"Hmph! Just go, am I still afraid of you?"

The neighbor's aunt hesitated for a moment and finally gritted her teeth.

"Boy, the ugly words are ahead. If you play tricks on me or lie to me, this matter won't just go away!"

As she said that, she looked at Yang Canghai who was standing aside: "Comrade police, you have to do the notarization for us! If this guy cheats on me, it should be considered extortion of money, right? You can't show mercy to him then!"

"Of course."

Yang Canghai nodded.

As a police officer, he always considers fairness the first priority no matter what kind of person he treats.

There is no favoritism whatsoever.

As for Chen Feng.

Of course he has no problem.

But, I hope she can still retain her current courage by then.

that's all.

After the three reached a consensus, they went directly to the bank.

About ten minutes or so.

The three of them came to a large local bank.

After walking in.

Chen Feng went directly to the bank's counter.

At the counter, the bank clerk immediately asked: "Hello, how can I help you?"

"Well, I want to see this month's journal."

Chen Feng didn't talk nonsense and went directly to the topic.

"Okay, please show me your ID card information."

Hear this.

Chen Feng did not hesitate, took out his ID card and bank card information, and handed them all to the staff at the counter.

"Wait a minute, let me check."

After taking Chen Feng's ID, the bank staff clicked on the keyboard and checked on the computer.

"Hmph! Let's see how stubborn you can be!"

During the whole process, the neighbor's aunt almost kept watching, not intending to give Chen Feng a chance to fake anything.

It's not just her.

Even Yang Canghai and everyone in the live broadcast room have been staring at this scene.

In front of so many pairs of eyes, it is almost impossible to lie.

In addition, there are so many cameras around the bank, even if gods come, it will be impossible to do it.


Chen Feng smiled and said nothing.

Probably a minute or two passed.

The counter clerk suddenly frowned.

To be precise, she was scared!

Because Chen Feng’s turnover this month was as high as more than 100 million! ! !

The counter clerk wiped her eyes, and she compared it carefully for a few seconds before confirming that Chen Feng's income this month was indeed as high as 100 million!

And it’s still 162 million!

162 million deposits!

You know, a person with a deposit of 100 million in this world has almost defeated 99.99% of the people in this world!

After all, those tycoons worth billions, or even tens of billions, are just the value of their assets.

In terms of cash, they couldn't get much out of it.

There are not many users like Chen Feng who have deposits of over 100 million.

And this kind of user with large deposits is a VIP-level user to the bank.

Not to mention this kind of user with a deposit of 100 million.

This is totally the super VIP among VIPs! M.

That's why.

The attitude of the counter clerk suddenly changed a lot: "Hello, sir, your income this month is a total of 162 million!"

"Do I need a certificate for you?"

As these words fell.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Especially the neighbor’s aunt. She repeatedly suspected that she had heard wrongly. She immediately went to the counter and shouted: "One hundred sixty-seven thousand? Little girl! I'm warning you! Don't lie to me! Otherwise, I'll believe it." If you don’t believe me, I’ll file a complaint against you!”

Regarding the rude neighbor's aunt, the counter staff frowned and said, "Auntie, this is a bank, not a vegetable market! Please be respectful when you speak!"

"Besides, this money seems to have nothing to do with you, right? If you want to ask a question, could you please stand in line?"

The tone of the bank clerk was not polite at all.

After all, if she doesn't respect herself, it's natural that she can't respect her either.

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"666! Ten million more than before!"

"Wang Defa! How much income does Brother Feng have? This 100 million yuan is equivalent to my salary for ten lifetimes."

"If you don't tell her too much, won't she lose all her pants?"

"Compensate? Do you think she can afford it?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room laughed.

Even the bank staff said, this can’t be fake, right?

At this time, Chen Feng looked at the pale-faced neighbor's aunt: "Aunt, you said this yourself, and I also gave you the evidence you asked for. Do you have any questions?"

"If there is no problem, you need to compensate me five hundred and sixty-six point six hundred and sixty-six thousand!"

"Do you want cash? Or direct transfer?"

Although there was an extra ten million, Chen Feng did not take it into account.

Because this ten million is a gift from the system.

In case it was not compliant, he would be too lazy to forget about it.

The neighbor's aunt gritted her teeth and firmly denied: "You must have colluded with the bank in advance! Yes! You all colluded!"

Chen Feng also laughed directly: "Collusion? Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are all available, if you think I am lying to you, you can go talk to my lawyer yourself."

The neighbor's aunt would quibble, and Chen Feng expected it.

But he was too lazy to explain so much. There was evidence anyway, and when the time came, the law would naturally give him justice.

"You still refuse to admit it, right?"

"Whether she admits it or not, the facts are now before her. Even if she wants to deny it now, it is impossible."

"We have all the witnesses and material evidence! Let's wait and go to jail!"

"Yes! This kind of person must be taught a lesson!"

Fans praised Chen Feng's behavior one after another.

The disgusting neighbors have seen a lot, but they have never seen anything like this.

"Although I don't understand anything, don't try to bully me with this!"

The neighbor's aunt snorted coldly. Of course she couldn't compromise like that: "You really think I can't cure you, do you? You really think you colluded in advance and I can't do anything?"

"Let me tell you this, if you change to another bank, I may not be able to do anything to you!"

"But the bank you chose today is where my sister works!"

"And my sister is a senior executive here!"

Speaking of which.

The neighbor's aunt crossed her arms and said proudly: "How's it going? You didn't expect it, did you? Just wait! I'll call him now and ask him to come out and expose you in person!"

At the same time, she pointed at the clerk at the counter: "And you! If I find out that you are colluding with this guy! I will ask my sister to get you kicked out of this bank right away!"

That's all.

The neighbor's aunt immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, is it my sister?"

"Yes, I am doing some business in your bank right now, and I also encountered a problem."

"If you are free, could you come over and help me?"

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