Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 12 Pregnant woman with corpse resentment

The sofa behind him collapsed in less than a second.

The head hanging behind him shook, and before Youge could react, the pregnant woman stood upside down with both legs hooked and kicked him.

With no time to dodge, Youge could only parry with both hands.

With a muffled groan, a huge force was transmitted to Youge's body, and he could not resist it! Like a sack, he flew to the corner of the wall. Youge's mind instantly remembered the attributes of the corpse-grudge pregnant woman: "Careless!"

His arms trembled, and seeing the corpse-grudge pregnant woman rushing back, Youge quickly rolled to the side.

Compared to the enemies he had encountered before, Youge now realized the difference between professionals, and the physical advantage he once relied on was simply a joke.

Calm down! Must be calm!

At this time, the advantage of "intention" was reflected. Facing the huge pressure brought by the corpse-grudge pregnant woman, Youge gradually advanced and retreated in an orderly manner.

Under the powerful burst of the corpse-grudge pregnant woman's "force", even if the speed was extremely fast, it also caused a decrease in mobility. Seizing a moment of opportunity, Youge could make a Jedi counterattack!

Do it as you think. While dodging, Youge secretly condensed blood and will into his fist.

Right now, after the corpse-grudge pregnant woman fell to one side, Youge slipped under her and aimed at her spine. He stuck to her and punched her. If it was against a person, of course Wing Chun would be good. Now facing an alien, the boxing that can instantly paralyze people is a good boxing.

With a crisp sound, the spine of the vest turned blue, and the corpse-grudge pregnant woman also screamed.

The pregnant woman with her back bent turned into an L shape, and the big mouth on her abdomen was more prominent. The scream finally allowed Youge to see the inside of the big mouth clearly. A baby-like tongue curled inside, surrounding countless layers of sharp teeth in the mouth, it was completely a meat grinder!

"Trait: Mouth"

Thinking that it can be marked as an independent characteristic, I am afraid its power will be even greater! Enhanced version of Thomas Rotary Chainsaw 720-degree invincible Hot Wheels meat grinder!

Youge was not idle either. He picked up the debris on the ground and threw it over tentatively. Just when it was close to its mouth, the curled baby screamed and grabbed the debris and pulled it in. Before he could see what was happening, the debris disappeared.

"Hiss!" Although he didn't see how it disappeared, Youge saw the fangs in his mouth wriggling, and his scalp was numb.

If such an alien was not able to withstand it, it would have been scared to the point of losing its mind.

The attack of the debris also reminded the pregnant woman that her food was still beside her. The temptation from the food made the corpse-worshipping pregnant woman ignore the pain of her L-shaped body. As long as she ate Youge, she could repair her body, and she had to chew it hard!

The baby's long tongue instantly bounced towards Youge's chest, and the twisted and stretched baby was like a ghost seeking souls.

It's really hard. How can this alien have so many means of attack? Compared with the same Lv4, Youge had nothing but fists.

Dodging left and right, all the furniture on the first floor was broken. Even if someone noticed the clanging sound for so long, they would not come to check it out in the old city.

The battle fell into a stalemate, and the madly spinning in place chased Youge's figure with his tongue, not giving him any chance to get close. After Youge lost the opportunity to get close, he could not output any damage and could only look for opportunities at a distance.

And Youge's eyes were always on the baby's tongue sticking out, one second! After sticking out three times, there will be a one-second interval when it is retracted again!

Now! Youge's feet exploded, and after the tongue was retracted, he came close to her. Nearly half of his "blood" condensed on his fist, and stabbed it fiercely from the indescribable bottom.

Youge, with a lustful face, seemed to see the prompt of "True Damage 999" floating above the pregnant woman, pulled out his bloody fist, and hit the cracked mouth on the pregnant woman's belly frantically.

The pregnant woman who was pressed under the corpse never thought that she would be hurt like this one day. In her incomplete human memory, she had only kicked a man's vitals hard, and now it was her turn.

The screams and the pain that penetrated her body made the pregnant woman unable to stand on her own, especially the split mouth near there, which was twitching numbly.

You Ge, who didn't care at all, took out the baby's tongue from the split mouth, and it was torn off along the root.

After a sharp scream, the pregnant woman who was resentful of the corpse also stopped resisting completely and died tragically at the hands of You Ge!

"Lv4: The broken body of the pregnant woman who was resentful of the corpse (can be included)"

After slowly letting out a sigh of relief, You Ge sat down: Finally dead, I didn't expect that the weakness was the baby in the split mouth, which was both a weapon and a weakness.

If it wasn't torn off at the end, the pregnant woman who was resentful of the corpse might have another hard battle after recovery.


The corpse on the ground and the tongue pinched in You Ge's hand turned into light spots and disappeared in the air.

However, although Youge does not have outstanding attributes, "blood" has brought him a relatively balanced development. With the slow recovery of the blood core heart, he is not afraid of pregnant women in a protracted battle. After all, Youge still needs to work hard, and strength does not come easily.

Ignoring the wounds on the first floor, Youge went upstairs and entered the "coffin". Compared with the corpse of the previous dark blood master Weiss, this time it was more like a specimen emerging in the darkness, with a savage body and a long baby tongue, all showing the horror of the original body.

"Sequence: Corpse Resentment Pregnant Woman"

"Trait: Mouth; Attribute: Strength (One of the two can be extracted)"

Surprise! The three big words "extractable" visible to the naked eye made Youge feel extremely comfortable! It was worth his time to kill the pregnant woman.

Although I was a little curious about what would happen to me after the mouth was extracted, strength could indeed change my current situation. No matter how I break through in boxing, strength is absolutely indispensable. At the same time, Youge also found that he lacked a big and open boxing style. Facing the initial attack of the pregnant woman, he could only dodge awkwardly without a strong means of attack. His Wing Chun was more about how to be flexible against people, lacking a bit of dominance.

"Extract strength!"

After making a decision, a mist slowly floated out from the pregnant woman's body and wrapped around Youge's body.

The muscles all over his body trembled, and Youge's originally thin body bulged slightly. If there was a scale, he would find that Youge's weight had also increased. Compared with the muscle density of normal people, Youge had 50% more than others. The knotted muscle fibers are stronger! With a little force, you can see the cross-muscle marks on the arms like nylon ropes.

"Rest in peace"

The sequence standing in the darkness also disappeared in the distance, leaving only a faint figure.

The difference between the decomposed Dark Blood Master's corpse and the collected corpse pregnant woman is not a single point. In Youge's opinion, the Dark Blood Master's grade is too low and is not in the eyes of the "coffin". If the two characteristics of the pregnant woman this time also have a panel, there must be two skills displayed. Unfortunately, the coffin did not give a clear explanation of these. However, as long as it can be included, it will be discovered by myself one day!

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