Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 490: The identification result shows that you killed the person.

[One hundred million? ]

[He really dares to ask for it! ]

[In my opinion, this is a complete blackmail! ]

[The old man hasn't been buried yet, and he comes to spend money directly! He really understands the word filial piety! ]

[Although it's my illusion, I always feel that this matter is not that simple. Think about it, the old man just died, and they come directly to make trouble. Filial piety is a bit filial, but this is too strange. ]

[I'll make a bold prediction. Do you think the old man's death is related to these two people? ]


The live broadcast room was surging wildly.

This unreasonable place also made netizens suspicious.

"As long as you give me the money."

"I won't bother you about the old man's death."


Deng Zuifu looked a little nervous.

The reason why he was nervous was because of the old man's death.

The old man died mainly because he pulled out the oxygen tube, which led to lack of oxygen and difficulty breathing.

So the old man's death had nothing to do with Chen Feng.

But these outsiders don't know!

Since no one knows, he can be said to have been killed by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng smiled and asked: "What if I don't give it to you?"

"Not giving it to you?"

Deng Zuifu's face changed instantly: "If you don't give it to you, you're a murderer! We will never let you go in this life!"

Chen Feng continued to smile and asked: "In other words, if I give you money, the old man's death will be forgotten?"


"You are really filial."


Deng Zuifu bit his lip, but didn't say anything.

As long as he can offset this account, what does a mere father matter? Not to mention that he can extort another sum of money.

"Then may I ask, how did the old man die?"

Hearing Chen Feng's question, Deng Zuifu said directly: "He had a heart attack and died after being sent to the hospital for rescue."

"But that's not right? I just asked the hospital. After the old man was sent to the hospital, he was out of danger after a series of rescue."

Chen Feng's face was calm, and his tone was tentative: "Tell me, he was obviously out of danger, why did he suddenly die after being rescued?"

"Or is there any inside story that we don't know?"

After this sentence.

Instantly, Deng Zuifu and his wife were speechless.

And they felt more guilty.

After all, the old man's death was caused by them.

Li Rongrong bit her lip, feeling a little guilty, and immediately said: "What do you mean, kid! Do you want to say that we pulled out the old man's oxygen tube? Did we kill him?"

"Oh? Pull out the oxygen tube?"

Chen Feng suddenly realized.

This wave of empty-handed white wolf also surprised him a little.

Asking the hospital, in fact, all these are excuses he made up.

After all, the hospital will not provide the patient's private information to other people unless they are relatives.


Chen Feng is completely gambling!

I bet that their guns have no bullets!

[Pull out the oxygen tube? ? ? ]

[So that's it, the old man's oxygen tube was pulled out. ]

[Hahaha, just blow up the small truck? ]

[For money, they can do anything! ]

[Old man: I am so filial! ]

[They can do such things, they are simply beasts! ]

[No, calling them beasts is an insult to beasts! ]


"Aunt, you said this yourself."

Chen Feng said innocently: "I didn't say anything."


Li Rongrong's face turned pale.

The guilt on her face became more and more serious.

Chen Feng's smile did not diminish: "Aunt, why don't you say anything? Did you really pull out the old man's oxygen tube?"


Li Rongrong was a little at a loss.

The next moment, Deng Zuifu suddenly jumped out.

He interrupted the conversation between the two.


"You want to force us to death, right?"

Seeing that something was wrong, Deng Zuifu's eyes turned and he quickly showed a look of broken defense.

And threatened.


"Since you want us to die? Don't even think about it! Don't blame me for not reminding you! Even if we die, we will definitely drag you down with us!"

Threat! ! !

Naked threat!

[He is weak, he is weak! ]

[Still threatening? ]

[Haha, it should be said that he is anxious, he is anxious! ]

[Seeing that he let the cat out of the bag, he got angry! ]

[Could it be that they killed the old man? ]

[Be more confident, it is definitely them who killed him! ]


Seeing the anxious look of the two.

Chen Feng can basically conclude.

The old man's death must be related to them!

Now it seems that there is no need for the court's judgment.

If the old man's death is related to them.

That would be murder!

Just at this time.

A business car stopped here, and then several uniformed personnel walked out of the car.

"You are Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong, right?"

One of the uniformed personnel asked the two people.

The two people said nervously: "Yes... yes, who are you and what do you want to talk to us about?"

"It's like this, we are from the insurance company."

The insurance personnel said: "You bought an insurance policy for old man Deng in our company a few days ago, right?"

Hearing that it was the insurance personnel, Deng Zuifu instantly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Yes, we are the family of the old man, and my old man is dead, you should quickly compensate us."

"According to the content of the insurance contract, we do need to pay you a certain amount of compensation."

At this point, the insurance personnel said in a serious tone: "The premise is that the old man must have died accidentally!"

"You...what do you mean?"

"I mean, after our investigation, we found that the old man's death was not an accident."

" you don't talk nonsense!"

Deng Zuifu, Li Rongrong looked a little panicked.

"The old man died accidentally!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will sue you for defamation?"

"Oh, I understand. You don't want to pay, right?"

"So that's it. In order to avoid paying, you framed us with unfounded charges!"

Facing the two excited people, the insurance staff said calmly: "I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious. Listen to me and then we will make a conclusion."

As he said, the insurance staff asked someone to take out a report: "This is the result of the forensic identification. The result shows that the cause of the old man's death was not a heart attack, but a lack of oxygen."

The insurance company is not a fool. How can it say that it will compensate before finding out the truth?

After all, no one knows whether someone will commit fraud.

In order to prevent fraud, they need to wait until the whole thing is found out and determine that it meets the compensation standards before compensating them.

"There is also."

"We found traces of human damage on the oxygen tube in the hospital. What is your explanation?"

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