Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 54 Do you need me to kick her out?

"Officer Yang, what do you think about this?"

Chen Feng said with a smile.

Now not only are the witnesses and physical evidence available, but the police officers have also testified in person.

Even if she wanted to quibble, it would be impossible.

"Haha, the pressure is back on Officer Yang."

"We've been dealing with several cases these days, and each time it's a million-dollar case."

"It is estimated that his cases in the past few years combined are not as many as these two days."

"Officer Yang said it was too difficult."

Just when the water friends were discussing.

Yang Canghai couldn't help but smile bitterly.

What can be done?

Lose money!

"Ms. Li, you asked our police to notarize this matter, and now the result is obvious, so you should have nothing to say now, right?"

Yang Canghai said: "If you have no problem, then you should compensate Mr. Chen Feng for the losses you deserve. If you refuse to compensate, you will be punished accordingly."


These words were like a direct blow to the head, making the neighbor's aunt feel dizzy.

The compensation is more than five million yuan!

Even if I sell her, I can't afford the money!

Is it possible that he really has to go to jail?

Thinking of this, the neighbor's aunt turned pale and said, "Boy, I just cut off one of your network cables! How much is this thing worth? Why should I repay you five million!"

"You want me to pay you five million for a broken network cable? Are you crazy about money?"

By now.

She was still unconvinced.

Because she couldn't afford to pay the money back, she could only try to distort the facts.

But in Chen Feng's eyes, her actions were undoubtedly similar to a desperate struggle.

Chen Feng didn't change his expression and said calmly: "Auntie, this is no longer a question of whether the network is connected or not. What's more, I didn't even ask you for a cent of the cost of repairing the network cable."

"Because of you, I couldn't work normally that day, which means that you delayed my work for a day. It should be natural that you should repay the lost wages, right?"

"I know you are not convinced, but I would like to ask, how much is your time worth?"

"The value of time depends on how you use it."

"As the saying goes, time is money. You can't let me swallow the loss by myself, can you?"

These words come down.

Everyone in the live broadcast room nodded, and they also felt that what Chen Feng said was particularly reasonable.

"Brother Feng is right! An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time! Time is priceless!"

"Maybe your time is not valuable, but other people's time is valuable every minute."

"To be honest, if you are doing a big deal and you are unable to do it because someone else deliberately interferes with it, don't you need to pay for the lost time?"

"You said you were careless, so forget it, but this aunt cut the network cable short in front of everyone, so forget it. Her attitude afterwards was extremely arrogant!"

"That's right! She must be made to compensate!"

At this moment.

The neighbor's aunt was not feeling well. She could only look at her cousin for help, "Cousin, please help me! This kid must have falsified his account, right?"


The cousin said nothing.

She looked at her like a god of plague and wished she could break away from her neighbor's aunt as soon as possible.

"Ms. Li, this is a bank. I hope you can be respectful when you speak. I am not your cousin. In addition, you can also call me bank manager."

She has made her position clear.

You know, Chen Feng is a big customer, and she will keep him no matter what she does today.

With more than 100 million deposit users, your performance can reach a higher level in minutes.

There may be a chance to become a bank president in the future.

And in order to keep Chen Feng, she definitely couldn't side with the neighbor's aunt.

What's more, the relationship between the two is only superficial, and there is no blood relationship.

Cutting off other people's future and wealth is like killing one's parents.

Let alone not having a blood relationship, even if there was a blood relationship, she would probably choose the latter.

"666!! It's so real!"

"Everyone has said that the two of them are only superficially related, and there is no blood relationship at all."

"This is the so-called reality in the world!"

"Brother, don't you understand this? Do you know how much benefit it can bring to the bank by having a large customer with more than 100 million yuan in the bank? This is equivalent to how many years of other people's performance?"

"In the face of the future, all relatives are just floating clouds."

Everyone in the live broadcast room was talking a lot.

And at this time.

The neighbor's aunt still refused to give up: "I am your cousin! We have been playing together since childhood! You can't ignore me! You must help me!"

"And you manage such a big bank, why don't you go change this kid's account number! Or change his statement for this month!"

Help you tamper with other people's accounts?

The cousin twitched the corner of her mouth.

Not to mention her, even the top person in charge of the bank does not have this right.

And tampering with account information without permission is a crime!

Isn't this obviously allowing yourself to commit a crime together?

The cousin's eyes became even colder: "Don't call me cousin! I'm not as lowly a cousin as you! You are you and I am me! We have no relationship whatsoever!"

Hear this.

The neighbor's aunt was even more desperate.

She sat on the ground with a silly look on her face, like a deflated balloon, and kept shouting to the people around her:

"Everyone come and see, someone is obviously bullying me! I just accidentally broke his network cable, and he actually asked me to pay him 5 million!"

"He is bullying old people like me who don't know anything, everyone, please judge for me!"

This move also attracted a lot of onlookers.

But no one paid attention.

The reason is very simple.

Because there must be something hateful about pitiful people!

This principle is still very correct.

"Hehe? At this time, she is still unwilling to take the initiative to admit her mistakes?"

"This kind of person is a typical person who won't cry until he sees the coffin!"

"Even if she begs for mercy from Brother Feng, he might be generous enough to let her go."

"Let her go? If she lets her go, it will only encourage her arrogance and make her even more presumptuous in the future!"

That's when everyone was discussing.

The cousin pursed her lips, turned back to look at Chen Feng who was silent, and said anxiously: "Mr. Chen Feng, do you need me to ask the security guard to drive this shrew out?"

The behavior of the neighbor aunt has seriously affected the order of the bank.

As Chen Feng is a big customer, she still wants to take time to have a deep exchange with Chen Feng.

"No need."

Chen Feng shook his head. He was just an ordinary person, so this kind of thing had to be handed over to the experts: "Officer Yang, this case will trouble you next."

After that.

Yang Canghai directly asked several colleagues to take the neighbor aunt back to the police station. Tianlai Novel Network

(ps: This little story just ends here, and the author also wants to tell everyone one thing. This book may be suspended for a while. After all, everyone has seen the performance of the book. There is not even a single comment on the whole page. It is simply a cold song.)

(In addition, I am very grateful to those friends who have been following me, and the little cutie who gave me gifts. Thank you very much.)

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