As for what the old detective said.

Chen Feng also agreed.

After all, when handling cases now, evidence is what matters.

Without evidence, no matter how much you say, it's just talk on paper.

And the current evidence all points to Ye Qi, so it is not surprising that she is listed as a suspect.

Looking at the blood stains left around the scene.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and then asked, "Can you tell me the cause of the victim's death?"

The old detective hesitated for a moment and finally said: "The victim was stabbed to death with a fruit knife."

"At the same time, we found a total of four wounds on the victim's body. According to our judgment, the victim should have been stabbed four times before dying."

"Four knives?"

Chen Feng was slightly stunned.


The old detective touched his chin and continued.

"First cut, back."

"Second cut, abdomen."

"Third stab, chest."

"The fourth knife was also the key to his death, because this knife penetrated directly into the heart..."

"Kill him with one blow!"

After the old detective said these words, he roughly came to a conclusion: "According to our speculation, the murderer should have a very strong hatred for the deceased."

"Why do you say that?"

Chen Feng asked subconsciously.

"Because although the first and second swords were powerful, they were not fatal. However, the third and fourth swords are completely different. Not only are they powerful, but they are also deadly!"

The old detective pointed to the blood trail around the scene.

Although the blood stains are scattered everywhere, if you look carefully, you can still clearly see the route of the blood stains.

"And if you look carefully, the victim was obviously still alive after being stabbed for the first time, and there were even signs of movement."

"The same goes for the second stabbing, and the bloodstain path is next to the phone. It should be that the victim was planning to call for help, and then the murderer stabbed him a second time in the abdomen!"

"It can be seen that the murderer is most likely playing tricks on the other person."

"When you are desperate, give him a third stab!"

"In fact, the third stab was already fatal. Even if it was left alone, he would die from blood loss."

"Although this fourth knife was a fatal knife, it was probably done by the murderer to ensure that the other party was completely dead."

"This shows how much the murderer hated his victim."


Chen Feng had nothing to refute.

If you really want to say it.

I have to say that he is worthy of being a veteran detective for many years.

Even this little detail can be analyzed so thoroughly.

And there must be no fault in this reasoning.

Now the problem comes again.

Because the evidence once again points to the murderer being Ye Qi.

"Then there are no other possibilities for the murderer?"

"We have discovered for the time being that only Ms. Ye Qi has sufficient time and motive to commit the crime."

The old detective said: "As for whether there are other possibilities, we still need further investigation."

Chen Feng quickly responded: "That means that all the evidence you have at this stage is because the surveillance did not capture anyone else having contact with the victim, right?"

"So far."

"Then have you ever thought that although surveillance cameras can be used as evidence, they may also be used as evidence to exonerate criminal suspects?"

"What do you mean?"

The old detective was thoughtful.

The corners of Chen Feng's mouth rose slightly.

"Have you seen the movie?"

"Normal surveillance videos will be automatically deleted within a certain period in order to prevent the hard disk from becoming full."

"Like a week, or within a month."

"In this case, there will be a monitoring blind spot ahead."

The old detective narrowed his eyes: "So what do you mean?"

Chen Feng said directly: "Let's put it this way, it is not impossible to avoid the surveillance cameras. If the murderer entered the rental house in advance and hid somewhere in the rental house, waiting for the surveillance camera to be automatically deleted, and then attack If the victim commits the crime, wouldn’t this allow him to perfectly avoid surveillance?”


The old detective said nothing.

It is undeniable that this is indeed a possibility.

The only thing worth wondering is, can this movie technique really be realized in reality?

After thinking of this possibility, the old detective quickly asked his colleagues to investigate the surrounding places where people could be hidden.

About an hour or so passed.

Finally made a discovery!

Although it doesn't seem obvious.

But traces of the stash were indeed found in the closet!

"It's actually true!"

Hearing his colleague's report, the old detective was instantly happy.

"Immediately ask people to check on the people who have had trouble with the victim recently, and ask them to provide alibi for the time of the victim's death. If they can't provide them, take them back for interrogation!"


Colleagues around him quickly took action.

After layers of screening by case handlers.


The criminal police quickly identified three targets.

They were the victim's partner, the victim's brother, and the victim's brother.

Faced with three people who may have committed the crime.

Chen Feng immediately thought of the gangsters in Conan.

Choose one of the classic three!


If you include Sister Qi, there are four.

Seeing that the investigation was progressing, the old detective said to Chen Feng: "Brother Chen Feng, thanks to your reminder, we found this key clue, but I can't report the subsequent work to you."

"I see."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and expressed his understanding.

Being able to bring him to the scene was already a big help, so he didn't ask for any more luxury.

Take after work is done.

The old detective took the team back.

At this moment, only Chen Feng and a few young criminal police officers remaining at the scene of the crime were left.

As for the confessions of the three suspects, it was impossible for Chen Feng to hear them. After all, how could he tell an unrelated person about such a level of clues?

Since there is no other way.

Chen Feng could only find a way by himself.

For example, visit these suspects in person.

Do whatever you want.

Chen Feng got into the car and decided to start from the first one.

The victim’s shareholder, Guo Bao!

Guo Bao and the victim were partners, so they worked in the same company as the victim.

Without further ado.

Chen Feng quickly drove to this agency.

Just about to walk in.


Suddenly there was a scream at the door of the company!

"Mr. Guo, what are you doing!"



"It hurts! It hurts so much!!"

Hear this sound.

Chen Feng didn't care about anything else and ran up quickly.

at this time.

I saw a middle-aged man holding a sharp fruit knife and stabbing the surrounding employees crazily!

Don't make random guesses about the murderer in the comments, otherwise I will be embarrassed if I guess it, and you will become a clown if you fail to guess it.

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