Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 123 Gradually approaching the center of the tentacle ocean

"Forget it, it can't be done at once!" The advantage after sublimation made Youge notice the extraordinary nature of this pollution ability, but it did not mean that it could be easily imitated.

Especially the piece of information about insect life that invaded the other party. Youge only knew what the other party looked like, but he didn't know how the other party was "created".

However, the "semi-insect" state that has been maintained for so long has still had a slight impact on You Ge. The Type 8 particle that just actively accepted the insect-formed life information fragment has been unable to suppress the insect-morphing mutation:

"Hey, this kind of thing has indeed been completely transformed into insects mentally.\

,"The other half of the Type 8 particles in the microcosm, which belong to Youge's spiritual properties, have long lost their original spiritual flavor, and have even relied on their own properties to get closer to nearby particles, thus expanding the pollution again.

"Let's go!"

At the moment of elimination, You Ge was shocked, and thick blood rushed out of his body. After crushing all the worms on the surface of his body, he looked at the battlefield.

[Pollution] is, after all, just a trick-or-treating ability. No matter how "advanced" the ability is, under the protection of [Seal] and without the spirit being completely distorted, it can still be achieved by gathering enough "quality" power. Easily resisted.

Besides, the insect pollution spread here does not exceed Youge's "safety level" range.

Turning to the front, those insectoid humans were repeatedly shocked by the power of the explosion.

After seeing You Ge finally motionless with tiny worms all over his body, he opened his mouth and waited for him to become a new member of the insect family.

Helpless, how could Youge do what they wanted? After cleaning up the body surface, he once again threw countless poisonous fires. At the moment when the amount of energy exploded, he quietly spread a large amount of poisonous fire under the ground. of [blood].

"Spurt! Spin! Thrust!"

The insectoid humans and the surrounding earthly tentacles were destroyed by the blood-colored crystal vortex storm he created.

Blood Tomb Peak Burial is a trick that will be fine if you use it a few times. After the control is improved again, why not improve it again?

Moreover, the ground mixed with blood completely hindered the insect-turned human beings from successfully hiding underground this time and avoiding the scope of the explosion.

Looking at the countless remaining half-parts of the body, it is true that Youge has given you hope for life but also prevented you from having a perfect end.

Spiritual particles can be fused with blood particles.

Obviously, with so many earth attribute bugs on the opponent's side, You Ge will definitely be greatly outgunned in terms of control. Simply using earth attribute power to block them is not as good as simply mixing the current type 8 blood particles into the earth attribute power!

This is much easier than imitating insect contamination.

The screams of half-insect humans resounded throughout the place.

"I knew you wouldn't be killed so easily." The L15 alienated worm is much more powerful than shown. The explosion that was close to the L20 level just made the opponent's skin slightly dry, and the bloody vortex was cut by the rotation. It just caused some cracks on its skin.

As the aftermath of the attack gradually stabilized, its skin slowly secreted more mucus again.

Fortunately, You Ge's movements became slightly trembling as the worm approached, which fully demonstrated that the explosion was not something it could easily avoid.

He decisively used actions to prove himself, and the mixed energy of blood and earth that turned into flat ground rose and fell again,

After passing through and controlling the ability of the alienated worm to move, he crazily drilled in along its open mouthparts.

"Insect transformation? Now let you feel the fear of being forcibly contaminated and dominated by external forces!\

,"A certain big shot once said that there is no road in the world, only the more you walk, the more you will find the road.

Either way, he's going to die, so he won't be able to help him any more.

After imprisoning the exhausted alienated worm from the inside out, he forcibly controlled his Type 8 particles and began to imitate the pollution just now crazily.

Crush worm cells, forcibly recombine particles within the worm, create wounds and add blood particles, etc.

Repeated testing is ultimately useless.

However, it also allowed You Ge to verify that this ability does not directly act on matter: "Maybe forget about different ideas, let's continue with the purpose of coming here."

I finally had enough fun and thought of Elosili who I had left behind.

This kind of inspiration sometimes does not appear all at once. Occasionally, you may be able to think of the real key point when you accidentally see a tea cup.

After harvesting the remaining bugs, collecting the corpses, and throwing away the problems in his heart, You Ge was also very jealous of the corpses in various miserable conditions in front of him. To a certain extent, this kind of collection was also a kind of information collection, and part of it was transformed into [Essence] ] In addition, maybe it can be used in the future?

It was just a slight guess. After collecting and taking a short rest, the big devil's bombing continued.

Boom boom boom!

Continuous throwing,

After a few rounds, just when You Ge was considering whether to throw the three-type bomb, a light consciousness came over.

With a hint of seduction, he kept teasing You Ge.

".Is this place really producing pan-consciousness?" You wouldn't know until you touch him. After the other party took the initiative to contact You Ge, all the earthly tentacles around him sent a message of surrender to You Ge.

"Lv20: Earthly Pan-Consciousness - Rointa (pseudo); Characteristics: Earth, Absorption; Characteristics: Tentacles, Brain, Collective Consciousness;"

The word "fake" marked on the back of the name clearly told Youge that this was just a counterfeit product under the name of pan-consciousness. This slight information search and probing also attracted the other party's attention.

"Human, what did you collect from me?" It was obvious that Youge took the initiative to ask the "coffin" to explore the other party's information in his mind, and Luo Yinta discovered it clearly. However, this meaningless "collection" behavior did not let her see what the other party was doing.

"Ahem!" It makes sense that the other party dared to call himself a pan-consciousness. Now only Mr. Orange who met could discover his exploration. I didn't expect that this Lv20 pan-consciousness could also discover something: "Just to see who you are!"

Probing, putting aside the previous seduction behavior, since the other party took the initiative to talk, Youge must ask something.

"Me?" In the transmitted thoughts, there was a hint of pride: "I am the king here, the king of this kingdom and this land!"

Confirming Luo Yinta's words, the tentacles around him also made gestures of submission and bending.

The story of Pan-consciousness-Lointa begins with a strange seed that accidentally fell here, and coincidentally fell on the bones of a dead human. Not only was it not destroyed by the pollution in this area, but with the fertile nutrients and the seed's own extraordinary tenacity, it took root in the brain of the skeleton, and over time, a special wisdom was born.

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