Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 122 Insect Pollution


Before Youge could savor these cute insects running towards him,

giant insects that were obviously much larger than other insects came out from the ground one by one.

"Little elite? Lv15?" As expected, some extremely talented humans can be much stronger than others after being transformed.

"Lv15: Complete insect-transformed human (alienated worm); characteristics: earth; characteristics: worm;"

The body shape is the same as the ordinary insects nearby, but the overall color is darker and more amorphous black and purple. Especially when it opened its mouth, dozens of uneven and slender tentacles stretched out from the eight-petal mouthparts, circling around the mouthparts.

"Tsk tsk!" Youge, who had just made a throwing action, immediately discovered the changes brought by the other party.

This more advanced alienated worm, in just a short moment from its appearance to its opening of its mouth, had already brought Youge a lot of pressure. The pollution tide that was originally brought by countless insect-like aliens rushed out, and the moment it joined, it was like boiling hot water, producing a violent chain reaction.

The air was like howling, like tumbling, all linked together.

The re-changed pollution tide rushed forward with the might of all insect-like aliens!

Entangling, eroding, knotting,

The pollution breath surrounding Youge's body, part of it turned into countless mucus secreted by tiny worms, and after being stained on the body surface, the originally solid skin immediately became like puffs. Then bite it down little by little, and rub and bite it little by little with the same eight-petal breath.

And the other part of the pollution breath followed these destroyed defenses and drilled in like a snake and water.

It was just a short moment, just barely defended with [Blood], and after throwing out a round of poisonous fire, Youge's skin was already covered with worms, and the skin on the surface of the body began to self-secrete the same mucus as the worms.

"It's really hard to guard against!" Although he is no longer a human in terms of life form, his past feelings will still affect Youge's judgment of external information.

Especially the worms in Youge's eyes, they pay special attention to this part. You can imagine how creepy the effect transmitted from the visual nerve is.

If it weren't for the [blood] in the body filling various organs without any accident, noses and ears would be the first choice for these worms to break through.

The first battle after the sublimation of life was so troublesome, but it was under this pressure that Youge could have a more practical understanding of his own abilities!

For aliens, the ability of pollution is essentially similar to the erosion ability of professional abilities, but from the perspective of humans, the erosion of this alien ability itself is extremely malicious, so it rises to the description of [pollution]. They all belong to infusing power into other people's bodies to achieve some goals.

However, this ability is naturally different. For example, the ability of [worm pollution] is intuitively equivalent to the process of assimilating other substances into [worms].

But microscopically, the change of matter is naturally a process. No matter what it is, even if it is an idealistic ability, there are certain factors of change.

After Youge's reorganized Type 8 particles encountered the [Insect Transformation] ability, he immediately saw the changes in his body.

When the particles representing the insect transformation ability encountered the flesh cells again, they started a fierce attack without any hesitation. The power particles, which are much stronger than the flesh cells, naturally won instantly. It was at this stage that a strange message was transmitted to the cells.

After being curious about this strange phenomenon, Youge carefully intercepted a section and received it with Type 8 particles.

It must be said that this ability is simply crazy,

or that all aliens are simply crazy in their ability to pollute. A piece of information representing a fragment of their own life is injected into the opponent's cells, and the defeated cells will naturally begin to undergo some microscopic information changes, from human cells to worm cells.

Youge's surface skin is really transformed into a worm-like skin that produces mucus autonomously.

Moreover, these skins are constantly absorbing the energy contained in the original human cells in the inner layer, which belong to Youge, to strengthen themselves and then try to transmit the same pheromones.

And those worms attached to his body surface also carry the subsequent supplements and more direct attacks.

"Sensory loss?"

"?? Obstruction of physical nerve transmission? Limb abnormality?"

Along with the explosion of the poisonous fire just thrown out, some "as expected" feelings came from the flesh.

No matter how strong this body is, it can't be out of the scope of human common sense. When it is partially [worm-like] and the complete nerve chord is missing, the signal originally transmitted to Youge's perception will naturally no longer be as full of "normal human" cognitive integrity as before!

In other words, will humans feel dizzy when rotating in a weightless environment?

If the speed is not too fast, you may not feel the rotation even if you close your eyes. Without the force exerted by gravity, you don't even know how many somersaults you have turned.

Obviously, abnormal perceptions in the human body come from the application of different forces, which causes the senses to be unable to withstand the pressure, resulting in the transmission of resistive information, telling you not to do this anymore, or I will collapse or you will collapse if you continue to do this.

But after sublimation, the organs in the body have become a device for Youge to judge whether the outside world is friendly to human flesh.

The so-called distortion, illusion, weightlessness, and the feeling of being broken from the flesh that is about to be unable to support, at this time, seem to be a letter that needs to be dealt with by Youge, and can no longer affect Youge's judgment like when he was still a human life.

This inherent limitation from the human body has been unable to affect Youge's judgment to a certain extent.

Ignoring the fragments of limbs caused by the explosion in front, after gathering his own strength, he immediately began to imitate the opponent's pollution ability with information fragments.

Compared with the pollution situations encountered before, most of them were low-level simple force invasions, and some exceptions were just some residual power, or a simple power in concept, which was far less intuitive than the [pollution] encountered today.

"Failure?! Failure?!", Youge's two consecutive experiments did not achieve any results at all, but the ability of insect transformation was supplemented in the test site where the balance was maintained by [blood].

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