"Brother Chen Feng, don't worry, we will definitely investigate this case to the end!"

Yang Canghai's tone was very serious, and at the same time he showed a hint of surprise that was difficult to conceal.

There were so many doubts about this case that he decided to re-investigate the case.

If it is true as Chen Feng said, this gangster is just killing people along for the ride.

In other words, this gangster is probably still at large!

And he still let this gangster get away for eight full years!

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Officer Yang."

Chen Feng smiled slightly and responded to Yang Canghai.

He didn't know who this criminal was murdering.

But if the murderer is found, it can only be said that the death penalty will start and the blood will be earned indefinitely!

at the same time.

The Liu family's side.

"Mom and Dad! You must give me a break!"

Liu Qiang fled home in a state of embarrassment. As soon as he arrived home, he immediately came to his parents and looked aggrieved.

"Qiangzi, what's wrong? Who bullied you?"

Father Liu and Mother Liu looked at their son with a look of pity and couldn't bear to say.

Since Liu Dong died, he was the only son left in the family.

Therefore, the two couples have always loved Liu Qiang very much.

"It's that bitch Ye Qi!"

Liu Qiang had a mournful face and gritted his teeth and said:

"This vixen who killed my brother didn't take our Liu family seriously at all!"

"I bumped into her on the street today, what do you think?"

"She's actually hanging out with a man! She's stealing men outside behind our backs!"

He looked as depressed as he could be.

How could he give up without getting Ye Qi's house?

Especially Chen Feng!

If this kid hadn't run out midway and ruined his good deeds, Ye Qi would never have dared to confront him head-on.


Hear this.

The couple was slightly stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Father Liu snorted coldly:

"Hmph! This vicious woman, I knew she was no good the day she walked in!"

"This unlucky woman killed our son, and now she still has the nerve to hook up with other men? She has really brought shame on our family!"

After saying this, Dad Liu immediately helped his son up: "Qiangzi, why are you still injured? Who did it? Did that vicious woman hit you?"

"That's right!"

Liu Qiang didn't even think about it and insisted directly.

In fact.

On his way back just now, he happened to meet a debt collector. Because he had no money to pay back, he was dragged into the woods by these people and tortured. m.

Now he is in debt. If he doesn't pry the money out of Ye Qi and pay it back, he will be tortured to death by these debt collectors in minutes.

"Mom and Dad, I just tried to reason with her and asked her to think more about my brother, but I didn't expect that she not only scolded me, but also called my brother a waste!"

"He insulted my brother, and I definitely won't be able to bear it!"

"So I argued with her, but who knew she actually punched and kicked me!"

The words just fell.

Liu Qiang just burst into tears.

How pitiful it is.

Father Liu took a deep breath and said with a look of hatred: "No, you are a grown man, can't you even defeat a woman?"

"Dad, you also know that I am a grown man. As a man, I must not hit a woman!" Liu Qiang responded confidently.

"Okay! You are indeed the son of my Liu family!"

Dad Liu immediately gave his son a thumbs up and supported his son: "Qiangzi, don't worry, Dad will definitely seek justice for you!"

"Forget it about your brother, this unlucky woman dares to openly insult our family now! I definitely can't make it easy for her!"

"Let's go! Take me to see her!"

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Qiang's crying mouth suddenly rose a little.

After all, his father is also Ye Qi's elder, and he had a good relationship with the Ye family in the past.

Even Ye Qi had to give him some face.

As long as his father takes action personally.

Maybe there would be a chance to pry some money out of Ye Qi's hand.

the other side.

Chen Feng walked out of the police station.

Yang Canghai still needs to further verify the murder case.

Chen Feng can't interfere in these matters at all. He is just an outsider, so he can only leave it to the police for investigation.

After coming out of the police station, Chen Feng canceled the blocking button in the live broadcast room.

During the time he entered the police station, the live broadcast room was blocked.

After all, it is against the rules to broadcast live at the police station.

"Brothers, my case requires hiring a lawyer. Let's go to the law firm now."

Chen Feng reported the current situation to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Lawyer? I have a good introduction here!"

"Yes, yes, I also have a good lawyer to introduce you! He is very powerful! Life imprisonment, release on the spot, and even the defendant can help you become the plaintiff! If you perform well, I guess the lawyer on the other side will also be sent in!"

"What the hell? Are you so stupid? What kind of lawyer is this? Why don't you introduce it to me? I just opened a doll rental company, and now I'm being sued by a bunch of consumers. I'm looking for a lawyer."

"Brother Xing! If the company goes bankrupt, please remember to muzzle me."

"Not to mention too much, free shipping for fifty, which will relieve your worries."


Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room.

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled: "Brothers, I already have a good lawyer candidate."

After saying this.

Chen Feng was about to drive to the law firm.

Just the next moment.

A striking prompt appeared in front of him.

[Ding! Warning! Changes in the host mission have been detected! The mission is about to fail! ]

[Failure penalty: height will be reduced by three millimeters! ]

Seeing this prompt, Chen Feng was slightly stunned.

This was the first time he had seen such a prompt.

Could it be that Sister Qi was in danger?

Chen Feng's mind moved, and he quickly came to a conclusion.

Because the only mission he was carrying out now was Sister Qi.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng immediately changed his words to everyone in the live broadcast room: "Brothers, the schedule has changed. The law firm may have to wait for a while. I suddenly have something to do and have to go back to find the landlord."

After saying this.

Chen Feng immediately got in the car and went to Sister Qi's rental house.

And the fans who heard this became energetic one by one.

"Fuck! Are you going to watch a game???"

"I'm not sleepy anymore when I talk about this!!!"

"Brother Feng really understands us. He saw that we wanted to sleep, so he immediately took us to watch a game. Where can we find such a positive anchor?"

"Watch the game in a civilized manner! But don't be timid!"

"Boss: Super Admin, I advise you to learn your lesson, otherwise I will give you the position of security guard tomorrow."


(ps: Please give me some free gifts, and please click the button to urge the update.)

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