"Sorry, I don't have time."

Chen Feng waved his hand.

He had no interest in news interviews.

He just wanted to go back and live broadcast honestly.

Chen Feng said "no", and no reporter dared to follow him.

Because they knew very well that Chen Feng was not an ordinary person.

If they accidentally provoked him, they would probably go to the police station tomorrow.

Since Chen Feng didn't want to, they didn't force him and could only go back in disgrace.

As the reporters left the scene.

The scene gradually returned to normal.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the option three task! ]

[Get reward: one million. ]

The system is still as efficient as ever.

Just after sending Su Dalong away, there was an immediate response.

Chen Feng took the money comfortably.

At first he was going to try it, but he didn't expect that it could actually be operated this way.

It's a pity that the number of times this reward option can be changed is limited, and it can only be used once a day.

Back to reality.

Chen Feng chatted with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Suddenly, a fist-sized tile fell from the roof.

Fortunately, Chen Feng was far away and didn't hit him.

"What the hell?"

"Isn't this house too dangerous?"

"If it hits you, your head will explode in a minute."

The terrifying scene just now almost scared everyone in the live broadcast room.


Chen Feng didn't say anything. He first glanced at the fallen tile, and then looked around the house.

This house is made of mud and has been decades old. It looks very shabby.

Very dangerous.

Of course, with his current financial ability, he can take his parents to live in the city.

But every time they would refuse with the reason that "I am unfamiliar with the city and it is inconvenient to do anything."

So, Chen Feng thought about whether he could use some money to rebuild the house.

It was at this time.

The door of the house was opened.

Chen Aiguo and Qin Yu walked into the house opposite each other.

"What happened? Why are there so many people outside?"

Chen Aiguo found something wrong outside.

Because of Chen Feng's words, they just went out.

But on the way back, they could see many people leaving from the direction of their homes.

There were even many people holding cameras in their hands, looking like a news reporter.

"They should be here to watch the fun."

Chen Feng replied indifferently.

"Watch the fun? What fun?"

"Maybe there may be a meteor tonight."


Chen Aiguo paused.

He didn't care, pointed to the door and said: "By the way, Xiaofeng, look who's here."

As he finished speaking.

A young man in his twenties followed him in.

As soon as he saw Chen Feng.

The young man came up and greeted excitedly: "Brother Chen Feng! Long time no see!"

He was Chen Feng's friend in the village-Li Yong.

Before Chen Feng went out to work, Li Yong was Chen Feng's only friend in the village.

There is no need to say anything about the relationship between the two.

It's just that.

Since childhood, Li Yong has been following Chen Feng, just like a younger brother.

"Yongzi, long time no see."

Chen Feng also smiled and replied.

Every time they met, Li Yong always called me "big brother", so there was nothing wrong with it.

"Hehe, when I heard that Brother Chen Feng was back, I didn't move the bricks on the construction site, and rushed back directly."

Li Yong wiped his nose: "You don't know, the foreman just chased me for several blocks."

He looked very excited, just short of giving Chen Feng a big hug.

Of course.

He didn't have that tendency.

Because he was married.

And the reason why he was so happy was purely because he was so happy to see Chen Feng back.

Li Yong immediately said: "Brother Chen Feng, we haven't seen each other for so long, let's go to the restaurant for a drink?"

For Li Yong's kind invitation, Chen Feng had no reason to refuse, so he agreed.

The most important thing is.

Li Yong is a decorator, and you can consult him about house problems.

Moreover, Li Yong is very upright and never plays tricks.

He is a reliable friend.

"Not eating?"

The couple asked.

"No, Auntie. I haven't seen Brother Chen Feng for so long. I have to have a good talk with him today."

After saying that.

The two left here.


The two came to a local restaurant.

"Fuck! Brother Feng, you have been doing well these years! You even bought a Ferrari!"

They arrived at the destination in Chen Feng's Ferrari.

Li Yong's eyes were shocked.

This Ferrari, at least several million, right?

For him, this car is completely a distant legend.

I still remember that when Chen Feng left the village, he had no money, but now he has a Ferrari.

"Lucky, I made some money."

Chen Feng smiled and responded: "Let's go in and talk."

The two walked into the restaurant.

They said they were drinking, but in fact they were just drinking Coke.

After all, neither of them knew how to drink.

As soon as they sat down and ordered the dishes, Chen Feng suddenly asked, "By the way, Yongzi, I heard that you are married?"

When I was browsing Moments before, I occasionally saw Li Yong posting a photo of him holding hands with a girl.

At the same time, he also wrote: We are getting married.

"Hey, you discovered this."

Li Yong scratched his head: "Actually... you also know this person. She is Wang Rong from the next class."

This man Chen Feng does know.

Because in my impression, this classmate Wang Rong confessed to me, but was rejected by Chen Feng in the end.

Unexpectedly, Li Yong was actually with her.

"Have you received the certificate?"

"Took it."

Li Yong shrugged and said directly: "I just received it a few days ago, and the banquet will be held in two days. When the time comes, you must come to support me."

This is also the reason why he came out to Chen Feng today.

"no problem."

Chen Feng nodded.

Finish this topic.

Chen Feng continued to talk about his own affairs: "By the way, Yongzi, I also want to ask you for a favor."

"What's the deal?"

Li Yong patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, as long as it's your favor, I'll definitely help you!"

Chen Feng took a sip of water and then told him about the house.

"Renovating my hometown's house?"

Li Yong smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will take care of these things, and I promise to help you arrange them clearly!"

Finished speaking.

The two raised their glasses and drank the coke again.

Although drinking too much Coke is not good for your health, it doesn’t matter if you drink it once or twice.

At this moment, Li Yong couldn't help but stood up: "Brother Feng, I lost. I'm going to the toilet."


Li Yong just walked away.

Behind them, a man and a woman walked from the door into the restaurant.

The two looked like a couple.

"Rongrong, what are you eating today?"

"Eat you."

"You are so naughty."


Hearing these ambiguous words, Chen Feng almost had goosebumps and looked over subconsciously.

When I noticed this woman.

He froze in place instantly.

Isn't this Wang Rong?

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