"Fingerprints on the murder weapon?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng understood instantly.

If there are fingerprints on the murder weapon, it is ironclad evidence.

Thinking of this.

Chen Feng asked again.

"Why are there sister Qi's fingerprints on the murder weapon?"

"My sister said that she was too nervous at the time, and the indoor environment was dark at the time, so she accidentally touched the murder weapon, so the fingerprints were left."

Ye Xue touched her chin with her fingertips and said, "The police are now investigating the authenticity of this statement."

In response.

Chen Feng did not say much.

According to the psychology of normal people, it is understandable that they would be terrified when a murder case occurs in the house they rent.

After all, this is not writing a novel.

How can normal people stay calm when seeing a murder case?

Very quickly.

Chen Feng sorted out all the clues with a clear mind.

"What about the victim? Who is the victim?"

"I don't know about this."

"What else do you know?"

"Nothing more."

Ye Xue shook her head.

She had already told Chen Feng everything she knew.

Since her sister was investigated, she has not even had the opportunity to meet, let alone understand the victim.

She was almost anxious about this.

Chen Feng was not surprised at all.

According to relevant regulations, during the criminal investigation stage, only lawyers can meet with criminal suspects.

Relatives are not allowed to meet.


Chen Feng patted his butt: "I'll leave first."

Since all the questions should be asked, it's time to leave.

Ye Xue's face was full of worry.

"What are you going to do next? Do you have a plan?"


Chen Feng simply made a joke, and then said: "Don't worry, I will get Sister Qi out as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

Ye Xue heard this and thanked Chen Feng loyally.

Then, Chen Feng got up and went back to the law firm.

The most effective way to get Ye Qi acquitted is to solve the case and find the real murderer!

After returning to the law firm, Chen Feng immediately told Zhang Yida: "You go to the police station to meet Ye Qi immediately, and ask about the specific situation in detail." ŴŴŴ.


Zhang Yida nodded and subconsciously said: "What about you?"

"I have to go to the crime scene."

Chen Feng quickly gave the instructions.

He drove to the scene of the incident.

At this moment.

The entire community building has been cordoned off by the police.

There are several police cars parked nearby, and some investigators are collecting evidence at the scene.

"No unrelated personnel are allowed to enter."

Chen Feng was about to go to the scene to ask about the situation.

Soon, he was stopped by a young criminal police.

You know, most cases are handled by police officers or auxiliary police, and it is rare to see criminal police.

There is also a saying in the industry.

Unless you go to find someone, if the criminal police take the initiative to find you, then congratulations, you are in trouble.

And at this time.

The scene has been cordoned off, and no one is allowed to enter. Chen Feng is an unrelated person, no, it should be said that he is a random person.

After all, Chen Feng is not a member of the police, nor a family member, and has nothing to do with the case.

As for the lawyer?

In a homicide case, the lawyer is actually nothing.

Chen Feng scratched his scalp.

Under the obstruction of the young criminal police, let alone understanding the situation, he didn't even have the opportunity to go in and take a look.

"What happened?"

Just when Chen Feng had a headache, a senior criminal police just finished collecting evidence at the scene and came over.

"Fuck! Chen Feng!"

When he saw Chen Feng.

The old criminal police immediately showed a surprised face.

"Master... do you know each other?"

The young criminal police looked at the two curiously.

The old criminal police chuckled and patted his shoulder: "It's your first day here, it's normal not to know each other, but I guess you will know each other in a few days."

The young criminal police was full of confusion and didn't understand at all.

The old detective looked at Chen Feng: "Officer Yang was my roommate in college. I've heard about you."

"Tell me, what are you doing here today?"


Chen Feng didn't waste words. Since he knew him, it was easy to talk, so he explained the reason to the other party directly.

After listening to Chen Feng's story.

The old detective asked thoughtfully: "You mean, you are the lawyer appointed by the suspect in this case?"


Chen Feng nodded without hesitation.

The old detective continued: "So the purpose of your coming today is to come to the scene to see if you can find some clues here, right?"


"We have regulations that unrelated people are not allowed to enter."

The old detective made it clear that even if Chen Feng is a lawyer, it cannot change the fact that he is an unrelated person.


Chen Feng scratched his head again.

The old detective quickly said: "But today can be an exception."

Under normal circumstances, they cannot allow outsiders to enter casually, but because of their trust in Chen Feng and the evidence collection work at the scene has been completed, it doesn't matter if someone is allowed in.

That's it.

Chen Feng successfully entered the crime scene.

The location was a suite on the ground floor.

The deceased was lying on the sofa in the hall.

The body had been taken away.

What was left was a line fixed with a white line.

Although the body was carried away.

But there were a lot of bloodstains of the victim left around the scene.

The whole living room was sprayed everywhere.

This shows how violent the scene was at that time.

"How is it? Is this your first time to come to a homicide case?"

The old detective smiled.

As an old detective, Chen Feng could tell at a glance whether it was his first time to witness a murder scene.


Chen Feng did not deny it.

Although he was called the walking Conan 2.0 by netizens, it was the first time he encountered what Conan did.

At this moment.

He finally understood and experienced the feeling of Conan.

The old detective immediately said: "The victim's name is Song Jun, and he opened a local agency."

"The time of death was about two days ago. As for more specifics, we have to wait for the results of the forensic identification."

"After the incident, we retrieved all the surveillance cameras in the surrounding area, and no trace of the criminals was found."

After Chen Feng sorted out the clues, he said: "So you suspect that the witness at the first scene was found?"


The old detective nodded and said: "What's more, she has a motive."

"Although the victim runs a company, due to debt reasons, he owed Ms. Ye Qi nearly two and a half years of rent. For this reason, Ms. Ye Qi also repeatedly told the victim to move out quickly."

"There were also some small frictions at the corners of the mouth during this period."

"The most important thing is that we found that she had a close relationship with the victim, that is, the victim's brother was the murderer of Ms. Ye Qi's husband."

This is also where they suspected Ye Qi.

Both the evidence and the motive match.

If no new strong evidence can be found, it means that the murderer is Ye Qi!

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