Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 150 Fink's Battle

The big fish has been hooked.

City Defense Army, just these three words can show the importance of this force to the Royal City.

Even if the Public Security Bureau can be compared with the other party as one of the top ten forces in the Royal City, there is no comparison between the two in terms of foundation and development.

"Not much, just tens of thousands."

Mr. Orange said calmly. For this existence, he could not deal with it casually as before.

"Tens of thousands? How long?!", It was stimulating. This time, not only Gerst, but also people from other forces quieted down and listened to the conversation between the two sides.

"Three days, the current mass production of the factory.", He smiled slightly with his head down: "It's a bit low."

Damn it, Ackerman blinked and ran over with a thick skin: "Clockwork, you are not kind, such a good thing is still hidden? Tell me, how to divide it!", He glanced at Gerst with his trembling fat face: "Don't think about taking it away by yourself, there are many people who need it in other places!"

He discovered this first, and wanted to scold but couldn't. Gerst instantly resented why he couldn't hold back.

Forget it, if he doesn't say it, someone else will ask sooner or later.

This troublesome fat man, he is the only one in the whole place who is not afraid of him. One is the military center of the royal city, and the other is the economic center of the royal city. It's really troublesome.

"Okay, okay, divide it, everyone can share it!", Gester looked around impatiently, and only Sophia from the police station came close: "Hey! Sophia, how much do you want?"

"?", why did he drag her into it again? This kind of explosives cannot be released at will in the city, and she can't use it even if it is given to her.

After seeing the expression of this big man, Sophia instantly realized that she might have caused an unwarranted disaster,

"No, no, the use of large explosives is prohibited in the city!"

What a coward, the fat Ackerman knows how to advance and retreat, and it's okay to quarrel with her. If this person angers me, I'm afraid he will be arrested and locked up for a few days.

"Hmph!" These guys still fight each other heartlessly every day. Seeing the performance of other royal city forces retreating, and then comparing it with the fat man's disgusting fat face, I am still very angry.

"Clockwork, tell me, how to divide it!"

"Don't worry, let's watch the game first, we didn't come here for this thing this time!\

,"Ackerman instantly understood his intention with a faint smile, is there something better?

Clockwork really hid too many things this time.


At this time, Fink finally bombed the ground all the way and approached his name brand.

Worm Blood Food, the alien entangled with Fink's name brand, hid behind early under Fink's high-profile entry and bombing, and followed the passage blown out by Fink, hanging far behind and moving slowly.

Along the way, he was also troubled by Fink's ability. As an alien who can be chosen to fight against humans, Gray King naturally would not choose some muscle brains.

In case of embarrassment, these muscle brains, haha, can be imagined.

While thinking, Worm actually had no way to deal with such a metal shell.

He could dodge or withstand the Lv20 energy level explosions one or two times, but the opponent's throwing without caring about it now made him have no chance to get close.

And then there was the Lv25 energy level. What should Worm do when he appeared? What if a higher level appeared? He couldn't resist it at all.

But giving up completely was not his style. After thinking about it, he decided to try it first and then make plans.

It was at this time that people in the square were discussing Fink's affairs in detail. Gerst suddenly said: "Be quiet, keep watching!"


Everyone realized that the only thing that could be noticed by this big guy now was Clockwork's "toy". Could it be that there was another change?

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on where Fink was. All kinds of exploration methods were used. This time, they had to take a good look at Clockwork's toys and see what interesting changes they could show.


Fink, who was being watched by everyone, had no idea that he was now the focus of everyone's attention.

The attacks along the way were actually the result of a long period of calculation between Fink and his own weak brain.

The stone on his nameplate had an unusually obvious aura. The person who could be brought by the king was definitely not an ordinary alien.

In this situation where I was in the open and the enemy was in the dark, if I was not careful, I would be destroyed. With the help of Hall, I just had the opportunity to take a completely different path from the past. I must not give up here.

After entering the dark world decisively like Hall, even if there was no danger warning from the machine, he planned to blast all the way through at the beginning.

And now he also found the difference nearby, as if there were many different things around him.

"Alien? Finally took action?!"

Such a high-profile action, isn't it just waiting for the opponent to take the initiative to attack!

After T1 erected the garrison defense mode, the first type of poisonous fire was instantly ready for pre-explosion.

"Oh, it's so difficult." Worm just spread something out, and the opponent was so quickly on guard. What should I do? Moreover, the advantages of these aliens with stone attributes were weakened a lot on this land, and they couldn't even use the terrain well.

Think about how difficult it is for Youge to hide underground, so it is naturally the same for others.

"Let's force the test!" Since he has started, Wom doesn't intend to hold back. After the clearance [fusion] of both parties is taken away, he will not have any advantage at all.

Wom·Blood Food, a natural blood, flesh and stone attribute alien,

From the perspective of the coffin's detection, it is

"Characteristics: blood, flesh, stone, swallowing; trait: flesh-loving stone"

At this time, he had completely transformed into a huge monster composed of countless stones wrapped with flesh and blood.

To be honest, if Worm met a physical human, his talent attributes would definitely cause the opponent to suffer a big loss. Unfortunately, if he met a metal cyborg,

Although I also know that this kind of enemy will either destroy the opponent's body or drain the opponent's energy, otherwise it will be more troublesome than him to beat Xiaoqiang who cannot be killed.

The huge flesh-and-stone fist quickly hit Fink's defense before he could react.


The energy in his body is enough for him to consume freely now.

In an instant, the Lv20 energy level explosion left only a trace of smoke on Fink's body, and then exploded the huge fist that hit him.

Bloodshot shoots everywhere, minced meat splashes, and the remaining flesh and blood between the stones is broken.

snort! A sneer appeared on Fink's remaining human face,

Hall said that if one is not enough, bring two, and if two is not enough, bring ten, as long as the poisonous fire is enough and the other party is not afraid.

Regardless of whether Worm is revealing his true body at this time, Fink just wants to take advantage of the opponent's huge body and explode violently!

And it’s a Type 2 Poison Fire!

The launch port on the back spurted out instantly, and nearly a hundred rounds of Type 2 poisonous fire hit Worm's body hard.

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