prisoner I have ever seen! ]

[Let alone the previous charges, just based on assaulting the police, breaking the checkpoint, and escaping, I guess he will never get out in this life. ]

[I have to say, this guy knows the book of killing! ]


The live broadcast room has just been opened.

The comments on the public screen instantly covered the entire screen.

And these barrages, without exception, are all discussing this case. After all, this matter has received a lot of attention on the entire network, and even rushed to the hot search.

Seeing that the fans were so interested.

Chen Feng was planning to report the progress of the incident to them.

But at this moment.

Suddenly there was a noise outside!

And from the sound, it seemed that someone was cursing.

Chen Feng ignored it at first.

But as the noise got louder.

Chen Feng couldn't help it anymore, and quickly took off his headphones, put on the camera, and went out to check.

At this time.

I saw an old man in his seventies or eighties standing in the living room.

And Chen Feng was also familiar with the two figures behind the old man, Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong.

Although I don't know what happened.

But it is certain that it seems to be making trouble again!

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