Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 126 The blocked big bug is very depressed

At this time, there were constant explosions in the fluorescent area facing the tentacle ocean.

The underground people outside the venue all gathered in a moment of chaos.

"Is it that big bug?", countless novices who came here for the first time asked the veterans around them, pointing to the light on the horizon.

"I don't know. It seems that there is a battle over there, but I don't know what level this explosion is." The veteran's face kept exclaiming: "I hope the battle between the big bugs will not affect us!"

As for the newcomers, in addition to some fear caused by the precautions taught before coming here, there is also a trace of curiosity about the battlefield outside the horizon: "I wonder what kind of adults dare to start a battle there!"


Looking at the distorted halo of tentacles caused by the explosions, Mary smiled slightly and stopped her from going out to appease the underground people gathered outside.

"Don't be anxious. When you come here this time, my master also asked me to tell you something."

There was a slight pause on his lips, and he looked pointedly at the aperture: "According to the time when the adults left, and basically no one in this underground place will go to the tentacle ocean, the place where the explosion occurred should be where my adults are. "

"Who caused it?" Rios was sweating slightly. At this level, he dared to provoke that big bug! He really made the underground people anxious.

"Speaking of which, my Lord, this time is mainly to test the power of the new product. If you are just dealing with some guys who are not good enough, you can't tell whether the power of this thing meets the requirements!" Mary covered her mouth with her hand. Finally, he showed a hint of a show-off smile: "Mr. Rios, you think this should be the effect of no more than five Type 1 poisonous fires, but it is still a little bit unsatisfactory!"

Looking at Rios's tangled expression, just when Yuge was throwing Type 2 poisonous fire to attract more attention, Mary continued: "Look, this should be the effect of Type 2! That gorgeous The energy tide drove back all active matter within the range!"

The rich energy tide, without Mary's reminder, Rios himself felt the power contained in it. Even if he walked into it, he would be nothing more than cannon fodder that would be eliminated in a second.

"Sir, you are really outstanding!" Fortunately, such a person is his ally. Otherwise, if he encounters a professional like himself on the battlefield, he would not even be qualified as cannon fodder.

After a long silence, he suddenly remembered the underground people who were still watching outside. Rios quickly summoned a subordinate: "Tell them that the adults who are cooperating with us are testing." He seemed to be unable to think of any suitable reason, and looked at him with a trace of concern. Mary.

"Sir, let's just say that we are developing new weapons. It is estimated that everyone below will know about this kind of thing soon."

Yes, but as long as you grasp the priority, these people will not be able to outdo you no matter how you report them! We can’t wait any longer and it’s time to leave. We need to deliver our things first today!

Seeing Rios' anxious look, Mary gave way slightly: "Please, sir, I will leave quietly."

Rios nodded, there is no doubt about this, there is no need for Master Youyou to do anything else when he is on the other side.

With the farm under martial law, when everyone thought it was caused by an explosion outside, Rios went underground with dozens of his cronies and Type 3 poisonous fire sent by Mary.

"Open the way!" Yu Ge, whose other half had been silent for a long time, made Luo Yinta confused at the first sentence. So he agreed? Always feel like you've been cheated a lot? !


From the network formed by his own root system, after he took the lead in issuing the order to hinder the progress of the big insect in the distance, a sticky feeling in the shape of an insect was immediately felt in the direction facing Youge.

"The road is open for you, I'll stop you first." After all, he is his old rival, so he naturally knows that it is impossible to stop him so simply, but it is enough for You Ge to arrive quickly.

After the temptation in the nearby air disappeared, You Ge also knew that Luo Yinta had focused on the big insect, and the wanton tentacles in front of him were all woven into the shape of a grass bridge, building a bridge for You Ge. VIP direct access.

"Let's go!", he burst out with all his strength, condensed three thick-legged tentacles and suddenly exerted force on the ground. Coupled with the [Speed] attribute that he had never used much, he rushed towards the Tentacle Grass Bridge.


The big insect that was swimming slowly on the surface of the earth was very comfortable. Under the compliments of a group of younger brothers around him, he happily enjoyed being "baptized" by a round bead that he had successfully condensed from the center of the ocean. ,

His old rival with his strange food consciousness actually took the initiative to provoke him again, and he still came to trouble him when outsiders entered the place.

Since it obtained this bead, it has not caused trouble in this old rival's territory for a long time. Isn't it good for everyone to live in peace and harmony?

After secretly sensing that this old rival seemed to have a big relationship with the outsider, Chongzi also tried his best to avoid you because he disliked the trouble. He originally wanted to get rid of you after absorbing this bead, but this does not mean that he really I'm afraid of you.

The restrained breath was instantly released, and the air here was filled with tiny insect-shaped shadows.

"Get lost! (Insect language)", seeing the tentacle plant blocking its way, the sticky saliva sprayed from the huge mouth of the big insect directly blasted a clearing in front of it, and then corroded it.

And after Luo Yinta slowly gave birth to another batch of tentacles on the ground, he absorbed the saliva just now as nutrients bit by bit.

After being around for so long, don't you know the characteristics of plants? Just those things, come! Spit them out as much as you want, as long as I feel sad, you win!

These two people, how to say it, Luo Yinta's ability combined with the entire sea of ​​tentacles, if it can't be fatal in one blow, it will definitely make a comeback.

And the insects are thick-skinned and the huge power brought by their body size is not something Luo Yinta can easily restrain, which has led to the two sides entangled for so many years.

As for the insect pollution thing, as an ability born from a higher alien existence, it is actually a symbol of identity. For this kind of people of the same level, it doesn't have much effect except interference.

At this time, the tentacles around were also growing wildly under the urging of Lointa. All the energy in the endless sea of ​​tentacles was called upon by it. No matter how it destroyed, I could restore it instantly!

And from time to time, it would mess with the insect's landing place, making it uncomfortable.

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