Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 11 New Life

Level: lv4

Attributes: blood, mind-dead silence

Skills: Blood Affinity, Blood Core Heart

Skills: Boxing - Wing Chun (Mastery), Steps - Flexibility (Beginner)"

After the matter regarding Ip Man came to an end, You Ge paid attention to his own panel.

Originally I just thought that the meaning applicable to boxing can be applied to other things. Indeed, neither the previous tasks nor the "coffin" prompts said it must be boxing. These are all made up by my own subjective brain.

But the meaning now planned as an attribute is more suitable for Youge himself. Like "blood", it can be freely radiated from the whole body and contained in any attack method, not limited to boxing. It's really This kind of change separates boxing from boxing and becomes an attribute on its own.

Of course, this is only the first intention. Only when You Ge becomes stronger can he show his stronger side.

The next day, Taka came to the door alone and changed into light clothes. The transport truck outside the room was full of clock style. If it weren't for the leaking spring that was constantly spinning, Youge wouldn't have noticed it. The car works.

"Hall, goodbye. If you have anything to do in the future, go to Heide. For my sake, even if I don't help you, I will remind you!" After not seeing each other for a night, Taka's eyes became firmer than yesterday. got up.

“I don’t know if I will come back in the future, so I’ll give it to you here!”

"Where are you going? Maybe I will find you later."

"Outside the city, the city defense army has established a new safe zone in the outer plain. I plan to go there and start over." Taka's eyes were a little dodgey. Anyone who knew would not think that the outside could be safer than the royal city, but a new The safe zone, compared to the hierarchical royal city, has a bit more vitality, which is why countless people are willing to go out.

You Ge did not give any more advice, although he only knew that he had to be Level 10 if he wanted to go outside the royal city alone, and he had no information about the safe zone outside the city.

Watching Taka get into the car, the clockwork on the car was spinning. After a red light emitted from the car, the car drove away.

You Ge has long been accustomed to living alone. He cleans the shop every day, practices boxing, and walks around the neighborhood at night. The old city, which has always been despised by people, is not as messy as he imagined. Occasionally, he can see a few patrolmen passing by. .

Half a month later, while immersed in the night of sparring with Ip Man in the coffin, "someone" came to the door!

"Dong dong~Hello, is anyone at home?" A strange female voice sounded outside.

After a moment, a pair of eyes appeared in the dark shadow that was not illuminated by the light from the window on the second floor, staring at the woman at the door.

"Lv4: Corpse Resentment - Pregnant woman; Attribute: Strength; Trait: Mouth"

The flashing red prompt made You Ge murmur in his heart. Is there anyone who comes to the door? And what is this trait, some external manifestation of individual excellence?

You Ge's guess is indeed correct. Relatively speaking, his own characteristic is his inner blood core heart.

After thinking about it and seeing the pregnant woman not leaving for a long time, I realized that she must have known about the situation at home and came to the door. The goal is very clear, directed at Youge himself!

You Ge took the initiative and came downstairs.

The lights on the first floor turned on, and the closed door slowly opened: "Hello, how can I help you?" After saying these words, You Ge felt a sense of disobedience in his heart. The old city that I hate has such friendly residents. I really want to sing "If everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world~". Hehe, his out-of-the-box thinking makes You Ge a little embarrassed.

The woman outside the house didn't feel any discomfort at all. When You Ge appeared, a stiff smile appeared on her cold face: "Sir, I'm lost. Can you help me?"

"I was attacked by thugs on the road just now. My old servant at home fought hard to save me. I hope I can hide in my husband's house!" As he spoke, he touched his swollen belly. His delicate look made him laugh. You Ge almost believed her lie: "As long as I avoid tonight, my family will come to me tomorrow and I will definitely repay my husband!"

The slightly torn shoulders revealed the white skin, which was really a pink skull.

"Come in." Generally speaking, 13-year-old poor children have never seen this before. They are all gathered in a group on the street and talking about someone's dirty scandal. Of course, Hall also has memories of peeking at the woman next door taking a shower. . That was also the worst beating by her mother. Unfortunately, it was You Ge who was reborn in Hall's body now. How could she be obsessed with this.

After making a seductive look, Youge opened the door just enough for the pregnant woman to come in.

The woman hugging her belly, holding her belly with evasive eyes, walked in quickly.

"Madam, the place is in ruins. Just sit there and I'll get you a glass of water!" Youge's dog-licking attribute instantly took over.

"Thank you~", the woman lowered her waist slightly, and obediently sat on the sofa pointed by You Ge.

By the time You Ge walked out of the kitchen, the woman had fallen asleep on the sofa on the first floor. With her sloping body, half-exposed shoulders, and bulging belly, she looked like she was waiting for Youge's favor.

There was a flash of light outside the window, and it started to rain.

Seeing the woman's seductive look after sleeping, You Ge also regained his cold expression. Slowly walked to the sofa on the other side, sat down and stared quietly.

"Did you notice?" The woman who still looked like that didn't move her mouth under You Ge's gaze, but she made a sound: "Did you notice?"

"Did you find out?"

The voice became louder and louder, and the violent breath rushed towards him.

The woman's bulging belly opened a big mouth: "Did you find out?", and she stood up instantly, staring at Youge with her eyes on her twisted neck.

"You are too stupid!" As soon as the voice fell, Youge jumped up, and condensed a fist of "blood" and hit the face of the "corpse resentful pregnant woman" fiercely, while the latter's neck seemed to be more twisted, but in fact it had no effect.

The corpse resentful pregnant woman is a strange thing that has only been circulated in the old city in recent years. It is said that one night by chance, a family saw a neighbor open the door at night to entertain a lost pregnant woman. Looking from a distance, the neighbor in the window just approached the pregnant woman, and a baby popped out of the belly with a big mouth and pulled the former in. In the end, only a cup of steaming water was left on the table.

Later, some people said that they had seen a pregnant woman who died tragically in the corner of the city, and some said that they had seen a carriage pulling away the body of a pregnant woman, but no one would really treat such a thing as a legend. Soon after, a patrol team came to secretly investigate at night, but unfortunately, they never appeared again.

Now that the pregnant woman had revealed her true form, Youge also determined his target. Seeing the child in the mouth of the corpse-worshipping pregnant woman pulling at the face that was faintly exposed on one side, he was really a little scared!

"The weakness is not in the head!" Youge made a judgment in an instant, and moved his sight to the big mouth of the pregnant woman's abdomen. The child inside laughed creepily.

The limbs of the pregnant woman were like insect arthropods, and the whole body crawled backwards, and the big mouth of the abdomen pounced on Youge.


Youge's eyes and ears received the signal of the cracking of the floor. Even if the pregnant woman did not have a creepy big mouth, this collision could hurt him.

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