"The old man is out of breath!"

Deng Zuifu reached out to the tip of the old man's nose and found that the old man's breathing was very weak.

The body temperature is also terrifyingly cold!

Even an Oscar-winning actor wouldn’t be able to pull it off!

There is only one possibility!

The old man really had a heart attack!

"No, are you out of breath?"

Li Rongrong was dumbfounded and a little panicked at the same time.

Looking at Li Rongrong who was motionless on the spot, Deng Zuifu didn't think much and shouted directly: "Stop standing there stupidly! Call an ambulance quickly!"

After hearing this, Li Rongrong immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed 120.

Within ten minutes, the ambulance arrived at the scene.

“Who are the patient’s family members?”

After the medical staff put the old man on a stretcher and put him into the ambulance, they asked the people present.

"I...I am."

Deng Zuifu stepped forward.

The medical staff said with a serious face: "The patient has a serious heart disease and can't bear too much stimulation. Did you just say something that irritated him?"


Deng Zuifu shook his head directly, very innocently.

From the beginning, he planned to let the old man act in a play. Who would have thought that it would actually come true!

"Oh, by the way, it's this kid!"

Deng Zuifu suddenly pointed at Chen Feng: "He must have done it! This kid knew that my dad had a heart disease, and he deliberately said irritating words to make him angry!"

"Uncle, you can eat shit randomly, but you can't talk nonsense."

Chen Feng spoke slowly in a calm voice: "I don't know whether your father is sick or not. Don't forget, you are the ones who came here looking for trouble, and I have never touched him. Don't throw the pot around."

"It's you, why do you want an old man in his 70s and 80s with a heart disease to come and stir up trouble?"

"Of course, if you don't accept it, we can also call the police and have the police officer come and confront you."

It can be clearly felt from the attitudes of the two of them that their purpose this time is definitely to have a fight.

It's a pity that this trick is useless against Chen Feng. After all, he carries a driving recorder with him at all times.

[Moral kidnapping doesn’t work, now it’s about porcelain? 】

[One thing to say, it’s a good thing that Brother Feng had his own driving recorder, otherwise it wouldn’t be able to be washed with water. 】

[Really speaking, it’s not surprising that the old man was so angry because his son was too filial. 】

[As I said a long time ago, the water here is very deep, and I will definitely not be able to grasp it. Is it okay now? If the porcelain becomes real, maybe people will die. 】


These words come down.

Deng Zuifu also felt that he was at fault.

So, he thought about it.

Then he asked: "Ms. Nurse, is my old man's condition serious? Is it possible that he will die?"


When the medical staff heard this, their tone was a little unnatural: "We don't know the details very well, but judging from the current situation, the patient's illness has been delayed for a long time, and the situation is not optimistic."

"As for more specific information, we need to go to the hospital for testing."

"Since you are a family member of the patient, come with us."

"Okay, just wait a moment."

Deng Zuifu responded, then looked back at Li Rongrong: "Honey, you go home right away."

"Go home? Why go home?"

"I bought an accidental medical insurance for the old man a while ago. If the old man has something bad, he can find the insurance company to compensate him as soon as possible."


As soon as these words came out.

The medical staff beside him couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

She probably knew how the old man's heart disease came about.

At this time, I am still thinking about insurance.

I have to say, this son is so filial!

that's all.

Deng Zuifu followed the old man and was taken away by ambulance.

Li Rongrong went back home to get the insurance certificate.

Watch the two people leave.

Chen Feng was not idle either. To be on the safe side, he chose to go to the local police station to file a report.

After all, who knows whether they will take advantage of this incident to continue to have trouble with each other, so it can be considered as a precaution for themselves.

on the other hand.

After Li Rongrong got the insurance from home, she hurried to the hospital: "Husband, how is Dad now?"

Deng Zuifu sighed, slightly disappointed.

"There's still a breath left."


Li Rongrong immediately looked at the old man lying on the hospital bed with mixed emotions. After a series of first aid, the old man had gradually returned to normal. Tianlai Novel Network

Deng Zuifu seemed to remember something and took out a receipt: "This is the hospital's bill. You go and pay it first."

Looking at the payment amount on the bill, Li Rongrong stared anxiously and said reluctantly: "Why is it so expensive?"

"The doctor said that with the old man's current physical condition, he might have to be hospitalized for a while."


Li Rongrong was heartbroken, but she quickly said, "What about Chen Feng? He is responsible for this! He should be the one to pay for this money, right?"

"He is not responsible for this."

"No need to be responsible? Why!"

"Because I already asked."

Deng Zuifu was very unhappy and said: "I just called the police station to ask, but this guy had already gone to the police station to explain clearly and provided video evidence, so the police said that he was responsible for this matter It's not him."


Li Rongrong said unwillingly: "This piece of shit! You harmed people, but you don't have to take responsibility?"

"Is there any royal law for this?"

"Is this even fair?"

While complaining, Li Rongrong kept cursing in her heart that Chen Feng would be hit by a car when he went out tomorrow.

I thought I could use the old man to win the game, but now it's better. I just lost my wife and lost my troops!

Let’s not talk about paying back Chen Feng’s money.

The old man's medical expenses alone are enough for them to drink a bottle.


Deng Zuifu got angrier the more he thought about it!

If it weren't for Chen Feng, how could they be in this situation?

He can't swallow this breath!

As the saying goes, the more you think about it, the angrier it becomes, and the angrier you get, the more you think about it.

He was so angry that he kicked the lid of the oxygen tube next to him and broke it.

I thought that the old man could bring down Chen Feng by taking action.

But the result disappointed him!

The most important thing is that he invested tens of thousands in insurance on the old man.

If something really happened to the old man, he could blame Chen Feng for the whole thing and even get a huge compensation.

It’s like killing two birds with one stone!

But I never expected that the old man wouldn’t do anything!

"Husband, what should I do now?"

Li Rongrong had a mournful face. If she could, she would chop Chen Feng into pieces immediately!

"You ask me, who am I asking?"

Deng Zuifu looked helpless.

At this point, I have tried every possible way, except seeking death, which has no effect on Chen Feng.

Just when the two of them scratched their scalps and couldn't come up with a solution.

Deng Zuifu narrowed his eyes.

His eyes suddenly shifted to the old man's oxygen tube.

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