Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 56 Your father has been kidnapped

"Mom, what happened?"

Chen Feng felt something was wrong at the first moment.

His parents had always lived in the countryside and were very frugal on weekdays.

After all, the couple were just migrant workers doing farm work and didn't make much money.

I still remember that the money Chen Feng used to go to college was saved by his parents after working hard for most of their lives.

Since Chen Feng finished college and started working for so long, except for sending some living expenses from time to time, his parents have never asked him for money.

Of course.

If his parents need money.

Chen Feng will definitely give them the money without saying anything.

But the premise is that he must know where the money is used.

"Xiao Feng..."

Chen's mother cried and said in a hoarse voice: "Your father... your father was kidnapped!"


Hearing this.

Chen Feng couldn't stay calm at that time.

You know, his father has been supporting this family since he was a child, and most of his college expenses came from his father.

How could he remain calm when he heard that his father was in trouble?

Chen Feng took a deep breath and quickly calmed himself down.

After all, impulse cannot solve the problem.

"Mom, don't cry or worry. Tell me in detail what happened? Why was my father kidnapped?"

Now we live in a society ruled by law, and kidnapping cases rarely occur.

What's more, their family is just farmers.

Even if it is kidnapping, they should kidnap those rich people, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's doubts became even greater.

He listened carefully to his mother and narrated everything that happened:

"Yesterday your father went to the city and said he was going to buy something, and then... then there was no news, and the phone was always turned off."

"Until this afternoon, I suddenly received a strange call. The other party claimed that he was a kidnapper and your father was in his hands. He also asked me to transfer one million to the other party's account within three hours."

"If you can't pay... they will kill the hostage."

Speaking of this.

Chen's mother couldn't stop her tears from flowing out: "You know, we are all farmers, where can we get so much money? Let alone one million, I can't even take out 100,000 yuan, so I came to ask you."


After listening to his mother's story.

Chen Feng paused.

He must have one million.

But for unknown kidnapping cases, it is irrational to pay the ransom directly.

Because once the kidnappers receive the money, their purpose is accomplished.

At that time, they are likely to choose to kill and silence in order not to leave any handle.

It can be said that both people and money are lost.

The point is that kidnapping cases in modern society are almost very rare, and it can even be said that there are none.

However, what Chen Feng can't figure out the most is that even if the kidnappers want to kidnap, it is impossible to kidnap his father, right?

Of course.

It is also possible that he has offended too many people these days and was retaliated.

But the possibility of revenge is very small, because Chen Feng can retaliate against him, there is no need to go to great lengths to kidnap his father.

"Mom, how did you know that the kidnapper kidnapped my dad?"

In the phone, Chen's mother hesitated for a while before she spoke: "The kidnapper... said so on the phone, and I have been calling your dad since yesterday, but I just can't get through."

"So, what he said is what it is? You didn't even hear my dad's voice?" Chen Feng said.


Chen's mother was speechless for a while.

After Chen Feng said this, she began to feel a little strange.

These are all one-sided words of the kidnapper, he didn't even hear his husband's voice.

But she can't be blamed for this.

Because the two have been married for so many years, they have never seen Chen's father not come home overnight without even saying hello.

"Mom, don't worry, wait for me! I'll go back now!"

"Before I go back, don't transfer money to the other party's account! Don't transfer even a penny!"

After that.

Chen Feng comforted his mother a few more times and then hung up the phone.

Before this, Chen Feng also called his father, and the answer he got was that the other party was in the off state.

"Brothers, something happened at home, so I won't broadcast the game for you today."

Chen Feng said to the fans in the live broadcast room.

In fact, he is no longer a game anchor.

Even the anchor certification information is an outdoor expert anchor.

This made him a little helpless, after all, he originally just wanted to be a game anchor, broadcasting games every day, without thinking about anything.

Now, the road of this game anchor is getting further and further.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, everyone in the live broadcast room instantly became excited.

"Live streaming games? Brother Feng, have you forgotten your current identity? You are an outdoor expert anchor!"

"That's right, what kind of game are you still streaming! Have you ever seen an outdoor anchor live streaming games? Even if there is, they are just amateurs!"

"Looking at Brother Feng's expression, it seems that he is involved in a case again?"

"I feel like someone is going to jail again."

"Feeling? I feel like you can get rid of the feeling!"

"Looking forward to it!!!"


The bullet screen in the live broadcast room kept refreshing.

Chen Feng chatted with his friends for a few words, and then directly picked up the live broadcast camera. Because it was hidden, it was very convenient.

Although Chen Feng’s hometown is in the countryside, the distance is not particularly far.

If you drive, it will take about an hour.

Chen Feng drove a Ferrari sports car, but because there was a speed limit on the road, his driving speed was about the same as that of an ordinary car.

When passing by the small county town of his hometown, Chen Feng did not choose to drive home directly, but planned to go around a familiar place nearby.

Because there are only two ways to encounter this situation.

The first one: real kidnapping, which is also the worst result.

The second one: This is a scam in itself. The other party took advantage of the time difference and seized the eager psychology of the parties to blackmail.

This scam is the most common.

The criminal gang calculated the gap when you could not contact your family, and then called your family and asked them to pay the ransom.

In addition, there is another kind of random crime. The criminal gang randomly called a large number of people, which is the so-called winning by quantity.

Especially the elderly, the latter is the easiest to be fooled.

Compared with the first one.

Chen Feng obviously prefers the first one.

So he planned to go to the places where his father might go first, and then make a conclusion.

Chen Feng got off the car and walked around.

Sure enough!

At the chess stall in the corner, he saw a familiar figure!

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