As an ordinary citizen, Chen Feng would definitely not be able to lynch his neighbor's aunt.

Therefore, this kind of matter still has to be handled by Officer Yang, who is handling the case.

"Little bastard! Did you do this on purpose?"

Seeing that she was about to be arrested and taken to the police station by the police handling the case, the neighbor's aunt also took the risk.

"You kid wanted to harm me on purpose, right? Who gave you the instruction?"


"Who gave you the instruction?"

"You're such a harmful thing!"

"Someone must have sent you here, right!!!"

She cursed directly.

Like a crazy vixen.

The compensation of more than five million yuan cannot be paid back even if all valuable things are sold.

Anyway, I broke the pot and threw the baby. Fortunately, I decided to try to see if I could use my momentum to suppress Chen Feng.

I have to say that Obasan's momentum has indeed come out.

Everyone at the scene was stunned, but their eyes looked like they were looking at fools.

"She cut someone's network cable in the first place? Now she's saying they want to harm her?"

"As we live longer, there really are people for everyone."

"This Obasan is really impeccably thick-skinned!"

"With such shameless skin, I guess mosquitoes won't be able to get in when I sleep at night."

"Not to mention mosquitoes, even if a dog bites him, he will probably run away and then complain: Why is this person's skin so thick?"

Watch the live broadcast.

Chen Feng smiled slightly.

To be honest, I have given this neighbor aunt many opportunities.

But not only did she not get any reflection, she even yelled at herself in return.

So all of this is her personal problem, and she is solely to blame. m.

And he must get this debt back!

"Auntie, does anyone have any instructions? Everyone knows. You don't need to pretend to be pitiful. Let me tell you, this is of no use to me. If you can't repay the money, just accept it honestly. Let’s take legal action!”

Chen Feng continued: "In addition, Officer Yang, just now she instigated others to tamper with my bank card account information. This should be considered an additional crime, right?"

"Of course it counts."

Yang Canghai nodded.

Tampering with someone else's bank card information is a very serious crime.

Even though I didn’t do it, it still counts as instigating others.

What's more, the neighbor's aunt said it in front of so many people.

"Okay, Ms. Li, please cooperate with our work."

Officer Yang raised his hand.

Several colleagues quickly came up, controlled the neighbor aunt, and took her back to the police station.

Before leaving, the neighbor's aunt did not forget to say harsh words to Chen Feng: "I'll wait for you! I will definitely come back!"

"No, you can't come back."

Chen Feng smiled lightly.

How could a million-dollar case be revealed so easily?

Even if he comes out, he still doesn’t know how old he is.

After finishing all this, Yang Canghai let out a heavy breath.

He turned back to look at Chen Feng and couldn't help but complain: "You are really good! In just two days, look at how many people have been sent in?"

Let’s not talk about anything else.

There are hundreds of people involved in the bottle-knife incident alone!

Now the entire detention room of the police station is almost full of people.

Just interrogating these people took a lot of energy from him.

If we continue at this pace, the entire police station will probably be overcrowded!

And all of this was caused by Chen Feng.

But he didn't blame Chen Feng, but felt that Chen Feng was cursed?

How did you get to where the case happened?

It’s so outrageous!

"Officer Yang, no, I can't help it..."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

He is actually very troubled too!

I am not a Death student, but these cases keep coming to my door!

"Hey, forget it."

Yang Canghai sighed. He also felt that what he said was no different from nonsense.

The two chatted for a few words, and then Yang Canghai said goodbye and left.

"He is indeed a case insulator!"

"Hahaha, even the police comrades couldn't help but complain!"

"Brother Feng, society, wherever people go, cases happen!"

"Also! Those little fans, please pay attention to me! If you dare to criticize Brother Feng, believe it or not, I will give you a pair of exquisite bracelets tomorrow, and then I will take you on a trip that you can just leave! It's still a package The food and accommodation kind!”

"666! You are such a showman!"

Precisely because of these words, the number of black fans in Chen Feng's live broadcast room instantly decreased a lot.

Even if there are small fans in the live broadcast room, they would not dare to blatantly discredit Chen Feng.

After all, Chen Feng's methods are here.

It only took a few days to send so many people in.

He is completely a walking outlaw!

As this incident came to an end, Chen Feng also returned to his normal live broadcast and just interacted with water friends for a few words.

Suddenly, a striking reminder appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: a mysterious blind box! (Rare Supreme Edition!)]

This was Chen Feng's reward for completing the fruit stall owner's task before.

Because the situation was quite urgent, he hadn't come to collect it yet.

"Rare Supreme Edition?! It sounds awesome!"

Chen Feng suddenly got a little excited.

Let alone other things, just the name's suffix makes this box look awesome!

"Open! Open the blind box now!"

Chen Feng couldn't wait and said to the system immediately.

[Ding! The blind box is successfully opened...]

[Congratulations to the host for getting: Lamborghini 20 yuan coupon! ]

"I... fucking!"

Seeing this reward.

Chen Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips.

To be honest, I can afford a Lamborghini, so why do I need your 20 yuan? ? ?

Is it the coupon I need?

I need money!

A rare Supreme Edition blind box?

I'm the Supreme, your mother is a bitch!

I don't believe in love anymore.

[Host, please don't be angry, random blind boxes are full of countless randomness. ]

The system gave a friendly reminder.

"Forget it, forget it."

Chen Feng was too lazy to care, and secretly cursed the dog system, and the anger in his heart disappeared.

At the same time, he secretly made a vow in his heart: If I open a blind box again in this life, I will be a dog!

Chen Feng took the live camera and prepared to take the water friends for a few rounds, and then go home to live broadcast the game.

But at this moment.

His mobile phone suddenly rang.

He was familiar with this caller number.

It was his mother calling.

"Hello, what's wrong with mom?"

Chen Feng picked up the phone and asked subconsciously.

Hearing her son's voice, on the other side of the phone, Chen's mother said with a hint of crying, and her voice was very anxious: "Xiaofeng! Do you have money in your hand!"


Chen Feng frowned: "What's wrong, mom? What happened?"

To be honest, he had never seen his mother so anxious.

And as soon as she opened her mouth, she asked him for money directly.

(ps: I'm back again..)

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