One knife!

Two knives!

Three swords!

Four knives!

At this moment, the middle-aged man was holding a fruit knife and stabbed the surrounding employees as if he was crazy.

Just a few minutes.

Three agency employees fell to the ground at the scene.

And he was stabbed several times!

"Killing people!!"

"Mr. Guo killed someone!"


Facing the red-eyed middle-aged man, the other employees looked horrified, then turned around and ran outside.

The middle-aged man wiped the blood on his hands and looked a little panicked. When he saw that Chen Feng was the only one left on the field, he picked up the fruit knife and stabbed Chen Feng directly!


Chen Feng threw him over his shoulder and fell directly to the ground.

"Grass mud horse!"

Middle-aged people spit out fragrance.

Seeing that he couldn't beat him, he could only throw away the fruit knife in his hand and quickly ran away.

See it.

Chen Feng also quickly chased after him.

If the guess is correct, this person should be Guo Bao.

And look at how nervous he is.

It absolutely has nothing to do with this case!

Guo Bao ran away very fast, as if he had a plan and ran towards the planned route.

But just as he walked out of the intersection, a speeding truck came and quickly knocked him away for more than ten meters.

the next day.

Ye Xue came to Chen Feng's law firm early in the morning.

She came to Chen Feng mainly to express her gratitude to him, because with Guo Bao's death, the police followed this clue and found the truth of the case.

"I just finished the formalities at the police station. If nothing else happens, my sister should be able to come out soon."

Ye Xue took a breath and thanked Chen Feng: "Thanks to you for this case."

"We are all our own people, no need to be polite."

Chen Feng waved his hand.

Although the case is over.

But Chen Feng always felt that something was not quite right.

Guo Bao's traffic accident yesterday has always made him worried.

An couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart, and Chen Feng couldn't help but ask: "Did the police file a case with you while you were going through the procedures?"

Ye Xue weighed her chin and thought carefully.

"I don't know the details very well, but I heard from the police that the person who was hit and killed by a car yesterday was the murderer of Song Jun this time, so they released him."

"I heard that the two men probably had a dispute over company property, so they sneaked into the house and killed the victim."


Chen Feng said nothing, his expression solemn.

If Guo Bao is the murderer, then everything can be explained.

He fled because of fear.

In the end, he was hit and killed by a truck due to a traffic accident.

But the only doubt is, why did he stab someone in the street?

And he was still holding a fruit knife arrogantly.

It's like telling you that I am the murderer.

But soon.

Chen Feng gave up the idea of ​​continuing to think about it.

Empty your mind for a moment.

Even if there is something suspicious about the case, it is still the work of the police and has nothing to do with me.

Because of this, he did not intend to get involved blindly.

But in the next moment.

Ye Xue suddenly received a phone call.

After listening to the narrative inside.

Ye Xue's face froze for a moment, full of disbelief.

"Chen sister seems to be unable to come out."


As soon as he said these words, Chen Feng's relaxed heart suddenly became anxious again: "What happened?"

"The forensic results just came out."

Ye Xue's tone was choked with sobs, and she was still a little scared: "The wound from the first stab on the victim's body was inconsistent with the wound from the second stab, and they also found that even the technique and strength of holding the knife did not match."

"In other words, the second, third or even fourth stabbing after the first stabbing was probably caused by different people."


Chen Feng's mouth twitched: "So for this reason, Sister Qi was detained by the police as a suspect again?"


Ye Xue's face was full of worry.

I thought this case could be ended like this, but this result slapped both of them hard in the face.


Chen Feng frowned.

According to this, doesn't it mean there are two murderers?

If Guo Bao was the murderer who stabbed him first.

So who was the person who stabbed him the second time?

Of course, Sister Qi definitely cannot be the murderer.

In other words, there may be other doubts about the case.

With this question in mind.

Chen Feng soon arrived at the crime scene again.

Although there was a blockade around the area at this time, because the on-site evidence collection work had already been completed, there were no criminal policemen guarding the area.

Chen Feng crossed the cordon and entered smoothly.

"Huh? Is it your kid again?"

As soon as I entered, I saw the old detective from yesterday again.

"Hello, officer."

"My name is Mumu, you can also call me Officer Mu."

"Okay, Officer Mu."

"I've heard everything about you."

Officer Mumu said: "According to the forensic identification results, there may be a second murderer at the scene, so Ms. Ye Qi, who was the first discoverer of this case, is regarded as a suspect again, right?"


"So that's why you came to the scene to see if there are any clues left, right?"


Seeing Chen Feng nod, Mu Mu said simply: "Then I can tell you that we have searched the scene and indeed found a second hiding place. From the beginning, we suspected that the suspect might have moved the hiding place while the victim was out, but after comparison, we found that these hiding places were different."

"In other words, there are two people hiding in this rental house."

As soon as these words came out. Tianlai Novel Network

Chen Feng suddenly felt a creepy feeling behind him.

Just think about it, if there are two people hiding in your house who want to kill you, what would it feel like?

"What about this person's identity?"

Chen Feng grasped the key point and asked: "Have you confirmed it?"

"Probably confirmed."



Mu Mu touched his chin and said: "This person's identity is the victim's brother, named Xu Kun. Although he is called a brother, the two are not related."

"You also know that the victim's twin brother was executed for intentional homicide because he stabbed Ms. Ye Qi's husband to death."

"After that, the victim's father reorganized a family for some reason, and this Xu Kun was the child brought by the victim's stepmother."

"I heard that the two of them didn't get along well and often quarreled over trivial matters, so the victim moved out."

"But I didn't expect that he was killed just a few years after moving out."

"And the two had a big fight a while ago."

Hearing this.

Chen Feng asked immediately: "Since this brother is the most suspicious, why not arrest him?"

Mu Mu hesitated for a few seconds before speaking: "Because... just now, he jumped off the building and committed suicide."

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