"Come on, tell me, what exactly did you break?"

“There are so many of us, I still can’t believe that we can’t raise this amount of money.”

The surrounding relatives, as well as the seven aunts and eight aunts all spoke one after another.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "The thing that was destroyed was my game account."

"game account?"

When the seventh and eighth aunts heard this, their expressions instantly turned to disdain.

"How much is this thing worth?"

"To put it bluntly, isn't this just a bunch of fake data?"

Facing these people, Chen Feng didn't bother to talk nonsense and said directly: "Not much, my game account is only worth more than 90 million."

"Since you are so caring, you can also pay it back for them."

"After all, we are all relatives, and we should help each other."

As soon as Chen Feng's words came out.

There was deathly silence all around! ! !

More than ninety million! ! !

They even wondered if their ears had heard it wrong!

Even the old man was scared.

He covered his heart, almost frightened away from the heart disease he had suffered for many years.

Although Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong told him the matter, they omitted a large part of it, such as the amount of compensation.

"Nine...more than ninety million?"

The seven aunts and eight aunts around them spoke choked up, as if they had seen a ghost, and looked at Deng Zuifu and his wife: "Is what he said true?"


Deng Zuifu and his wife did not speak.

After all, the value of this account has been proven by the police.

It's their turn and they don't admit it.

The fact that the two of them didn't speak meant they acquiesced.

"Well...I suddenly remembered that I had something else to do, so I left first."

"My grandson is about to get out of school. I have to go pick him up."

"I forgot to turn off the gas at home. I have to go back early."


The seven aunts, eight aunts and relatives around them looked embarrassed, and at the same time found an excuse and left the scene in a hurry.

As the saying goes, when it comes to gold, it is very realistic.

As long as it is about interests, let alone relatives, brothers will turn against each other.

[Isn’t this too real? 】

[Didn’t you just say that we would pool money together to solve the problem? 】

[Are you willing to pool money together to pay it back? Where's the money? You guys are getting along. 】

[Hahaha, this is the so-called plastic friendship. 】

[To be honest, once any friendship involves interests, I'm sorry, I will just become a passerby. 】


This side of the scene.

The old man was also in disbelief and asked the two of them.

"Is what he said true?"

Although he didn't know what a game account was, if Deng Zuifu nodded, it was true.

More than ninety million!

Even if they sell their whole family, no, their entire ancestors, they still won’t be able to get so much money!

"Dad... the value of this account is indeed correct, but think about it, why did he take out such a valuable thing for Dachun to touch? I suspect he did it on purpose." Deng Zuifu said.

"I did it on purpose?"

Chen Feng smiled: "Your grandson destroyed my account while I was going to the toilet. If you think I wronged you, how about we watch the video again?"


Deng had the richest meal.

He had already seen the video footage.

And the next moment.

The old man's breathing suddenly became rapid, and then he desperately covered his heart with an uncomfortable expression.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Deng Zuifu hurriedly went up and supported the old man.

But he didn't care about the old man's condition immediately, but said to Chen Feng fiercely.

"Chen Feng, look how angry you made my dad!"

"If my dad dies, I won't let you go!"

Hear this.

The old man's breathing suddenly became more rapid.

[By the way, Brother Feng didn’t even touch him, right? 】

[Do you really think our masses are blind? 】

[Brothers, record the screen quickly to avoid causing trouble later. 】

[Wait...why do I feel like they are acting? 】

【Act? Probably not? If this was an act, the old man's acting skills would be too real, right? 】


At this moment, the old man's face was getting paler and paler, and his body and limbs seemed to be twitching a little.

In this regard, Deng Zuifu didn't show any panic on his face.

In fact, this was a trick they had rehearsed before coming over, and it was only used as a last resort.

The reason is to blackmail Chen Feng severely!

But what he didn't expect was that the old man's acting skills were so awesome! It's just like the real thing!

Deng Zuifu rolled his eyes and continued: "Chen Feng, let me tell you! If something happens to my dad today...I...our money will be cleared!"


The old man was in pain and had question marks all over his face.

This sentence almost made him angry to death!

Then, Deng Zuifu didn't care how uncomfortable the old man was, he just threw him to the ground and stood up.

"Chen Feng, my dad was born with a heart disease. Even if he is slightly stimulated, he may die suddenly at any time, and you actually said such things to him just now! I can tell you that today my dad If you die, not only will the money you owe be written off, but you will also have to pay us a burial fee!"

on the ground.

The old man covered his heart and looked at his son in disbelief. This wave of operations directly caused his originally bad heart to withstand a critical blow. He was furious, his eyes darkened, and he fainted!

at the same time.

The live broadcast room was going crazy with 6 deductions.

【666 Ah! It’s a shame he can say this! 】

[Scene of father’s kindness and son’s filial piety? 】

[Hahaha, what a filial son! 】

[Old man: You are so filial to me! 】

[Yida: Filial piety brings strength! 】


After letting go of these harsh words.

Deng Zuifu immediately glanced at Li Rongrong beside him and signaled her to help the old man leave quickly.

Next, just let the old man pretend to have a heart attack and go to the hospital to lie down for a few days, and the plan is complete.

During this period, he could make a fuss and threaten Chen Feng into compromising.

Li Rongrong helped the old man up and was about to take him away when she suddenly realized that something was wrong with the old man.

Even though his face was frighteningly white, even his limbs were cold!

It was exactly like a real heart attack!

Li Rongrong swallowed her saliva and said cautiously: "Husband... there seems to be something wrong with dad."

"Something's wrong?"

Deng Zuifu glanced at the old man lying motionless on the ground in confusion: "What could be wrong? Isn't it just a play? Dad is too involved, right?"

Saying this, Deng Zuifu leaned into the old man's ear, intending to whisper to the old man to leave.

But at this moment.

He also noticed that something was wrong with the old man's appearance.

Deng Zuifu hesitated for a moment, then put a finger to the tip of the old man's nose, his face instantly confused.

"Honey...the old man seems to be really out of breath."

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