Criminal! Using my WiFi and even cutting my network cable!

Chapter 69 Love is a light that makes you panic

Look at the woman walking into the restaurant.

Chen Feng frowned slightly.

Although her appearance is a bit different from before.

But he can be sure that this is definitely Wang Rong!

But who is the man beside her?

And there seems to be an unusual relationship between the two.

The woman continued to kiss the man and did not notice Chen Feng.

Until I walked into the corner of the restaurant and sat down.

And the next moment.

Li Yong also came back from the bathroom.

He sat back down in his seat.

Just as he sat down, Chen Feng suddenly asked: "Yongzi, Wang she your wife now, right?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Li Yong felt that his question was a bit inexplicable.

"Are you sure you have the certificate?"

"Took it."

"Then where is she now?"

When asked by Chen Feng, Li Yong replied with wide eyes: "What else can she do? She must be working in the company at this time."

The more he looked, the more he felt that something was wrong with Chen Feng, so he asked again: "Brother Feng, what exactly do you want to say?"

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, but finally said: "Yongzi, I suggest you give her a call now."


Although Li Yong didn't know what Chen Feng was thinking, he still dialed his wife's phone number. It was okay to say hello.

Soon, the call was answered.

at the same time.

Chen Feng immediately looked at the man and woman sitting at the corner table, and the woman also answered the phone at this time.

"Hello? Wife, what are you doing?"

"Oh, you're still working overtime."

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. By the way, I'll buy you whatever you want to eat tonight."

"Eating at the company, right? What do you want to drink? Do you want milk tea? I'll bring you some when I go back."

"Don't drink either? Then do you want to..."

"No, that's fine. You go about your business. Bye."

Li Yong finished speaking obediently.

Then hang up the phone.


Chen Feng's face was confused.

When Li Yong hung up the phone, the woman at the corner table also hung up.

have to!

It's really the same person!

Moreover, I didn’t expect that after so many years, Li Yong still looks like a dog licker.


Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking until there is nothing left.

And this time.

Chen Feng looked at Li Yong with some sympathy in his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Yongzi, there is something I must tell you clearly."

"Brother Feng, if you have something to say, just say it directly. How can we be so open-minded?" Li Yong put his phone away and said to Chen Feng with a smile.

"I have a friend……"

Chen Feng said sternly: "His wife has just received her marriage certificate. They are obviously married, but she secretly hangs out with a strange man, and she even hides it from her husband and says she works in the company."

After hearing this, Li Yong said with a serious face: "Secretly hiding it from your husband and being with a strange man? And also in the name of work? You don't need to think about it, you know it must be cheating!"

"Brother Feng, please tell your friend quickly! You don't want this kind of woman! Otherwise, you will cuckold your friend in a minute!"


Chen Feng thought for a moment and continued: " can I say this? After all, they are already married. If you say it directly, wouldn't it be equivalent to breaking up the family?"

"And if we tell him directly, we might fall out with him in the future."

It's not that he didn't want to say it directly.

But if you put it bluntly, cuckolding is still a little bit bad.

"That's right." Li Yong understood Chen Feng's doubts and patiently explained: "You can't tell him about cuckolding directly, but you can try to hint to him."


Chen Feng scratched his head thoughtfully, and then called the waiter.


"Cilantro, mung bean soup, mung bean cake, chopped green onions, green beans, matcha, all of these are here for you!"

"Just give me another song, Green."


To this.

Li Yong suddenly asked in confusion: "Brother Feng, why do you order vegetarian food? Why don't you order some meat?"

"It's okay, it's all for you to eat."

"But I don't like eating these either."

"These are green and healthy foods, you should eat more of them."


Li Yong squinted his eyes, feeling that there was something in Chen Feng's words.


Soon, Li Yong understood.

He pointed at himself.

He asked in disbelief: "Brother Chen Feng, that friend you are talking about...could it be me?"


Chen Feng didn't speak, but he didn't deny it either.

This scene is already obvious.

"Brother Feng, could it be that you made a mistake?"

Li Yong was stunned for a moment, and then he realized: "It's impossible. Wang Rong and I are very affectionate. It's impossible for her to get along with other men behind my back."

Chen Feng pursed his lips, said nothing, and moved his eyes to the corner.

Seeing this, Li Yong also followed Chen Feng's gaze and looked over.

This sight immediately stunned him!

Because the woman sitting in the corner is his wife Wang Rong!

And in front of her, there was a strange man.


"Cilantro, mung bean soup, mung bean cakes, chopped green onions, beans, and matcha are all green foods."

"I thought I was a bystander, but I didn't expect that I was a participant."

"Love is a light that makes you panic."

The live broadcast room was not closed.

The fans saw this scene clearly.

They all looked like they were eating melons.

"Rongrong, don't you work in the company? Why are you here?"

Li Yong rushed to the corner table without saying anything and said with a stiff upper lip.

"Li Yong?"

Wang Rong was slightly surprised to see Li Yong appear.

But soon, Wang Rong crossed her arms and didn't feel anything wrong at all: "This is my boss, don't worry about it, go home quickly."


Everyone in the live broadcast room was suddenly filled with green question marks.

"Boss? The one who sleeps with you?"

"And it's a couple's table. They don't look like serious colleagues."

"Why do I feel like I've seen this plot before?" ŴŴŴ.

"Brother, be strong."

"Of course I choose to forgive her."


(ps: I recommend a friend's book: National Destiny: Taotie tattooed on his body, guarding the gate of Dragon Country.)

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