Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 125: Rointa's helplessness in playing hard to get

"Me?" Luo Yinta's heart moved: "It's nothing, that insect is too annoying. No one wants to have a completely uncontrollable guest in their home."

The grievances are obvious. Although no one can do anything between the two, just letting them wander around in their own territory will always make them feel conflicted.

"I'm afraid that's not why you keep pestering me, right?"

You Ge's question left Luo Yinta speechless for a moment. He was too curious about You Ge and attracted unnecessary attention.

"But it's not impossible." Before Luo Yinta could continue to speak, Yuge put away all the poisonous fire he planned to throw out behind his back, and put forward a new suggestion: "I believe you can also see that my goal should be There is a certain necessary connection with that big bug, and if the situation permits, it is indeed not impossible to kill it. "

You Ge, who was lying on the ground, was also tired of the long-term throwing. According to the current situation, even if the place was really blown up, he might not be able to find the other party, and it seemed that the insect was also deliberately delaying the meeting between the two parties.

The number of alienated worms among the worms lining up now has also slowly increased.

It would be easier to understand if he was close to the other party, but the feeling coming from his perception was not any different.

After waving his hand, You Ge said nonchalantly: "Of course it doesn't matter. If the explosion continues like this, it will only take three or four days to blow this place to the ground, and the bugs will have nowhere to hide. "

Luo Yinta was not happy to hear this. After all, these were his descendants. After the explosion, his own strength would also be lost.

"I just feel the same kind of smell in you, I have no other thoughts!"

similar? If you hadn't felt a sense of urgency from the other party, Youge would have felt like he was hearing a joke.

Pan-consciousness. Similar,

After thinking carefully, You Ge almost guessed what the other party meant.

The power represented by the seal is indeed very similar to the general meaning. Taking into account the (fake) mark after the other party's name, maybe You Ge is more "pure" and more correct than the other party.

Except that the seal is controlled by You Ge,

A force that represents the distortion of human nature is more representative than a force that utilizes the characteristics of plants.

"It was because I sensed the information contained in your power that I chose to be close to you."

Sure enough, Xiaobai, who had not been in contact with anyone for a long time, was just provoked by You Ge. In the end, Luo Yinta was forced to tell everything. As for the other party who still didn't believe her, there was nothing she could do.

You Ge, who had remained silent, had no reaction other than keeping a gloomy expression.

The atmosphere remained strangely at this point.

And on the other side, Outpost Farm,

Shortly after Youge set off, a transport convoy carrying Poison Fire arrived at the farm.

The farm that I haven't visited for a long time has been completely renovated by the technological impact of You Ge and 01's factory plan, compared to the semi-ineffective mechanical and semi-manual collection methods before.

After all of them entered mechanical automation, those underground people who could still find something to do were all liberated this time.

Coupled with the statistics of the weak intelligence deployed by 01, Rios has completely become a hands-off shopkeeper.

Xiaoquer hummed, and when it was time for the next supply, after delivering the poisonous fire and human-faced spider meat, there was another period of idle time.

"Mr. Rios, I am Mary Ocean, the person sent by your Lordship to deal with you."

An old friend's subordinate, Rios realized as soon as he heard the other party's name. The alien didn't care about his camp position, and a woman with such a temperament was probably not just a subordinate.

With a thought in his mind, Rios quickly said with a smile on his face: "Welcome, welcome, come in quickly, I'll tell you everything about the handover, don't be in a hurry!"

As he said this, he glanced at the vehicle that came in. Rios became even more envious. The mechanized thing was indeed wonderful. If this kind of thing were popularized underground, wouldn't it be

Glancing at Mary who entered with her skirt up, Rios sighed slightly. Maybe this kind of thing will appear underground after the plans of several adults are truly realized.

"Mr. Rios, this is the test report of the finished product and the report on future quantities."

Indoors, after Mary took out a piece of data from the accompanying robot, she slowly moved from the table to Rios opposite.


,"Rios smiled slightly, took the report and began to look at it carefully. This was something that was related to his life in the future. He didn't want to be regarded as the first batch of cannon fodder to be abandoned.

"This? The energy level has been raised to this point?"

Energy level, volume, portability, these alone have made these poisonous fires rise straight from ordinary strategic materials to important level materials: "Okay!"

“Can the production quantity be increased further?”

Mary smiled. The Lord had personally told this question: "Yes, as long as the raw materials are enough, we can naturally make more."

"Well", it seems that I asked a very stupid question. The technology and manufacturing methods are completely controlled by the other party. If you want to increase your income, you can only increase your investment again.

Send extra manpower to expand the nest?

Rios just thought about it briefly and dismissed this idea. It would be beyond his control at a certain point. If the number of these aliens exceeds the carrying limit of this area, I am afraid that even this farm will not be able to sustain it. And there is no need to be so anxious about this kind of thing. Other levels also have the same farms. As long as the raw materials are gathered, the quantity? They can force those factories to work.

Thinking of the behemoth factory that 01 spent a day building, Rios had to admire the real power contained in this machine that had been ignored by the underground people.

"How's it going, Mr. Rios?" Mary stared at the motionless Rios and asked, "Is there something wrong with the data?"

"No, no! It's good. This is enough to make those people crazy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Rios was so excited that he couldn't suppress his excitement. From the perspective of the underground people, Rios took all the credit for this part.

No, I need to go down there in person this time. This kind of thing cannot be known to anyone!

"Go! The farm is under martial law. Except for the messenger's people, no one is allowed to leave their room until I come back!"

The people behind it naturally didn't know why Rios was so excited after seeing the report, but even under normal circumstances, it was normal for them for Rios to issue martial law.

"Yes, my lord!"

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