"Murder case?"

Chen Feng was slightly surprised.

Although he didn't know what happened in the case, as long as it was related to murder, it would be a big trouble!

"Officer Yang, what happened?"

Faced with Chen Feng's question, Yang Canghai thought for a while and said: "To be honest, I don't know the details. You know, I happened to take a break during the New Year to do some things. I just heard about this case when I came back today. As for the more detailed content, you can go back with us to find out."


Chen Feng nodded without hesitation.

At the same time, he also let out a sigh of relief.

Normally, this kind of criminal case about murder will not be disclosed to other people casually.

Hearing what Yang Canghai said, Chen Feng could probably infer that Sister Qi should only be the object of suspicion.

Anyway, he was going to go to the police station to make a complete record of this case, and he was also going to go to Ye Qi later, which was completely on the way.

That's it.

Chen Feng greeted the fans in the live broadcast room, then clicked off the broadcast, got into Yang Canghai's car and went to the police station.

After finishing the relevant records.

When Chen Feng was about to ask about Ye Qi, a slender figure hurriedly walked into the police station.

It was Ye Xue!

At this time, she was holding a document in her hand.

She looked very anxious.

"Chen Feng?"

As soon as Ye Xue entered the door, she recognized Chen Feng at once.

No, it should be said that she would never forget him even if she turned into ashes!

After all, Chen Feng was the only man who had cheated her.

And twice!

"Sister Xue."

Chen Feng greeted her very kindly.

"I reiterate again, my name is Ye Xue!"

Ye Xue bit her thin lips and emphasized solemnly.

Even though they hadn't seen each other for many months.

But when the two met, they could still create sparks.

"Okay, Sister Xue."


Ye Xue gritted her teeth.

After taking a deep breath.

She was too lazy to argue with Chen Feng about this matter.

"Chen Feng... something happened to my sister."

Ye Xue thought for a moment and finally said it.

She came here today for this case.

Ever since her sister Ye Qi was involved in a murder case, Ye Xue has been running around looking for help these days.

But she almost searched all the law firms but it was useless. When she heard that it was a case involving human life, the lawyers she found wanted to stay away.


The only person she could find now was Chen Feng.

It was just that she heard that Chen Feng had something to do recently and was out, but she didn't expect to meet him at the police station.

It was strange to say, because every time she met Chen Feng, he was either in trouble or on the way to trouble.

It was really a bit weird.

"Go out and talk."

Chen Feng's face became much more serious. Since the insider of the incident came, it saved a lot of effort.


The two met in a coffee shop.

Sit down and order two cups of hand-brewed coffee.

Seeing Chen Feng's serious look, Ye Xue didn't think much and directly told him the whole story.

"This is what happened."

"My sister is the landlord, you should know this."

"Her daily job is to collect rent and so on."

"But just two days ago, when my sister went to collect rent, a murder occurred in the rental house!"


Chen Feng frowned slightly: "Why do you say that?"

Ye Xue's face was a little nervous. After all, hearing about murder cases in reality is more or less scary.

"The victim... is a tenant of my sister. For some reason, this tenant suddenly died in my sister's rental house two days ago."

"What about the cause of death? Did you say how he died?"

"Being... stabbed to death."

"What about the murderer?"

"I don't know."

"I don't know?"

Ye Xue's answer immediately made Chen Feng confused: "Why do you say you don't know?"

Ye Xue pursed her lips and said: "Because according to the evidence provided by the police, they all say that my sister is the murderer."

"What evidence?"

As soon as Chen Feng spoke, the atmosphere became tense instantly.

Ye Xue swallowed her saliva, took a sip of coffee to ease her nervousness, and then said, "The rental house where the incident occurred is in a residential area, and the surveillance equipment inside is very complete. After the case happened, the police immediately investigated all the surveillance nearby and found that only my sister had contact with the victim."

"What did your sister say?"

"The other party owed my sister several months of rent, and my sister's contact with him was purely because of rent collection."

Speaking of this, Ye Xue hesitated a little, but continued, "The most important thing is that the police suspect my sister because my sister...she has a motive."


Chen Feng frowned.

If the police do not have sufficient evidence, they will not detain people casually, so evidence is crucial.

Now he finally knew why Ye Xue searched all the law firms, but no one was willing to take over the case.

If there is a motive and evidence.

It is completely a homicide case!

The point is that lawyers mainly defend or provide defense to criminals. This suddenly caused a homicide case, which is completely beyond their service scope.

Besides, they are just lawyers, not all-powerful magicians!

Ye Xue continued, "My sister should have told you about the time she was forced to kiss me, right?"

Chen Feng said "hmm".

This was also the first case he handled for Sister Qi.

The content was: Ye Qi's family forced her to marry a man she didn't like in order to form an alliance, and she was stabbed to death by her enemies on the day she got the marriage certificate.

So pitiful.

Of course.

Chen Feng felt sorry for her husband.

He married such a good rich woman.

He didn't do anything, but died for no reason.

What a pity.

Soon, Chen Feng got back to the point: "Are you saying that this case is related to the previous case?"


Ye Xue said without hesitation.

"The victim this time is the murderer who stabbed my sister's husband to death on the day of the marriage certificate."

Hearing this.

Chen Feng suddenly realized.

Got it!

He understood all this!

"In other words, the police now suspect that Sister Qi is holding a grudge against the murderer who stabbed her husband to death, and took the opportunity to attack the murderer who stabbed her husband to death, the younger brother, right?"

This makes sense.

Ye Qi was detained by the police because she had no alibi and had a motive to kill the victim.

"But this is not right."

Chen Feng thought about it carefully.

"Even if there is a motive, it cannot be considered evidence. Even if she is detained, she should be released now."

What matters in handling a case is evidence.

According to the Criminal Procedure Law, the police cannot detain people without sufficient evidence. At most, they can only be detained for questioning or summons.

The longest duration is 24 hours.

But Ye Qi's detention time is obviously more than two days.

Ye Xue clenched her palms tightly and said slowly: "The police found my sister's fingerprints on the murder weapon."

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