
Chen Feng said this.

The panic on Xiao Yang's face became more and more intense.

"What does this...have to do with you?"

"Song Jun is my best brother, and I am very sad about his death. Really, I cried all night because of him yesterday, and my eyes were almost swollen from crying."

"Besides, I am his best brother and the closest person in the world. I talk to him about everything. I am the one who takes over the company. I believe this is the result he most wishes to see in Heaven."

Having said that.

Xiao Yang barely squeezed out a tear from his eyes.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes. If his acting skills weren't so fake, he almost believed it: "Well, since he is your good brother, where were you on the day Song Jun was killed?"


Zhang Yang paused for a moment, but quickly responded: "Where I am is none of your business!"

"Who do you think you are? Just a small lawyer. I have no obligation to answer your questions."

"And didn't the police say that the murderer is already dead? What's the use of asking again?"

Regarding his excited look, Chen Feng directly came to the conclusion: "In other words, you didn't, right?"

"So what if I don't?"

Xiao Yang snorted coldly.

You must know that alibi is not evidence. Even if there is no evidence, it can only become an object of suspicion without actual evidence.

But now, because they listened to Chen Feng's reasoning, the police once again interrogated and monitored him for 24 hours, and almost arrested him.

Chen Feng spread his hands and said, "Not so good. Since you have no alibi, isn't it normal for you to be suspected?"


Xiao Yang sighed: "If you hadn't talked nonsense in front of the police, how could I have been suspected?"

"You didn't do anything wrong. Why are you afraid of being suspected? Or is there any reason why you can't be investigated?"


Xiao Yang paused again for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and said, "Oh, I know... Which woman appointed you as the lawyer, right? Let me tell you, you don't have to deal with her, she must be a murderer too!"

"And there are her fingerprints on the murder weapon. Maybe she was the one who killed the person with a second blow!"

Chen Feng quickly grasped the key point: "Oh, really? Why did you know that her fingerprints were on the murder weapon? Also, how did you know about this last hit?"

There were Ye Qi's fingerprints on the murder weapon and the last stab. These clues were all secrets and would not be spread to the outside world under normal circumstances. Even relatives would not know about it, let alone an outsider.

Xiao Yang's throat felt hot, and he hesitated to speak. He suddenly had the urge to give himself a big mouth. M.

"I...I heard about it."

"Heard? Who said it?"

"What does this have to do with you?"

Seeing that the explanation was unclear, Xiao Yang did not stop on the topic: "You just doubt me without evidence. Believe it or not, I will sue you for slander!"

"Okay, you can go ahead and sue." Chen Feng said nonchalantly.

"You wait!"

Finished speaking.

Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and left without looking back.

Looking at his leaving figure, Zhang Yida immediately asked: "Brother Feng, are you really not afraid that he will sue you?"

Although he is not very clear about the content of this case, if Xiao Yang really has nothing to do with this case, then there is a real possibility that Chen Feng will be sued by Xiao Yang.

"What are you afraid of?"

Chen Feng's tone was calm. He was not worried about Xiao Yang suing him at all, because judging from Xiao Yang's performance, it was definitely related to this incident.

The more anxious you are, the more likely you are to be exposed.

And Xiao Yang is also the most likely person to be the murderer.

After all, he is the only one of the three key suspects left.

Not surprisingly, the murderer is him!

that's all.

Two days passed.

Chen Feng has been investigating Zhang Yang's clues for the past two days.

Not only him, but also the police are searching for clues.

After investigation, Chen Feng discovered that Zhang Yang did not have an alibi on the day of the incident, and he himself claimed to be uncomfortable and had been sleeping at home.

But the most important thing is that Zhang Yang met Guo Bao and Xu Kun in private before the incident.

"Brother Chen Feng, although these can indicate that Zhang Yang is suspected, you also know that evidence is what matters in handling cases. Without evidence, suspicion is still suspicion. It is impossible to arrest someone without evidence."

Regarding the clues provided by Chen Feng.

Yang Canghai shook his head regretfully.

These days, he has been assisting Chen Feng in investigating this case. After all, Chen Feng has helped him so much before, and it should be his turn to help Chen Feng this time.

And it was also the first time that he saw Chen Feng being so serious.


Chen Feng scratched his head. This was also the biggest headache for him. Without evidence, there was nothing he could do.

If Xiao Yang is the third murderer, then he is likely to know the actions of Guo Bao and Xu Kun.

In this way, Xiao Yang is likely to use the traces left by the two people to cover up his own traces.

The most important thing is that Guo Bao and Xu Kun are dead, and there is no way to get any clues from them.

But just when the two of them were puzzled.

Yang Canghai suddenly received a phone call.

"What did you say?!"

Listen to the content on the phone.

Yang Canghai's face was full of disbelief.

"Officer Yang, what happened?"

Seeing Yang Canghai's surprised face, Chen Feng's thoughts also stopped, and he couldn't help asking him.

Yang Canghai took a breath of air: "Xiao Yang is gone!"

"Gone? What do you mean...?"

Chen Feng was also stunned.

Yang Canghai put away his mobile phone, and then slowly said: "These few days, Xiao Yang has been silent at home, so the guys in the task force planned to go in and take a look, but as soon as they went in, they found that he had hanged himself at home."


Chen Feng was silent for a moment.

Xiao Yang is the most important clue.

And with Xiao Yang's death, it means that the three most important suspects in this case are gone!

At the same time, Chen Feng's mind was blank.

All the suspects are gone, and all the clues are broken.


It should be said that there is only one left.

Chen Feng shook his head suddenly and quickly dispelled this idea.

"No, there should be something missing."

And the next moment.

Chen Feng suddenly felt like his soul had left his body. His body lightly left the ground and floated in the air, just like flying.

In the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng's soul came to the crime scene, looking down at the entire murder scene from a God's perspective.

At the same time, pieces of clues slowly began to piece together like a puzzle.

Guo Bao's accident, Xu Kun's jumping off the building, Xiao Yang's hanging, and the fourth person who appeared at the scene...

A black figure gradually emerged in his mind.

Chen Feng woke up instantly!

Although he didn't know what had just happened.

But it was certain that the effect of [Eye of Solving the Case] ​​was activated!

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