Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 485 I spoil you, am I your father?

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes.

I got a rough idea of ​​the situation at the scene.

The old man is the richest man in Deng and Li Rongrong, and he is also the eldest elder of the two families.

And looking at the situation, they seem to be acting like monsters again!

"Hurry up and call Chen Feng out!"

"I have something to talk to him about today!"

The old man was not polite at all and yelled at Chen's parents and Chen's mother in a arrogant tone.

"Uncle, do you have anything to do with my Xiaofeng?"

Chen Aiguo said bravely, he did not expect that these two people actually moved the old man out!

"What else do you ask me for?"

The old man snorted coldly: "Chen Feng caused my grandson Daqiang to go in! And he even blackmailed our family for money. Does he need to explain this to me?"

【grandson? 】

[The younger one is here, the older one is here? 】

【This is too classic! 】

[For what his grandson did, do you really have the nerve to come over and settle the scores? You don’t even need to be embarrassed, this is it. 】

[That’s right, for the crimes committed by his grandson, even if they are lifeless, they are considered minor. 】

[As the saying goes, if you don’t belong to the same family, don’t enter the same family! 】

Through the camera carried by Chen Feng.

Water friends have basically understood the general outline of the matter.

The barrages on the public screen were refreshed crazily.

at the same time.

The relatives at the scene all turned their attention, and what was originally a visiting relative turned into a melon-eating scene.

"Uncle, listen to me, Xiaofeng can't be blamed for this."

Chen Aiguo did not hesitate to smooth things over for Chen Feng: "You may not know the whole thing clearly, so..."

Although he didn't know why Deng Daqiang went in, the problem must lie with Deng Daqiang himself.

After all, based on his understanding of Chen Feng, Chen Feng would definitely not send people in for no reason.


Before he could finish speaking.

The old man interrupted directly: "You can't blame Chen Feng? In other words, do you think we were wrong?"

"Still, do you think my grandson should go in?"


When Chen Aiguo was about to explain, the old man said impatiently: "Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you."

"Call Chen Feng out quickly!"

"Today I want him to come out and apologize to our family in person, otherwise this matter will never end!"

The old man's tone was very domineering, like an order.

And as these words fell.

Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders, so as not to embarrass his parents, he stood up directly.

"I am Chen Feng, what do you want from me?"

"Are you Chen Feng?"

The old man looked at Chen Feng coldly, and then said in a rude tone: "I don't care what method you use, get my grandson out of the police station immediately!"

"Besides that, you have to apologize to our family!"

【? ? ? ? 】

[Is this old man confused? 】

[Apologise? It's a shame that he can say this well. I won't even help the old lady, so I just obey him! 】

[It also made me laugh. Is the police station run by your family? Could it be that you let people go just as you said? 】

[Uncle, I advise you to use mouse tail juice. You cannot control the water in it. If you are not careful, you may drown. 】


"My abilities are limited. I can't do anything for your grandson."

Chen Feng said in the same tone: "As for apologizing, I didn't do anything wrong, why should I apologize to you?"


The old man laughed angrily. Chen Feng's attitude made him very unhappy: "Just because I am your elder!"

Regarding this sentence, Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh out loud: "In terms of seniority, you are indeed my elder, but you asked me to apologize to your family without knowing the truth. This is just looking for trouble."

"What's more, the term "elder" is suitable only for people with upright views."

【Ha ha! well said! 】

[There is nothing you can do, are you still engaging in moral kidnapping? 】

[Although respecting the old and loving the young is our traditional virtue, it is only worthy of people with three righteous views, not those scoundrels who do not know the truth and confuse right and wrong. 】

[That’s right, old scoundrels and elders are two different kinds of people. Don’t confuse these two kinds of people. 】


"Hey, how can you talk to elders?"

Deng Zuifu suddenly jumped out and pretended to be very angry: "My dad is your dad and your mom's elder after all. Look at the way you talk. You don't even have the basic respect!"

Li Rongrong also spoke: "No big or small, it's really a thing born from a mother but not educated by her mother!"

With the old man backing them up, the two of them got hard again.

Chen Feng laughed directly.

"Then what is your family's upbringing?"

"Or do you mean that your so-called upbringing is about being shameless?"

"Let me spoil you. Am I your father?"

Since they still want to die.

Chen Feng will definitely accompany you to the end!


Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong bit their lips tightly.

Then, the two suddenly shouted to the relatives around them.


"We are all relatives, I hope you can give us some feedback!"

"My child just went to his room and smashed something. He actually wants us to claim compensation for such a trivial matter!"

"We also lost the money afterwards. We thought this matter would just go away, but this guy actually went further and extorted a large amount of money from us!"

"Forget about paying the money, the key point is that he caused my son to go in. Just now, he even said that if we don't pay back the money, he will put our whole family in jail. He is simply forcing us to die!"

They had no choice but to seek help from relatives around the scene. After all, we were all relatives, and no one wanted to make things too ugly.

【A little bit? I'm afraid it's not 100 million, right? 】

【It’s so shameless! 】

[This level of disgust is simply unprecedented! 】

[It’s a pity that I wasn’t there, otherwise I would have slapped them all the way to Siberia! 】

And as these words fell.

Relatives and friends around him started talking about it.

"This is indeed a bit excessive."

"It's normal for children to break things if they are not sensible."

"We are all relatives. There is no need to hurt the harmony. How about you discuss it and it's almost settled."

"That's right, they're all relatives, so there's no need to be so cruel. Just pay some money and forget about it."

"How old are you? You still care about these things."

"If that doesn't work, why don't we all get together to pay it forward?"

Listen to these strange sounds.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and calmed down.

After all, it's not their own business. They definitely won't have back pain while standing and talking.

"First of all, this is not a simple smash, but intentional destruction!"

Looking at the relatives around him, Chen Feng said simply and directly.

"Besides, you just said you were going to help him raise the money to pay for it, right?"


"You guys come together!"

"As long as the money can be paid back, I promise that I will not pursue any further responsibilities!"

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