"You know?"

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

To be honest, he just asked with a try-and-see attitude, but he didn't expect Yang Canghai to actually know!

"Well, this case was also handled by me, but I was a newcomer at that time."

Yang Canghai thought about it thoughtfully.

He then replied: "I remember this case happened several years ago. Why do you suddenly ask about this?"


Chen Feng coughed lightly.

Then, he told Yang Canghai everything that happened last night.

This case is related to Sister Yu Qi's reputation and his own mission.

It must be solved.


After listening to Chen Feng's words, Yang Canghai slammed the table hard. Tianlai Novel Network

Angrily said: "What a scum! He actually threatened a woman for money! And he took it for several years!"

Extorting money from others!

Destroying other people's property!

Intimidating others' personal safety!

With all the charges added up, he could have sent police to arrest Liu Qiang directly!

But the problem now is that he has not received a report from the person involved, Ye Qi, so he cannot bring Liu Qiang to justice.

Only when Ye Qi comes to the police station to report the case and provide evidence to the police can they send police to arrest Liu Qiang.

As the saying goes, there is no order without rules.

It is impossible to send police to arrest people based on Chen Feng's one-sided words, right?

"Brother Chen Feng, I know how you feel now."

Yang Canghai said in a serious tone: "But you must let Ms. Ye Qi come to testify in person, so that this case can be established."

"If it is true as you said, I suggest that you contact Ms. Ye Qi as soon as possible and let her come to the police station to file a case."

"As long as the evidence is conclusive, we can start the arrest operation immediately!"

This kind of social parasite can be killed by everyone.

Moreover, Liu Qiang was arrested and detained for a period of time because of going to the club to have sex.

There is still an impression.

Chen Feng nodded to Officer Yang's suggestion.

Then, he said, "Okay, I will find a way to get her to come and file a case. That... Officer Yang, can you tell me the details of this case?"

Although Sister Qi is safe now, it is only temporary.

A social parasite like Liu Qiang will definitely not give up.

After all, Liu Qiang has been accustomed to a life of food and clothing for many years, and it is almost impossible for him to go back.

It is estimated that it will not take long before Liu Qiang will make a comeback and continue to extort money from Sister Qi.

And the best way to deal with such a person is to give him a trip that he can go on at any time and a pair of exquisite bracelets.

Because only the police can make him clearly understand how happy it is to live outside.

"It's not inconvenient."

Yang Canghai calmed down for a moment, and then said, "Since you are friends with Ms. Ye Qi, it's okay to tell you. Besides, this case is not a secret, and you can find it by just looking it up on the Internet."

Hearing this.

Chen Feng immediately pricked up his ears.

Listen carefully to Yang Canghai's story:

"The deceased Liu Dong is also Liu Qiang's brother."

"This man likes gambling, going to clubs, and having affairs. Going to the police station is almost a common occurrence for him."

"That's why I have some impression of him."

"But eight years ago today, we received a report that the deceased Liu Dong was stabbed to death by his enemies."

"Specifically, Liu Dong owed a lot of debts and was stabbed to death by the debtor's younger brother with a machete."

Stabbed to death by the debtor's younger brother?

After hearing these words, Chen Feng pondered for a moment, and then quickly asked: "What about the suspect? Did you catch this suspect?"

"Yes, he did, but this matter is also strange."

"Strange? What do you mean?"


Yang Canghai touched his chin and tried to recall: "You also know that the society back then was not as developed as it is now, and there were few cameras, and the reason why we know this is all thanks to the confessions of eyewitnesses."

"After these confessions, we found the suspect who stabbed Liu Dong to death and arrested him."

"But here comes the strange part. The suspect admitted that he stabbed Liu Dong, but he just didn't admit that he killed someone."

"He even kept emphasizing to us that he only taught Liu Dong a lesson and didn't kill him."

Speaking of this.

Yang Canghai took a sip of water and moistened his throat.

The next moment, Chen Feng immediately asked: "The suspect does not admit to the murder? Isn't there an eyewitness?"

"Yes, there is indeed an eyewitness, and it is precisely because of the eyewitness that we have locked him in as a suspect."

"Then what? Is the case closed?"

"Of course not."

Yang Canghai finished drinking the water, shook his head, and continued: "After verification, this suspect has killed another person besides Liu Dong before, and is a wanted criminal from another place who is on the run."

"Think about it, how can a murderer's words be credible?"


As these words fell.

Chen Feng fell into deep thought.

The biggest doubt is here.

This suspect clearly stabbed Liu Dong, but why did he keep denying that he killed him?

Of course, this can also be considered as an excuse for him to escape his murder.

But the problem is that at that time, all kinds of evidence pointed to him, and he couldn't deny it even if he wanted to.

What's more, he was carrying another life.

Whether he admitted it or not, the murder was already a fact.

Intentional homicide, a death penalty.

Carrying one life is not much different from carrying two lives.

A dying person has no reason to lie.

Of course, there is another possibility.

That is, the suspect only stabbed Liu Dong once, but did not kill Liu Dong.

If this is true, it means that Liu Dong's death is likely to be caused by someone else.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng unconsciously said to Yang Canghai:

"Officer Yang, do you think there is such a possibility?"

"Suppose that Liu Dong was stabbed by this suspect, but he did not die completely."

"But was stabbed by someone else afterwards?"

It's no wonder he would associate it this way.

After eliminating all impossibilities, the remaining, no matter how incredible it is, is the truth.

Finishing off?

Yang Canghai was slightly stunned by Chen Feng's words.

Maybe it was nothing before.

But now that I think about it carefully, there are too many doubts in this case.

After all, the suspect is already a death row prisoner, and there is no need to lie and deny the facts.

For a death row prisoner, what is the difference between carrying one life and two lives?

Thinking of this, Yang Canghai narrowed his eyes.

He immediately ordered the policeman next to him:

"Immediately retrieve the files of x year for me to check!"

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