【? ? ? 】

【Fuck! It’s these two b’s again! 】

【Is it over yet? Isn’t it enough to commit suicide? 】

[Look, look, this is wearing mourning clothes and beating a gong. Could it be that someone in the family died? 】

【Is someone dead? No way? 】

[Or is the old man really dead? 】

[What about the acting you promised? Acting and acting are really gone? 】

[I can only say, yes! Let them commit suicide all day long! 】


After the live broadcast room opened, barrages surged like crazy.

You know, they all saw what happened yesterday. Even if the Deng family blamed Chen Feng for the old man's death, it would be impossible.

This side of the scene.

As Deng Zuifu made more and more noises.

The surrounding people were also attracted.

They discussed at the same time.

"What happened?"

"Why are so many people gathered around my law firm?"

"Or are they coming to the law firm to hold a funeral?"

Facing the crowd of onlookers, Deng Zuifu was afraid that the incident would not be big enough, so he took out a big loudspeaker.

"All fellow villagers and elders, please give us your opinion."

"This law firm belongs to the child of a relative of mine, who I grew up with. When I was a child, I bought him sweets every day, and no matter what he wanted, I would buy it for him unconditionally. He was treated even better than I was treated. My own son is even better!"

"But I never expected it!"

"He is just a white-eyed wolf who doesn't know how to repay kindness! And he is deliberately trying to harm us!"

"A few days ago, my grandson accidentally broke some of his things, and he asked us to compensate him nearly 100 million!"

"Tell me, is this outrageous or not?"

"For this reason, our family knelt down and begged him for mercy over and over again. We even spent all our money to buy expensive gifts to apologize to him, hoping to obtain his forgiveness."

"But the result is that not only did he not forgive us, he even bullied us as a lawyer!"

"And he threatened that if the money was not paid, three generations of our family would be sent to prison!"

"You also know that we are a rural family and do not understand the law. We are certainly no match for him."

"So I wanted to avoid him, so I took my wife and children to find a place to hide."

"But I didn't expect that!"

"He actually went directly to my son's company to cause trouble!"

“And a whole bunch of people were called!”

"After the trouble, not only did he not get the sanction he deserved, he even used dirty tricks to send my son in!"

"Yesterday he even came to my house and made my old man angry to death! Do you think it's hateful or not?"

At this point, Deng Zuifu suddenly pretended to be heartbroken and forced a tear out of his eyes, trying to win the sympathy of the onlookers.

【Ed! Keep editing! 】

[You open your mouth at the beginning, and the content is all made up! 】

[One thing to say is, if he doesn’t become a novelist, it would really be a waste of his talent! 】

[Don’t you know who is causing trouble? 】

[If I hadn’t seen the whole story yesterday, I would have almost believed it! 】

[This is what happens on the Internet. You must not just look at the surface, let alone make an evaluation just based on the surface. After all, poor people must be hateful! 】


"This man is really a white-eyed wolf!"

"We are all relatives, why bother? Not only do we force people to this point, but they also cost lives!"

"Hurry up and tell us who this person is!"

"We will seek justice for you!"

"My keyboard is ready. If I know this person's identity, I will spray him to death immediately!"

After hearing these words, the people around him made comments one after another.

A white-eyed wolf is a street rat.

Just hearing it is enough to make people angry!

Hear the words.

Deng Zuifu felt more at ease instantly.

This is just like what I planned, to win the sympathy of the masses and make these people my guns!

Even the media reporters called us!

The purpose is to completely ruin Chen Feng’s reputation!

And this time.

Deng Zuifu happened to see Chen Feng walking out of the law firm.

"It's him!"

Deng Zuifu pointed directly at Chen Feng: "This is the boy! He is the culprit who harmed our family!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone quickly looked along the sound.

"What's going on? Why do I feel like he looks familiar?"

"I remembered, he is Chen Feng!"

"Chen Feng? He's that lawless maniac on the Internet!"

"It's him, it's him, it's him!"

"Oh, it turns out to be Chen Feng."

"That's okay."

"Everyone should disperse as soon as possible."

"Eat melons rationally and don't get ahead of yourself."

Seeing that this person was Chen Feng, the crowd quickly regained their rationality.


This scene also made Deng Zuifu a little confused.

Just a second ago, he said he would support himself.

But the next second, everyone shrank aside to watch the fun?

The point is, they look at me with sympathy.

"Uncle, do you have a problem with me?"

Chen Feng asked casually.

He wanted to see what happened today.

Although he didn't know what happened, Deng Zuifu still had the courage to say: "What do you have the nerve to ask me about? My old man was killed by you! I tell you, you must bear this responsibility!"

Chen Feng spread his hands: "I'm deeply sorry about the old man's matter, but what does this have to do with me?"

"You killed him!"

Deng Zuifu insisted that it was Chen Feng who killed him.

Li Rongrong also spoke up: "If you hadn't deliberately angered him yesterday, would my old man have died again?"

Chen Feng didn't bother to pay attention to them, and said directly: "The police station has records of the case, you can go to the police station to ask."

"And you are making trouble in the law firm, which has seriously affected the normal operation of the law firm. I can report the case to the public security agency and arrest you."

Hearing that the police were to be called.

Deng Zuifu was obviously panicked, and his tone softened a lot.

"Xiaofeng, after all, we are relatives for decades, and uncle doesn't want to make things too ugly. How about this, you go to the police station to withdraw the case, and then give uncle a little funeral expenses for the old man, and this matter will be over?"

[Just give some money and it will be over? ]

[What a filial son! 】

【His father's body was still warm, but he didn't send him to a proper funeral, but came here to discuss compensation? 】

【If the old man in the underworld heard this, the coffin would probably not be able to hold him down. 】

【How much good deeds did he accumulate to give birth to such a son? 】


"Funeral expenses?"

Chen Feng laughed: "How much do you plan to ask for?"

Deng Zui Fu and Li Rongrong looked at each other.

Then he said generously.

"Not much, just give us 100 million. As long as you give us the money, I promise that in the future, no, I will never bother you again!"

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