Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 67: Su Dalong’s defense is broken

at the same time.

Everyone in the live broadcast room started talking.

"As expected of Brother Feng, he is cruel and cruel!"

"Hahaha, it's really amazing."

"And there are so many people at the scene now. I really don't believe he can do anything to Brother Feng in public."

"Besides, have you forgotten that all of Su Dalong's money was defrauded from ordinary people? To put it bluntly, the money does not belong to him at all. Now Brother Feng has helped him pay the money back."

"Prying money from scammers! Excellent!"

"After decades of hard work, we returned to before liberation overnight."

Not just live broadcast friends.

At this moment, even the surrounding media reporters started talking.

This melon is really a bit big.

It was a bit too much for them to digest for a while.

Let’s talk about now.

Su Dalong gritted his teeth tightly, as if he could hear the sound of his teeth cracking.

It can be said that his anger has reached its peak.

If there weren't so many people present, he would have rushed up to mess with Chen Feng.

I have to say that Chen Feng's thinking is indeed too terrifying. Even this was taken into account, so he notified so many journalists to come over.

With so many people around, there was no way he would have the chance to take action.

This time, he really failed.

And it fell into the hands of a young boy.

The majestic Wolong actually...

Thinking of this, Su Dalong felt like a mute eating coptis, not to mention how uncomfortable he was.

Then he said: "Boy, you'd better pay me back the money and let this matter be over, otherwise I will come back to settle the score with you one day!"

There is someone now, and it's hard for him to attack.

But it will be hard to say in the future!

"I don't have any money."

Chen Feng shook his head: "But I can replace it with something of equal value."

"What is it? Worth twenty million?"

Su Dalong frowned.

He couldn't think of anything worth 20 million from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng suddenly took out a banner from behind and placed it in front of him: "This is proof of your donation of 20 million. I specially collected it for you."


Su Dalong narrowed his eyes.

I saw the pennant written on it:

【Send help in times of need, selfless dedication. 】

Seeing the content of this banner, the blood in Su Dalong's throat almost spurted out, and he said angrily: "What the hell! Did you do this to me on purpose?"

Knowing that he was still angry, Chen Feng actually openly provoked him!

"No, no, how dare I?"

Chen Feng smiled, and then took out another banner: "This is the banner I personally ordered for you. I hope you can accept it. It is a token of my gratitude."


Su Dalong narrowed his eyes again. ŴŴŴ.

I saw two lines of large characters written on it:

[I sat up in shock while dying of illness. The clown turned out to be me. 】


Su Dalong couldn't hold it back any longer, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out from his mouth.

This wave of face-to-face output is simply heart-wrenching! ! !

"What a man who was dying and sitting up in shock!"

"People are cruel and their words are poisonous. I am the society, Brother Feng!"

"This guy is probably going to be pissed to death. He's so angry that he's really angry."

“I was so scared that I quickly downloaded an anti-fraud app.”

Seeing this scene, everyone in the live broadcast room laughed.

It's rare to make a fraudster so angry that he vomits blood on the spot.

"Craft Ma! I've tolerated you for a long time! Let's see if I don't kill you today!"

Su Dalong couldn't bear it anymore and broke his defense on the spot.

"Da Zhuang! Come on! Kill him with me!!"

Finished speaking.

Su Dalong and Zhu Dazhuang quickly took out a dagger and stabbed Chen Feng.

Even if he died today, he planned to drag Chen Feng on his back!

Just the next moment.

Several police officers rushed out from all directions. They used a set of skilled moves to directly push the two people to the ground, and then firmly blocked their movements.

"let me go!!!"

"This guy cheated me out of money!!!"

"He cheated me of 20 million!!!"

"I'm going to kill him!!!"

Su Dalong kept roaring.

He is not convinced!

He couldn't understand at all how he, who had always been smart and cautious, was tricked by Chen Feng.

"Cheating money? You two fraudsters, how dare you say that others are cheating money?"

The policeman leading the team was none other than Yang Canghai.

Yang Canghai and others firmly pinned Su Dalong to the ground and then handcuffed him.

"Why are you arresting me? Arrest him! This kid cheated me of 20 million!"

Su Dalong looked at Chen Feng fiercely.

If looks could kill, Chen Feng would have died countless times.

"Hmph! Don't you know where your money comes from? And they don't keep your money as their own, but choose to donate it."

After being handcuffed, Yang Canghai clapped his hands and then said:

"And you? Su Dalong, you defrauded and extorted people's money and threatened their lives. In addition, we also received real-name reports from people who bought more! The content is your fraudulent behavior!"

"Next, your life is waiting to be punished by the law!"

Fortunately, Chen Feng handed over all the live broadcast videos from yesterday to them.

Now it can almost be said that there is complete evidence.

Hear this.

Su Dalong spurted out another mouthful of blood, and his vision suddenly went dark.

Passed out directly.

"take away!"

As these words fell.

The unconscious Su Dalong and Zhu Dazhuang were arrested by several policemen and sent to the local police station.

"Huh? Officer Yang, you got promoted?"

After witnessing all this, Chen Feng slowly walked up to Yang Canghai and smiled.

Yang Canghai's dress was obviously different, and even the medal on his shoulder had an additional emblem.

Yang Canghai turned his head and looked at Chen Feng, his mouth twitching, and his tone was speechless: "All this is thanks to you."

Because of Chen Feng, the number of his cases soared, and he solved several major cases in succession, so it was normal for him to be promoted.

Of course, because of Chen Feng's appearance, the entire police station is now very busy.

"Wow! Officer Yang was promoted to Superintendent?"

"Don't you think about how many cases Officer Yang has solved in the past few days?"

"Conservatively speaking, it should be enough for Officer Yang to solve cases in a year!"

"One year? If it's a small case, it's okay, but which of Brother Feng's cases is a small case? Each one is worth more than one million!"

"Haha, if this continues, Officer Yang will be promoted to Chief Superintendent sooner or later."


Of course, Yang Canghai couldn't see what everyone in the live broadcast room said, and he rolled his eyes at Chen Feng in annoyance.

He wanted to complain, but he didn't know where to start.

After all, Chen Feng was too weird.

That's it.

The two sat down and chatted casually.

Yang Canghai said goodbye and left.

After the police left the scene, the surrounding reporters rushed up.

They took microphones one by one and wanted to interview Chen Feng.

"Mr. Chen Feng, can you please tell us the details of the crime?"

"Yes, yes, please do our exclusive interview!"

"As long as you do our exclusive interview, I can satisfy you with whatever you want!"

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