One hundred million signing bonus? ? ?

As these words fell.

The atmosphere instantly became silent!

Everyone was stunned.

Their mouths opened so wide that they seemed to be able to fit a fist.

You know, a signing bonus of one hundred million is probably unprecedented in the entire live broadcast platform, right?

For a civilian, this amount of money is undoubtedly an astronomical figure!

"Mr. Chen Feng, what do you think of this condition?"

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't speak, the staff hesitated for a moment and said, "If you are not satisfied with the signing bonus, we can give you a higher amount of 150 million!"

Although this amount of money is a lot, it is still acceptable for a live broadcast platform.

The most important thing is that Chen Feng's development potential is too high!

In just two days, he went from an ordinary small anchor to the current million-level anchor!

And he dominated the hot search list several times!

This kind of traffic is undoubtedly very beneficial to a platform.

Let alone one hundred million, even two hundred million is not an exaggeration!

What's more, Dousha now has a competing company.

As long as he can get Chen Feng, he is very confident that Dousha platform will become the largest live broadcast platform in China!

"Of course there is no problem with this."

Chen Feng was slightly surprised and nodded.

It's no wonder that he was surprised.

Because he is also a normal person.

Facing the sky-high signing fee of 150 million, it is normal to be surprised.

"That's great!"

Seeing Chen Feng agreed, the staff's voice was full of surprise: "Mr. Chen Feng, thank you so much for your trust in our company! On behalf of the company, I want to tell you that it is an honor to work with you!"

"We will send you the contract now, you just need to follow the steps above!"

"After signing, it will take effect immediately!"

Not long after the words were finished.

An electronic contract was immediately sent over.

Compared with the previous paper contracts, the current electronic signing is obviously much more convenient.

It only takes a few minutes to complete the signing deployment.

Chen Feng filled in the contract content step by step according to the content of the contract.

In addition to money.

In fact, he is more concerned about the traffic obtained after signing!

Only after signing a contract with the platform will there be a recommendation opportunity to make your live broadcast room more popular!

What's more, there is a considerable signing fee.

Chen Feng had no reason to refuse.




Three steps, Chen Feng finished in two minutes.

As a listed large company, Dousha Live will definitely not play tricks on the contract.

After signing, the staff smiled and said: "Mr. Chen Feng, thank you again for your trust in our company! We will send someone to your account immediately for the signing fee and your salary this month. At the same time, in order to express your identity, we will also give you an exclusive room number."

"Exclusive room number?"

Chen Feng thought about it carefully. As a host, the room number must be indispensable.

So, he just thought of one: "Then let's call it 99999."

Dousha 99999 should be quite ranked.

"Okay, we will process it for you right away. The room number will take effect tomorrow. If you encounter any problems during the live broadcast in the future, you can contact this phone number immediately. I will be at your service at any time."


After that.

The phone was hung up.

Looking at the dazed look of everyone, Chen Feng said: "Auntie, I think you should have heard these words, right? Counting the 150 million, my settlement amount last month is 152 million."

"How about this, I won't calculate it so clearly with you, you just pay me 50,666,666,000, isn't it too much?"

Before, he actually planned to use the system's money as turnover.

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

After all, although the source of the system's money is legitimate, it is still a little uneasy.

Besides, the current turnover of more than 150 million is enough for her to pay.

"666! The anchor is really good at playing!!"

"Five million six hundred and sixty-six point six hundred and sixty-six thousand!"

"Not even a decimal point was missed!"

"Want to take advantage of my brother Feng? No way!"

"This is a must. After all, this is the anchor's own money. He must have a reason to recover it!"

"Five million six hundred and sixty-six point six hundred and sixty-six thousand! Not a penny less! Not too much, right??"

There was a cheer in the live broadcast room.

No one felt any sympathy for the neighbor aunt.

Because from beginning to end, this aunt not only did not realize her mistake, but even righteously scolded her.

If you don't respect others, others have no reason to respect you.

This is fair.

"Let me pay five million six hundred and sixty-six point six hundred and sixty-six thousand?"

In response, the neighbor aunt laughed instead of getting angry: "Haha, you kid are crazy about money, right? And a signing bonus of 150 million? Do you think I'm a fool? This double act is good!"

It is obvious that she thinks Chen Feng just colluded with others.

After all, this is just Chen Feng's one-sided statement.

Who knows if he is working with others to extort money from me?

"Comrade police, you don't really believe what this guy said, do you?"

As she said that, the neighbor auntie immediately looked at Yang Canghai: "You know how much money one hundred million is, right? Even ordinary people may not be able to make so much money in a lifetime, no, even in ten lifetimes!"

"And what about him? A shabby internet anchor? Do you think he can make one hundred million?"


The pressure suddenly came to him, and Yang Canghai didn't know what to say for a while.

And the biggest reason why he didn't speak was that with his years of intuition in handling cases, he felt that Chen Feng's words were true!

At this moment.

The neighbor auntie also became more unscrupulous.

"You deliberately called to play a double act to mess with me?"

"What a pity, did you forget that there are police comrades present today!"

"Everything must be based on evidence!"

"If you have the ability, you can show the evidence!"

"Otherwise I will sue you for fraud immediately!"

After a series of words.

Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh. Since she refused to admit it, he could only use the next method.

"If you think I'm cheating you, let's go to the bank and check if there's any problem with the money."

Chen Feng spread his hands and said helplessly: "After all, it's impossible for the bank to cheat me, right?"

Hearing this, the neighbor aunt suddenly fell silent.

At this time, the water friends in the live broadcast room laughed continuously.

"Hahaha, she doesn't dare!!!"

"Hesitation will lead to defeat! She panicked!!"

"And as far as I know, the person who called Brother Feng just now was not a staff member, but the CEO of Dousha, Xiao Chen!"

"The CEO came here in person to poach people. With this card, who else can do it!"

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