Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 13 A summon with its own attributes

Eager to try out his new power, Youge did not continue to summon Ye Wen, but began to try to summon others. In addition, now that he has obtained the characteristic of "power", Youge wants some powerful moves that can play a decisive role.

Youge first thought of Bajiquan. Speaking of Bajiquan, we have to mention Li Shuwen, whose iron fists are famous at home and abroad. As a half-martial arts fan, Youge has heard his name in many places in his previous life.

The breath surged in the darkness, and a hunched figure slowly walked out. The old look made people feel no sense of danger at all.

"Li Shuwen:

Attribute: Will-Gang

Skills: Fist-Baiji (Master), Spear-Liuhe (Master)"

The panel that appeared next to the old man surprised Youge. Needless to say, how strong a master-level spearmanship is, it actually appeared that there is also a will attribute. Imagine that there was no occupational level in the previous life. You Ge also relied on his own special circumstances to condense the will attribute. Moreover, Li Shuwen actually practiced martial arts in that ordinary world to condense the will attribute. If such a person went to another world, he would probably be more than a master.

The old man who appeared this time was full of smiles, and he was much more agile than the previous Ip Man. He checked the surroundings before You Ge approached.

"Young man, is this your world? There is no light except you!"

"My world?" Li Shuwen's question made You Ge puzzled. Is this place his own world?

"This place is full of your breath, isn't it yours?"

With such a question, You Ge didn't know how to answer. According to the subordinate, it did belong to him, but unfortunately he didn't fully know everything about the "coffin". But You Ge reacted: "You can actually speak?"

"Oh?" The old man looked at You Ge with a smile: "Why can't you speak? Although I am dead, the trace of warrior will left behind can still say a few words."

Warrior will? You Ge casually waved out a trace of his own dead silence: "This?"

"The young man's intention is strange, the intention of despair and dead silence? It's a pity that the cohesion is too low and it is slightly inferior to this old man." As soon as the voice fell, Li Shuwen's eyes became extremely sharp, and a strong will rushed towards You Ge.

Unable to resist! These four words appeared in You Ge's heart involuntarily. Compared with his own intention, the latter was as fragile as a baby.

"Come on, since I was summoned by you, it goes without saying that I will help you. Seeing that you are steady in your punches and feet and you are also a martial artist, let's have a few moves first!"

Li Shuwen was straightforward. He took a stance before You Ge proposed.

His hunched body instantly became hard.

"Okay!" You Ge, who had wanted to fight for a long time, didn't hesitate to rush to Li Shuwen with a straight punch, and the first confrontation between the two began.

He leaned sideways and dodged You Ge's attack and kicked back instantly. Without waiting for You Ge to recover, Li Shuwen's fist stabbed straight at him, as if a big gun was going to pierce him.

"Retreat!" You Ge, who was shocked by the punch, kept retreating, and Li Shuwen did not chase him after the jabbing punch. This is the true power of the will.

After retreating four or five steps in a row, You Ge took a breath and it was really terrifying.

"How about it, young man, can you still hold on?" Li Shuwen looked at You Ge, who looked panicked, and held back a smile: "Do you want me to hold back a little?"

"No!" You Ge, who had already entered a dead state of mind, stood up. Compared with the battle with the pregnant woman with corpse resentment, You Ge now has his own way of using the will: "Without a little pressure, how can you have motivation!"

After saying that, the fibrotic muscle lines on his arms tightened up.

"Tsk tsk, young people are really scary, old men can't compare!" Although he agreed with You Ge's words, seeing his body far beyond that of ordinary people, Li Shuwen had to cheer up!

The fight between the two lasted for several hours, and in the end, Youge still lost miserably. After Wing Chun was close, he fought with Li Shuwen for several rounds, but Li Shuwen's intention completely crushed his offensive. Every time he found an opportunity to attack, Li Shuwen's intention would become extremely sharp, as if waiting for a fish to take the bait, making him timid. Especially his boxing skills, he was like practicing with a man holding a spear, and was hit hard several times. If it weren't for his newly strengthened body, he would have been lying down long ago!

"No more fighting, too aggrieved!" Youge, lying on the ground motionless, looked helpless.

"No more fighting, no more fighting!" Li Shuwen was happy to fight, with a smile on his face: "This is the first time I have seen a monster body like yours. I guess it is also the peculiarity of this world."

"Do you know this world?"

"When I was summoned by you, I knew only this much."

Youge stopped talking when he saw that Li Shuwen looked calm and did not continue to ask.

"Young man, your hand skills are pretty good. You must have learned from a master! It's a pity that you only learned the boxing skills of others and didn't master the footwork. I think this close combat relies most on the footwork." Li Shuwen, who turned into a hunchbacked old man again, explained to You Ge carefully.

Indeed, You Ge's hand and foot skills are all based on the improvement of skill levels. After focusing on one, he gave up the other, otherwise how could his footwork still be at the entry level? Fortunately, the aliens I met now are all straightforward. Wouldn't I be beaten to death if I met an agile one?

"Also, your power is too strong, so you can't control it freely. You need to get more familiar with it."

"Also, the intention, my fist and spear are all the same, the key is to use it freely. Your intention is almost perfect, right? In the future, just accompany me more, and it will naturally be perfect!"

You Ge knew what Li Shuwen said, but it was a pity that no one would practice with him, otherwise why would he summon him? Besides, he also wanted to learn his Bajiquan, and it would not be too little if he could learn spear skills!

He stood up while echoing Li Shuwen: "I will rely on you a lot!"

The next night, after communicating with Li Shuwen for a long time, You Ge also had a new plan for himself. The footwork must be practiced, and Li Shuwen's unique skills should be practiced slowly. When he completely controls this acquisition, his combat effectiveness will naturally improve, so don't be anxious!

After a busy morning, Youge finally threw out all the broken furniture on the first floor. Soon after, a clockwork-driven garbage truck appeared and put all the furniture into the crusher.

"Lv2: Clockwork crusher (thermal power)"

Seeing that an ordinary garbage recycling machine has levels, Youge couldn't help but mourn for all ordinary people.

While standing at the door and waiting for the recycling to be completed, the lame Heide came to the door.

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