Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 491 Yida, filial piety leads to strength!

【Case solved! Case solved! 】

【 Punishment! The oxygen tube was actually pulled out! 】

[Yida, filial piety brings strength! 】

[Hahaha, according to the law, their behavior should be considered intentional murder, right? 】

【That is required! He could be shot in a minute! 】

[Oh no, even my old man can do it. This conscience has been eaten by dogs! 】

[Deng Zuifu: Conscience? How much is this thing worth? 】

At this moment.

Various evidences have pointed to Deng Zuifu and his wife.

They are the murderers of the old man!

For this kind of insurance fraud and even murder of others, the insurance personnel directly chose to report the case.

After a while, several police cars quickly arrived at the scene.

Yang Canghai and several colleagues got out of the police car and walked to Deng Zuifu and his wife who were silent.

"Mr. Deng, Ms. Li, regarding the death of Mr. Deng, we need your help to go back and investigate."

"Please come with us!"

So saying.

Yang Canghai immediately took out two pairs of exquisite silver handcuffs and cuffed them directly on the wrists of the two couples!

Deng Zuifu's face turned pale: "No, comrade police, I... didn't mean it. I didn't mean to harm the old man! Please believe me!"

"Not intentional?"

Yang Canghai frowned and said, "By saying this, do you mean to admit that the old man's death has something to do with you?"

"Yes! I admit it!"

Deng Zuifu really had no choice but to say truthfully: "The old man's death was indeed caused by us and had nothing to do with... or Chen Feng."

"But it was really an accident!"

Now that the evidence is conclusive, he can only confess and be lenient.

Otherwise, once the crime of murder is confirmed, it will be all over.


Yang Canghai asked with great interest: "Then tell us, what kind of accident is this?"

"Comrade police, it's like this. I accidentally touched the cap of the oxygen tube that day, but who knew, the tube was damaged."

"I touched it? Are you sure?" Tianlai Novel Network

Yang Canghai looked into his eyes.

Deng Zuifu's confidence was obviously lacking: "I...I was so angry that I accidentally kicked him."

"Aren't you careful?"

Yang Canghai asked: "Then after you kicked the oxygen tube and broke it, why didn't you go find a nurse to deal with it?"


Faced with Yang Canghai's questioning.

Deng Zuifu fell silent again.

Although he had no intention of murdering the old man, he wanted the old man to die and this would definitely not change.

Because of this, he and his wife did not take care of Guanzi's affairs, but who knew that the old man actually died.

"In addition, we also found a fingerprint from the interface of the oxygen tube, which means that the oxygen tube was not only damaged but also pulled out!"

Hear the words.

Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong looked at each other and couldn't calm down at that time, so they quickly denied it.

"Comrade police, you must not accuse people unjustly. We did destroy the cap of the oxygen tube. We admit this, but we did not pull out the oxygen tube! You must not accuse us unjustly!"

Li Rongrong also nodded and said: "Yes, yes, we did not remove the oxygen tube. If you really want to say it, this can only be regarded as manslaughter at most, right?"

The two of them were very innocent, and it didn't look like they were lying.


Yang Canghai narrowed his eyes.

It’s not that I wronged them, but there was indeed a strange fingerprint left on the interface of the oxygen tube.

They compared this fingerprint and it was not left by a doctor in the hospital or a previous patient.

"Then was there a third party besides you at that time?"

Yang Canghai asked.

If it wasn't the two of them who did it, then there was only one last possibility, there was a third party on the scene!

"third party?"

Deng Zuifu, Li Rongrong was stunned, and then looked at his grandson Deng Dachun beside him.

Then, both of them swallowed at the same time.

"Dachun...did you remove my great-grandfather's tube?"


After repeated interrogations by the police, the truth of the case finally came to light. When the oxygen tube broke, Deng Dachun accidentally pulled out the interface of the oxygen tube out of curiosity.

It can be said.

In this matter, the family of three is also responsible.


Deng Zuifu and Li Rongrong are most responsible. One is responsible for destroying the oxygen tube, and the other is knowing that the oxygen tube is faulty, but they did not call medical staff to deal with it in time, and even pretended not to see it. This behavior already constitutes murder. crime.

As for whether it was negligent homicide or intentional homicide, it will have to wait for the court to decide in person.

【Fuck! The case is finally solved! 】

[One thing to say, this reversal is so awesome! 】

[I never expected that this murderer was an unexpected tragedy caused by a naughty child! 】

[Pulling out the oxygen tube...even Xiu'er didn't show off to him. 】

[This is definitely the most filial family in history. 】

【The whole family has filial sons! 】

[After all, it was Mr. Deng who bore everything. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully completing option three. 】

[Reward: Eye for solving crimes. 】

After Chen Feng completed this mission.

A series of system prompts appeared in front of my eyes instantly.

"Eyes to solve the case?"

Chen Feng was slightly stunned.

Although he didn't know what this thing was used for, it was certain that it was another new skill.


The system provided instructions.

[Eyes to solve the case: can randomly give corresponding prompts according to the host's needs and scenes. 】

(Note: The host cannot use this function actively.)

"Can't use it actively?"

Chen Feng scratched his head.

In short, this is a passive skill.

And this skill made Chen Feng feel like it was played in Conan. Just when the protagonist scratched his head and couldn't find an important clue, someone suddenly said something and said the key to the case.

Back to reality.

After sending the Deng family away.

Yang Canghai turned his head and looked at Chen Feng, exhaling lightly. It was just after the New Year, and he immediately received the first good start, which made him feel particularly helpless.


The seriousness on Yang Canghai's face did not disappear even though the case was solved. He then asked, "By the way, brother Chen Feng, you should know Ms. Ye Qi, right?"

"I know her."

Hearing this, Chen Feng nodded directly.

He was planning to go find Ye Qi.

According to what Zhang Yida said before, Ye Qi seemed to be involved in a case for some reason, so he planned to go over and ask the reason.

"Officer Yang, did something happen to her?"

Yang Canghai hesitated for a few seconds, then said very seriously, "She was involved in a murder case and is now being interrogated at the police station."


(It's about to end. If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the last case, and it may also be the biggest reversal among so many cases.)

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