Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 151 A small dispute in the square

The explosion sounded, and the energy tentacles and flames completely covered the enemy's surroundings.

The energy shock waves spread out one after another, and even the people in the square in the distance could feel the wild explosion.

"Gray, it seems that your men are not very good, so they dare not come up now?"

Snake's voice sounded in time, and he still lay on the side without raising his head.

"Hehe, Sister Snake, don't be anxious, the good show has not started yet~", his subordinate Gray King needs to know more, otherwise he would not let Worm come.


Ackerman was excited, holding the hand of the clockwork and was so excited that he couldn't speak. It was exciting. The more he watched, the more he liked it. In the future, if nothing else, it would be cool to have a few shots like this.

The energy explosion of a single charge can also be so gorgeous.

So manly! ——

When the aftermath of the explosion passed, the blood stone giant on the field disappeared completely.

Of course, it was not completely blown up. After Worm noticed the explosion, he cancelled most of his strength, and there was no need to waste it here.

But this also achieved his goal.

In the two explosions, the flesh-eating stones that seemed to be blown out unintentionally have more or less covered the surroundings. In addition to the tiny stones that were scattered when Fink was alerted before, Fink has been completely "surrounded" by him.

The seemingly coincidental phenomenon is actually intentional by Worm.

"Surround!" Worm, who was nowhere, gave an order, and all the irregularly moving gravel turned into a tiny rotating meat grinder covered with flesh and blood.

Blood-eating, these two words refer to Worm's special ability at this time. No matter what it is, it cannot escape the fate of being devoured by it in the end.

None of the aliens who had fought with him survived, and there were only the remaining hideous flesh and blood fragments on the battlefield after the end.

Of course, for aliens, the word blood represents not only red liquid, but also energy, nests, etc. In Youge's body, it can even be transformed into the meaning of breeding.

Fink, who was at the center of the meat grinder, remained motionless.


This ability was indeed terrifying. After all, it was mostly aimed at flesh and blood. Although the external defense consumption increased, as a high-level cyborg, it was impossible for him to be defeated.

Even though he was transformed to Lv15, Fink was now a talented professional with power roots, but he had lost the potential for self-improvement.

"Where is it? Can't detect it!", the various zero-level machines in the body were running rapidly, but they still didn't find any loopholes in the enemy despite the consumption.

Another wave of poisonous fire bombardment, but unfortunately only the shock wave was emitted this time. With the full operation of Worm's ability, the energy radiation of the poisonous fire was barely swallowed up quickly.

But Worm was not easy to lose weight. His energy level was only the last step of Lv19, and he hadn't taken it out yet. If he ate too much of things that exceeded his ability, he would still have indigestion.

Luckily, the poisonous fire was just pure energy, and there was no moth ability.

But Worm finally leaked a little fluctuation at this time in order to maintain the stability of the meat grinder.

Fink's eyes flashed as he tried his best to detect:


I didn't expect it to be not far from me. Just like the traces of flesh and blood left on the ground, it was not noticeable in the meat grinder at all.

Type 3 poisonous fire!

Without hesitation, the energy fluctuations soared into the sky, Lv30 hit with all its strength, and it shone instantly.


"Clockwork, this is considered a violation, right? Even if it is a pure energy attack, this is not something that the little guy on the field can easily make, right?"

Sophia, who was taking advantage of her misfortune, never gave up the opportunity to criticize her. Even if you are the center of attention, you will be disgusted.

"Oh?" This time, Mr. Orange finally took care of Sophia, but he only took care of her, and then said to Daria: "Except for the maintenance I did in the later stage, most of this cyborg was designed and manufactured by his younger brother, and the explosive just now - poisonous fire, was also designed by him alone!"

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't be too exaggerated, Mr. Orange would have said that all of them were made by Youge.

"Brother?" Daria had memorized the information of the contestants by heart, that one?

When he looked over, he saw Youge on the battlefield in another direction. He didn't expect that this "physical skill master" was also an alchemy master.

"These are the samples of the three types of poisonous fire. Please feel free to check them out~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Orange looked at Sophia beside him with a smile, and his eyes were full of meaning, as if to say that you have no right to make noise here.

"Let me take a look first!" Ackerman didn't care about his face and shouted first.

These self-righteous people naturally wouldn't lower their face to say anything, and could only wait for Ackerman's inspection.

"Spider?" As the head of the Golden Society, Ackerman naturally had a special way to identify treasures. His thoughts instantly came out: "Those people who use insects to curse wouldn't study it this way, right? Reorganized the secretion structure?"

Ackerman raised his head. This damn person actually studied spider secretions?

"Lv10 spider secretions, Lv10 scorpion secretions, reorganized energy particle structure, conventional compression and other means."

"Hehe~ Lord Ackerman, can we take a look?"

As soon as the test results were announced, several hooded men came up to Ackerman. There were actually people who could get close to Ackerman?

But Ackerman just stepped back and handed it over, stay away!

His beautiful fat didn't want to have any contact with this group of people!

After the hooded man took it, he looked at the poisonous fire in front of him and thought for a long time,

"What's up, you can see it if you want, talk!" Although he didn't want to get close to this group of people, Ackerman was not afraid of them at all. He was the biggest sponsor of this group of people.

Even if there were orders from several adults in the obelisk, it was also closely related to his own ability. If other families sponsored it, they would go bankrupt in a few days!

"Yes, yes~", the leader said after picking up a type of poisonous fire: "Lord Ackerman is absolutely right!"

German K. Lawrence, the name of this leader, he is one of the three leaders of the sweeper force. Of course, there is also a general manager above them, but he was not present this time.

When he held the poisonous fire, it really refreshed his eyes. There are many people who play curses among the sweepers. The person who plays curses with insects as Ackerman said is himself.

Although it's not a spider, cockroaches and woodlice are not good?

The sudden curiosity was the reason why he came up to see it for himself. Reorganization? Why didn't he think of it? Every time he tried to mix the abilities of various insects to create a stronger curse, or catch stronger and more special insects to achieve some miraculous effects, but the idea of ​​reorganization never appeared.

And Lv10 alone can burst out the effect of Lv30, what about the others?

Maybe he should retreat again.

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