
Chen Feng was stunned. He finally found the clues, but you told me that the person is missing again?

"Suicide? Why?"

"We don't know the detailed reasons."

Mu Mu touched his chin and made a simple deduction: "According to my guess, maybe it's because he killed Song Jun and felt too guilty."

"In addition, we have been monitoring him these days, so he might have noticed something and ended his life in this way."

At this point, he looked a bit deeply regretful.

After all, an important clue was finally found, but now because the suspects died one after another, the clue was suddenly cut off.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, a phone suddenly rang.

Mumu saw that it was his cell phone and connected it.

"The results are out?"

"Oh okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, Tomb Mu's expression became even more solemn.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Feng subconsciously couldn't help but ask him.

Mu Mu glanced at Chen Feng and let out a breath: "The identification results are out. The characteristics of Xu Kun and the murderer of the second stabbing are very consistent, and we also found a fruit knife stained with blood in his home. The blood stains were exactly the same as those of the victim.”

"As expected, Xu Kun is the one who made the last hit."

Although the results are out.

But because the deceased was already dead, the next thing they had to do was go to the police station to close the case.

Mu Mu packed up his things and was about to go back.

Chen Feng suddenly said: "What about the third and fourth swords? Is there any explanation on the identification results?"

Mumu said directly: "According to the forensic identification, although the third knife and the fourth knife are a little inconsistent, the way and strength of holding the knife are similar. After all, the situation at that time was quite special, and some deviations are normal and reasonable. Within the scope.”

"Since there is a deviation, it proves that there is still doubt."

"Then tell me, are there any other doubts?"

"First, why did Guo Bao go to his own company to stab someone in public with a fruit knife for no reason?"

"Second, a normal person would want to throw the murder weapon far away, right? Why would Xu Kun leave the murder weapon at home? What's more, Xu Kun was aware of your surveillance. There should be an explanation for this, right?"


When Chen Feng said this, Mu Mu fell silent for a moment. The doubts Chen Feng mentioned were indeed unexplainable.

The point is, both of them are dead now, so it's impossible to pry the truth out of a dead person's mouth, right?

Chen Feng thought for a while and said: "Is it possible that this is a secret room murder case, for example, the murderer used a universal fishing line to set up some small mechanisms, and then blamed the murder on two people?"

The corner of Mu Mu's mouth twitched slightly: "Brother Chen Feng, you've probably watched too many suspense movies, right? The techniques in movies only exist in movies after all, this is reality. If you apply the techniques in movies to reality, it's impossible to do it. successful."

"Besides, in reality, there are surveillance cameras everywhere. As long as you are a human being, no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape."

"And the real world is not about reasoning, but evidence. Now all the evidence points to Guo Bao and Xu Kun, the murderers."

"We also found no evidence that they were murdered. In other words, one of them died in an accident and the other committed suicide. There is no suspicion that someone else framed the crime or was murdered."

Hear the words.

Chen Feng took a deep breath.

He boldly made an assumption: "What if... suppose, there is really a third party at the scene?"

Faced with Chen Feng's insistence, Mu Mu said helplessly: "We have already searched and found only two hiding places, but not the third one."

"What if the third party knows each other, Guo Bao and Xu Kun?"

Chen Feng reasoned like this: "He used two people as a cover to eliminate all traces of himself, and then killed his two accomplices without any evidence. This is the most perfect method of committing the crime. After all, it is impossible to talk about the mouth of a dead person. Can talk."

"You mean a gang commits a crime?"

"The possibility of this cannot be ruled out."


Mumu's face became a little more solemn.

Although Chen Feng's reasoning is a bit bold, it is not unreasonable and needs to be investigated.

"If this is the case, then we only have one target left, the victim's good brother, Xiao Yang!"

"According to our investigation over the past few days, he has been secretly transferring shares in the company without telling the victim. I heard that not long ago, the victim found out and had a big quarrel about it, and the boat of friendship capsized."

"Of course, we don't rule out the possibility of Ms. Ye Qi, so we can't release her yet."

"I know this, but I hope you can do it as soon as possible."

Chen Feng also hopes to understand the case as soon as possible. Only by clarifying the truth can Sister Qi be cleared.

Another day passed.

this day.

The door of the law firm was kicked open mercilessly!

"Who is Chen Feng!"

"Get out of here quickly!"

A man broke into the law office angrily.

He shouted loudly to the surrounding people.

Chen Feng, who received the news, also rushed over quickly.

"Your name is Chen Feng, right?"

"What do you want from me?"

"Is there anything else? You're so embarrassed to say it!"

The man snorted coldly: "Hasn't the police closed the case?"

"Are you mentally ill?"

"This case obviously has nothing to do with you, why do you keep holding on to it!"

"What evidence do you have to suspect me?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng frowned and quickly recognized the identity of this person: "Are you Xiao Yang?"

"Yes! It's me!"

Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and said to Chen Feng viciously: "Do you know that because of what you said, the police have now found out about me!"

"Why do you, a small lawyer, want to be the first to come forward?"

"Still learning to play reasoning? Who do you think you are?"


"Besides, what does the police have to do with you!"

"I warn you, if you get involved again, believe it or not, I will immediately hire a lawyer to sue you for false accusation!"

Chen Feng smiled. Xiao Yang is a good brother of the victim Song Jun and the last key suspect.

"As the saying goes, a man of integrity has nothing to fear from his own shadow. Since you didn't do anything, why should you be afraid of the police investigating you?"


Xiao Yang was speechless for a few seconds, but soon regained his composure: "You... you think I'm as idle as you are! I have a lot of business to deal with! Every minute counts! You're asking the police to investigate me now, wasting a lot of my time, understand?"

"The business you're talking about should be the company, right?"

Chen Feng said calmly: "Your good brother Song Jun was just killed, and the next second you inherited his company. You're really a good brother."

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