Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 19 A Sudden Mission

Continuing back to the information bar, Lv5 does have a little more information about attribute training with strong circulation. For example, strengthening energy to wash your own muscles and exercising for a long time will give you the opportunity to obtain "strength" related attributes when you upgrade. , this kind of attribute information reflected in the body is basically some necessary training methods to stay at a fixed level all year round.

And his "blood" attribute is in the general list description. The most prominent one is the berserker profession. As a profession with strong endurance and emphasis on body, half of them are battlefield pioneers.

After browsing most of the attributes, You Ge couldn't find one that suited him. There were almost no ways to improve his control over blood.

"The "blood" career system has been activated"

"Sequence collection mission released: As long as the fish tail is still there, you can make a pot of soup!"

"Task requirement: The integrity of the corpse is over 80%."

"Complete: Ability Improvement Training*1"

"Solidization Skill: Word of the Soul"

"Language of the Soul: By acquiring the weak will contained in the language, one can understand its true meaning."

Youge had just finished browsing the information about the attributes on the jammer terminal, when a prompt from "Coffin" suddenly appeared in his eyes.

It happened to be a coincidence that You Ge was still thinking about what he would do next, so the coffin couldn't wait to give himself a surprise. Compared with the Golden Society, most of the tasks he could accept were insignificant rewards, and the coffin's task rewards were so small. At least it's a reward that can improve your abilities.

It was quite interesting to see this solidification skill in the blink of an eye, which made it a lot more convenient for me.

Quickly return to the "coffin\

,"You Ge found a dark tunnel entrance in front of him.

It's like a [dynamic picture] suddenly inserted into the dark world,

"? The entrance to the sewer in another world?" The concave surface of the water flow under the tunnel instantly reminded You Ge: "Fish tail? Sewer? Soup? If you can be asked to collect it by the coffin, it must be an alien."

"It can't be a sewer mermaid!"

As if to confirm You Ge's conjecture, there was also a slapping sound coming from the sewer.

".Accept the mission.\

,""Sewer Mermaid" is a horror movie from Japan. In my previous life, when it was rumored, I naturally went to watch it.

But in the ending, You Ge always felt that it was not just a painter's fantasy, at least the slapping sound just now was not fake at all.

There was no choice to enter it immediately. After leaving the coffin, Youge took the lead in filling out a material requirement task on the jammer, but it had not yet passed the review.

0987, who had served him before, popped up an information box on the panel: [Sir, regarding supplies, you can purchase them directly from the Gold Club, and there will be corresponding transport vehicles to deliver them to you. 】

[Which column is it in? I didn’t find it? 】

[Click on personal information, then click on supplies. 】

Youge did find a new section in the personal information according to 0987's instructions. It seems that this is also a new function at Level 5.

After sending a request to purchase lighting facilities, he was subsequently provided with products of different prices. The best one was undoubtedly the core of light heterogeneity, and the different price ranges for higher levels ranged from 1,000 gold to 100,000 gold.

Just take a look, You Ge doesn't have that much money. After choosing a standard lighting that can be worn on his forehead, he just spent the 5 gold he transferred.

"Hey, no matter what the loss, we also made a profit on the jammer!"

He was muttering to himself while sitting at the intersection waiting for the delivery truck.

From the supplies area to the old city, Youge waited for a whole afternoon for the delivery truck. When he was bored, he cleaned Taka's shop once. It was rare for him to relax. It seemed that Youge was also full of confidence in this mission.

[Clockwork Center Standard Character Attribute Lighting Equipment] Like the jammer, it uses its own energy to emit detection light through different "character" attributes engraved around it. This light is special and can only be seen by the person wearing the device.

Youge immediately thought of infrared detection, but he didn't know how effective it would be.

After You Ge returned to the "coffin", he put on his lighting and prepared to enter the sewer entrance.

The sound of shoes stepping on bluestone,

As soon as he touched the entrance, the darkness in the coffin behind him disappeared.

As his eyes flowed, the scenery that appeared in front of him was as if Yuge had really arrived in Japan.

"The mission begins: Human pollution has caused mutations in the sewers, and the mermaids who originally lived in the sewers seem to be hiding some secrets? You can return as soon as you find the corpse required for the mission!"

"Sure enough, there has been a change! There is more than one mermaid!" Thinking of the colorful pustules in a blink of an eye, You Ge felt that it was better to fight against the pregnant woman who complained about the corpse.

The lighting equipment started to operate, and the scenery ahead was instantly reflected in my mind, like a dark world with low contrast.

"Crunch! Crunch!" His feet slipped slightly, and there was a trace of sticky liquid on the surrounding walls.

As You Ge moved forward, the surroundings became psychedelic.

"No! What happened?" Before Youge could understand it carefully, the jammer vibrated: "It's bad! So fast?"

In a trance, Youge felt like he was being carried into a room. The gentle quilt was super "soft"!

After a long time, after my head regained its freshness, I could see everything in front of me clearly.

A sky blue room, white floor, slightly yellowish lights, and its own plush bed as white as snow.

"Little sir, are you awake? This is the rest room of our village. Just now a worker said that he found you passed out in the sewer, so he rescued you!" As soon as he sat up, a girl walked in at the door.

A sweet smile appeared on her white face.


"Yes, this is the Mermaid Village!" When the girl said the name of the village, there was a kind of crazy superstition in her eyes.

"Sir, please rest for a while. You may be poisoned by the dirty gas in the sewer. This has happened to people in the village. Just rest for a while!" The girl did not continue to disturb You Ge, and seemed a little impatient to leave.

Waiting for the footsteps to fade away, You Ge remembered the vibration of the jammer just now.

[Contact with unknown liquid, warning of psychedelic effects! 】

He slowly looked at his feet, and there were indeed little holes in his leather shoes.

After corroding the leather shoes without harming the body, is it just to confuse myself? You Ge seemed to have thought of something in his mind.

After getting up from the bed, the surrounding rooms were full of dreaminess in You Ge's eyes, and a sense of dependence was born in his heart: "I really want to stay here!"

This time the jammer didn't respond either.

You Ge, who was completely immersed in it, returned to bed.

"Soft.", stroking the down on the bed: "It's so soft, I really want to lie in it forever."

As the consciousness gradually sank in Youge's mind, he didn't notice that the quilt on the bed opened automatically.

Just when You Ge was about to lie down on the bed, a bloody spear quietly formed in his hand stretched out towards the quilt.

"Stab!" The sound was completely different from the sound of the cloth being cut, and even the feel was completely like the flesh being cut.

"Sewer carrion mass: a polymer of the remains of an unknown creature that died tragically in the sewer. The pus flowing out of it will have a psychedelic effect, allowing other beings to choose to merge with it. Note: It feels great in the hand!"

"Hmph! After being hit once, can I do it again?" After piercing the quilt, You Ge's vision changed.

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