The next day.

Chen Feng washed up as usual, and then sat with his parents to eat breakfast.

At this time.

Chen Aiguo was drinking porridge while looking at the group message on his mobile phone. When he saw the message sent by Deng Zuifu, his face suddenly darkened.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that her husband was not right, Chen's mother asked immediately.

"The old man... is gone."


Chen's mother was slightly stunned, and after a moment, she reacted and said: "You mean... the old man passed away?"

Chen Aiguo nodded: "Just now, the two people in the Deng family announced the death of the old man in the group message, saying that he had heart failure and died last night after ineffective rescue."

Hearing this news, Chen's mother was also shocked.

Not only her, but even Chen Feng was a little surprised.

I thought it was just a little farce, but I didn't expect it to be fatal!

"He was fine yesterday, why did he suddenly die?"

Chen's mother thought about it, and suddenly said with some worry: "This matter... won't be counted on Xiaofeng?"

This is also the only worry of the two.

If the other party catches on to this, Chen Feng will be in trouble.

"Mom and Dad, it's okay."

Chen Feng said indifferently: "I have already filed this matter with the police station, and all the evidence has been handed over. Even if someone blames me, it will definitely not be my fault."

Although he did not expect to make a mistake in killing someone, he still took precautions in advance to prevent the other party from continuing to cause trouble for him.

"That's right, Xiao Feng didn't even touch the old man yesterday, but the two of them were scheming and calculating others all day long. Who knows if it was them who did it."

Chen Aiguo also agreed with Chen Feng's statement.

They can all be witnesses to what happened yesterday.

To be honest, it was all the other party's fault.

After breakfast, Chen Feng saw that he had been at home for a long time, and the New Year was almost over, so he prepared to say goodbye to his parents and go back to the city.

After all, the prosecution work needs to be completed after returning.

He said he was back for the New Year, but he didn't rest at all during this year, and even got into a lot of trouble.

Facing Chen Feng's farewell, Chen Feng, the father, had no intention of keeping him, and even wanted Chen Feng to go back earlier. After all, the old man was dead, and it was not certain whether Deng Zuifu and his wife would come to settle accounts with Chen Feng.

So it was better to go back earlier to feel at ease.

That's it.

After saying goodbye to his parents briefly.

Chen Feng drove and headed directly to the law firm.

"Brother Feng, you are finally back!"

Seeing Chen Feng coming back, Zhang Yida greeted him with a smile.

He had heard a lot about Chen Feng's deeds these days. Not only did he send the bank robbers to jail, he even destroyed a black online loan company!

Now it is also involved in a case of tens of millions of accounts!

As a senior game player, Zhang Yida was also deeply saddened by the destruction of Chen Feng's account.

"How is the case going?"

"Don't worry, I've already done it for you."

Zhang Yida patted his chest and said, "It's estimated that the trial will be held in a few days, and the chance of winning is almost 100%!"

"That's good."

Chen Feng was very satisfied with Zhang Yida's efficiency.

"By the way, Brother Feng, Ye Xue came to you yesterday."

Zhang Yida suddenly remembered something and mentioned it in passing.

"Ye Xue?"

Chen Feng was thoughtful.

Since the last Penguin case ended, I haven't heard from Ye Xue again. I just heard that she has devoted herself to running the company.

Chen Feng asked in confusion: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Uh... I heard that something happened to her sister Ye Qi."

"Sister Qi?"


Faced with Chen Feng's surprise, Zhang Yida nodded: "I don't know the specific situation very well, but I heard that she seemed to be involved in a murder case."


Chen Feng took a deep breath and planned to find Ye Xue to ask clearly. Although Ye Qi was his former landlord, she treated him like her own sister. If something happened to her, Chen Feng would definitely not sit idly by.

Chen Feng packed up his things and was about to go out.


There was a sound of gongs outside the law firm.

It was like someone was dead!

And it was getting louder and louder!

"What's going on? Is there a dead person outside?"

Zhang Yida was immediately surprised.

He opened the window and saw that the door of the law firm was full of people wearing white mourning clothes!

And the leader was very familiar to Chen Feng.

It was Deng Zuifu, Li Rongrong and his grandson Deng Dachun!

I don't know where the two got the news from, but they actually went directly to Chen Feng's law firm!

"Husband, are you sure it's here?"

Hearing his wife's question, Deng Zuifu said without hesitation: "Don't worry, I've asked, it's absolutely correct! This law firm is the company opened by this kid!"

Looking at this law firm of several thousand square meters.

Li Rongrong's mind was instantly unbalanced. It was actually several times larger than the company opened by her son!

She looked resentful: "I said, how could this kid be so good at cheating people, it turns out that he runs a law firm! I have heard that the money earned by the law firm is all some dirty money! To put it bluntly, it is a fraud company!"

That's what she said.

But you can faintly hear a sour taste.

After all, it's not your own, so you can only belittle it.

"By the way, husband, is your method reliable?"

"Of course!"

Deng Zuifu's smile became more and more intense.

The reason why he went to Chen Feng's law firm was to put his father's death on Chen Feng's head and use this as a threat to offset the tens of millions of accounts!

"Wife, think about it carefully. If we put this crime on Chen Feng, he will be the indirect murderer of my father, that is, a murderer!"

"At that time, I wonder if his law firm can still be opened!"

Speaking of this, Deng Zuifu immediately looked at his grandson Deng Dachun and said: "Dachun, you will cry to death later! How miserable is it, do you understand?"

Deng Dachun didn't speak.

"I'll buy you a toy later."

Deng Dachun burst into tears without saying a word.


Deng Zuifu picked up the gong and hit it hard!

In just a moment, it attracted the attention of the surroundings.

On the other side.

Listening to the noise coming from outside, Zhang Yida couldn't help but said: "Brother Feng, if it's not convenient for you to come out, how about I go down and send them away?"

"No, I'll do it myself."

Chen Feng shook his head expressionlessly.

Facing the Deng couple who were like flies and lingering around, he could no longer tolerate it.

It's time to end it.

Thinking of this.

Chen Feng quickly felt the door where the two were making trouble.

Before that, in order to preserve the evidence, he also turned on his live broadcast.

Deng Zuifu was seen beating the gong and shouting to the people around.

"Fellow villagers, come and see!"

"This law firm is unscrupulous! Not only did it cause my son to go to jail, but it also killed my elderly father! Now they don't even have to bear any responsibility!"

"Excuse me, is there still law? Is there justice?"

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